‎Dec 14, 2024
10:55 AM
The answer mark correct perhaps works on a pc or old versions of the app, but this is certainly the current correct answer. Wonder if an admin can update to mark this as correct, and searching Secondary in the help menu reveals nothing and fn + f11 on mac just revleas desktop by default.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
08:11 AM
Oh I wasn't aware Capture One supported captions/notes on Albums/Collections (vs just individual photos like Lightroom). While Lightroom for me is overwhelmingy a much better suited product than CaptureOne, great to hear it has the feature(s) you currently found most important.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
03:31 AM
1 Upvote
It may be 4 years plus old but just as relevant, since as I'm sure you are aware, Lightroom still does not support notes/captions for Albums/Collections. People should continue to comment publically as much as possible for issues that are important to them.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
02:27 PM
Agreed. When converting, the resulting image's file creation date and file modified date will be today's date. This is expected. What matters is that the "content created" meta from your screenshots is not lost. And in your example it appears not to be. That is the date the photo was captured and the date used when in Photo apps like Apple Photos, Google Photos, etc. The other dates don't really matter though if you truly want them to change those dates as well, you can on the mac with an app like
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‎Nov 17, 2023
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Overall the new streamlined editor I believe is more welcomg to new users but it's simplicity comes at a reduced experience for more seasoned users overall. Alas, it's fine, and companies need to tailor the product to wear they see fit. The one significant issue I see however, is when using Rate & Review, which is now deeply hidden in the app, even though something i use constantly. Again, that such a key feature is more hidden still isn't the issue, but rather when in that mode, in the past, like in most any other app such as Apple Photos, you can swipe on the bottom grid of photos to quickly move through countless photos. Something broke in this new version and that is no longer possible. Instead you have to manually click on each each in the bottom, which is much slower, and requires you to look at the bottom with each intentional click since depending on the orientation the size of the thumbnail may change. On the main image you can still swipe, but I never use that because it slides the image, rather than swiping on the bottom carousel will it instantly changes allowing you to instantly see differences between a series of photos. On a new iPhone Pro running the latest iOS and the latest Lightroom iOS app in the App Store in the US. To get to rate and review you to now choose any random image, then the "..." in top right then info and rating in the menu that appears in the bottom. Now try swiping on the caursel of images at the bottom. The selected image no logner changes as it has in all previous versions, and as it works in other apps such as Apple Photos. This results in the all issues noted above.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:29 PM
After taking countless photos, I always quickly scan through them all and mark any I know I won't use with an X. This works wonderfully in Classic but seems a bit problematic in LR Cloud. First when marking a photo as Reject, unlike in Classic it doesn't show the image as faded (when it's selected). So you don't instantly know if its Rejected or nt like in Classic. Maybe this is a bug in the latest version? But also by default it doesn't auto advance to the next after rejecting. If one rejects a photo they would presumably want to then work on the next photo as if they wanted to keep working on an existing photo they wouldn't reject it. While LR Cloud appears to lack auto advance, a work around is clicking the filter view each time and select the Show unflagged photos option. This way when marking a photo as a reject it disappears and does auto advance in the direction the user is going. This works however unlike Classic you can't save this view so you have to keep resetting it often. But most importantly, unlike Classic where it auto advances instantly allowing you to go through photos quickly and endlessly, with LR Cloud it pops up and says Reject and about a second or so passes before it auto advances. Of course not a long time if just doing once in a while, but when this is part of your workflow and do countless times all day, it drastically slows doing the workflow. In settings you can turn off popups, tried that but it still shows the word reject and still has the delay. Another work around is to not use the filter mode and instead click X for reject and then since no auto advanced manually pressing right icon. It still does the reject popup but allows you to bypass the delay. But alas problems here as well. Where if you go to quickly it might mark the wrong one. Also if you want to undo entering the undo shortcut rather than undo the reject, you have to enter the command twice, since the first undo is just undoing the change selection (aka moving to the right), where is one would think choosing undo would skip to undoing the mark as reject. So over all the workflow seems broken, and while there are various possible workarounds each have their own downsides, compared to Classic where each of those just works as expected. Finally normally after marking lots as rejected you can do a single keyboard shortcut to delete all rejected in Classic. In LR Cloud, it's a multiple step manually process. Going to All Photos, selecting filter then rejected icon (or searching for rejected and selecting rejected in dropdown and pressing enter), then selecting all (with keyboard shortcut), then another keyboard shortcut to delete all, then clicking the additional confirmation that you actually want to delete, then while not neccessary if you are tight on space going to recently deleted then permently deleting there and clicking confirm. So incredible number of steps for something done very frequently. Unless perhaps the average LR Cloud user never deletes photos, but that would seem to get very expensive quickly.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:07 PM
On iOS you can order Albums A-Z or Z-A which is wonderful. Oddly on macOS you can only order from A-Z but not Z-A. Like many, I start each Album with a date since otherwise I'd have no way of having all the albums order based on date and distinguish albums with the same name but on different days. The problem is with A-Z it will have the lower numers first. But if such as a list of years it would show as: 1990 1991 .... 2022 2023 Aka all the old albums in large collections would be at the top rather than the bottom. Again on iOS easily solved by simply letting you change to Z-A but not on macOS.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:00 PM
iOS Lightroom has segementation so you can have the grid view segment photos by various options, notably by date such as Year or Month or Date which I always find invaluable. But oddly it's missing from macOS. There is a drill down date option in the sidebar (which wish iOS had), but that is different from segmentation since you can visually see which photos are in the segements by simply scrolling. Not sure if this omission on macOS is an oversite or some reason why it's intentionally not there on macOS but is on iOS?
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‎Aug 21, 2023
12:57 PM
iOS allows you to export files based on the file date/time, which I've always use in other apps. However in the desktop version it doesn't support this. It requires date-time "and the existing file name trailing it. Can't think of any intentional reason why the export options would be different between iOS/Cloud.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
12:50 PM
The People often marks non-people as faces. The most notable one is anytime there is a Starbucks cup, it always marks the Starbucks Woman logo as a person. Though of course course countless other misidentifications but that is the most common one I've noticed in the years in LR Classic and now in LR Cloud.
While hopefully the algoritm improves, in the meantime is there a way to mark a face as not a face to help teach the system? The only option is "Hide Face" that I see. But that won't signal to LR that it's not a face thus it won't improve and also not sure if Hide Face may mean it will still try to find that non face in other photos?
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‎Aug 21, 2023
12:47 PM
In all other photo apps such as Lightroom Classic, Apple Photos, Google Photos, etc, you select People people view and it shows each photo cropped around a respective person. This is how it works in Lightroom CC too. But when you select a person such as Jane Smith, when you see all the photos that are tagged as Jane Smith, in Lightroom CC it's not then zooming into individual faces (it does in all other apps like Lightroom Classic, Apple Photos, Google Photos etc). So when I click on Jane Smith to see all photos tagged as her, I want to scroll through the hundreds or maybe thousands, to make sure they all are of her. Since if the system mistakenly tagged someone else, then of course that causes the algorithm to not work well. In all other apps, this is easy since again, it zooms in on her face. In Lightroom CC, it's showing the full image (non zoomed in), so at quick glance where most photos have multiple people in it, I have no idea which person in the photo is tagged. So I'd have to manually open each photo to confirm which wouldn't be practical for 100s or 1000s of images. As a long time Classic user, not sure if this is a bug in the latest Lightroom CC or if this issue has always existed, and then curious how people review individual people to confirm photos are tagged correctly? In Apple Photos their a button to zoom in or not, where is in Classic and others it auto zooms in.
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‎Jun 18, 2023
08:53 AM
"Anyone who is more worried about subjective notions of UI" People could easily make while generalizations about people making this type of statement as well. Again, perhaps speak for yourself rather than potentially attempting to speak for everyone, when many continue to say what you are saying about them does not represent their thoughts. And again.. the author and others did not say the UI is more important than features, etc (you are saying that for them). They are saying that like every other software Adobe has ever released, they have been able to focus on features and keeping the app design up to date. And when users want a modern UI, that goes hand and hand with major performance improvements since developers rarely ever do a full modern redesign without updating the underlying code. So when if every Adobe updates the app, you can be sure it will go hand and hand with a full rewrite as they did with Lightroom and their other apps and thus result in significant performance improvements like we see with Lightroom CC. A bad UI certainly can get in the way of functionality, but nobody on this thread has yet identified a single instance of Lr's UI actually doing that Again Lightroom is relatively slow compared to Lightroom CC because it uses an old code base that the UI is attached too. Adobe will never rebuild the backend to a complete modern code based and leave the design dated, as the design UI elements are highly correlated to the code used. We want a modern user interface and all that comes with that including improvements to the code that result in being able to more quickly adopt the latest hardware and IS software features that available. So others can state as a fact - and without a shred of evidence - that the Lr UI is flawed, and I can't express a counter view? That may be more you unwillingness to listen to people providing evidence of that. As noted again, ever piece of Adobe has been updated so that is what Adobe believes is appropriate for their software, and Adobe is more financially successful than ever in history so customers overall support that direction as well. If keeping the design overall the same for 10-15 years was what Adobe and their customers wanted then they would, since Adobe will do what makes the most money since they are a for profit company. But again realize many people do not like change, and not matter how much we explain the benefits they still do not want it. That is completely fine, but hopefully you will be able to respect others point of view as well even if it is different from yours and not to generalize their views especially when it does not represent their beliefs or views.
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‎Jun 17, 2023
12:42 PM
Then I suggest you have your priorities all wrong. As long as the UI does't actively get in the way of the functionality - and let's be clear, it absolutely does not - then it's doing its job perfectly well. You have no idea their priorities, just as they know not yours. So you may do better sharing your opinion than attempting to speak for others who have a different view point. I and other supporters do not appear to be saying UI is their number one priority. Rather they love they app, but wish it had a modern UI, like every single other Adobe app. All of those apps like Photoshop have had lots of priorities but Adobe has been able to managing to keep their app design updated with the times in all of them while continuing to release major feature updates. UI certainly gets in the way of functionality since the user interface is literally what the user users to carry out the features of the app. How much it effects it varies. Such as having a dated dropshadow on text can be an eye sore but on the surface wouldn't seem to effect productivity, until one thinks how apps with dated UI most often have dated backends with significantly slower performance. As new apps that embrace newer frameworks get the benefit of the updated UI elements. I have a 100K library in Lightroom Classic and Cloud, and Cloud is drastically faster as it was completely rewritten code base and subsequently a modern design. Of course feature wise Cloud still is far behind the workhorse of Classic, but it could have feature parity with it's modern design, but Adobe is aiming towards a wider audience, since modern design is are more accessible to users. The longer Adobe neglects updating the app design the more likely it is eventually Adobe will stop supporting Classic and only support the Cloud product is which drastically more lucrative since it requires using their storage. Apple had Aperture, but they stopped updating the UI and then slowing down features until eventually switched to Apple Photos solely because there is such a larger market. Other than C1, Lightroom is all we really have as Pros, so hope Classic continues, and an updated design would certainly signal they are invested it keeping it around in parallel with the Cloud app, rather than simply updating it until enough people switch to the Cloud offering.
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‎Jun 13, 2023
04:14 PM
I don’t, companies like Adobe and Apple for instance do which is why they upgrading all their os and products to modern ui’s then customers get to decide since if it’s not better overall then people won’t use and won’t be successful and then companies will change and go with a financial profitable design. Adobe chose a modern design for all their countless other apps and the company is flourishing. But again, most people don’t like change which is why all the users who would love to see the app finally with the ui updated aren’t likely to comment here since often met with hostility. But I’ll let comments speak for themselves in that regards.
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‎Jun 13, 2023
12:51 PM
If you want use both apps, for the power of Classic but syncing with mobile of LR Cloud, you would want to do the opposite. Keep using LR Classic, set all folders to sync, and then use LR Cloud at your leasure as it will download smart screenshots or originals if desired. Just make sure anytime you import you import into classic. Now you get the best of both worlds. Folders from LRC don't sync with LR Cloud though so you have to manually recreate those and faces don't sync so you have to do face tagging in both. So if you don't need LR Classic features then go all in with LR Cloud. If you do the other way of LR Cloud as primary app and LR Classic is secondary one, then you will run into many more troubles. The gap between LR Cloud and Classic lessens more each year. But still several items notably no plugin support. But to answer your question, yes, once you use the LR Cloud Migrate feature, after you can delete you original Lightroom folder. LR Cloud will download smart previews into it's own spot, and if you enable download originals in settings, you can choose where to download those, make sure not same place as where LRC originals are.
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‎Jun 13, 2023
10:35 AM
100% agree. However, just like if you suggested this on a Photoshop or Premiere forum before their UI was modernized you would have got equal pushback because people, especially commenters don't like a lot of change even for the better. In regards to why the UI hasn't been updated but every other Adobe app has is because presumably they launched LR CC. When they did they could have called it Lightroom Pro and Lightroom Cloud, but instead choose the new version to be the new Lightroom and the previous to be "Classic" which by nature means the old version. Adobe I'm sure would love to have a single app, however making drastic changes to the LRC would cause an uproar, but at the same time, Apple also decided to abandon Aperture for Photos because their is a much larger market for a simplified app. Unlike Apple, Adobe knows they can't drop classic, because all the pros will switch to another app, and once they do prosumers would also follow eventually. The long term goal one can imagine is that there is enough feature parity that most will have switched to LR Cloud, and then sunsetting Classic won't be too disruptive. But in the meantime I expect they will continue to focus on new features for Cloud (which they will also add to Classic) other than UI improvements since doing a UI update would signal LRC will be around forever and alongside LR Cloud. But while that's probably the thought process now, if droves of pros stick with Classic, like they are now, then perhaps there plans will change and some day it will be updated and even rebranded as Lightroom Pro or such. And remember with LR Cloud you must use their storage which as people's libraries grow which much more money for the company vs LRC. Adobe stock has been doing amazing since switching to subscriptions, so while many may hate subscriptions and cloud storage, its proving successful so probably the future.
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‎Jun 13, 2023
09:38 AM
In 2019, Adobe released an Apple Shortcut to auto import, but immediately everyone noted how wouldn't be very useful since no option to auto delete the imported photos from Apple Photos and no option to apply ones custom import presets only a few default ones. Is there any workaround in 2023 to have the custom import presets apply when using an Apple Shortcut? And I've heard others created an Apple Shortcut to auto delete after auto importing to LR from Apple Photos, but I have yet to find a single link on line to such a shortcut. Does anyone know of one? And want to confirm it happens in the background automatically without any user interaction?
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‎Nov 29, 2021
06:30 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, I submitted a bug report to Adobe directly as well. It's not video specific, can take any new vertical video on my iphone or spouses and able to replicate everytime when importing on my Lightroom on M1, or on another M1 Mac. So don't think they will have any issue replicating when they check on their M1 Machines.
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‎Nov 27, 2021
10:46 AM
1 Upvote
Same here. Sounds like it's happening to everyone using the latest version of LR with M1 Macs. Can replicate everytime when exporting videos that were taken vertically on my iPhone and exported to file and then tried to import into LR. Same bug occured back in 2018, Adobe acknowledged and fixed at that time. Seems to be happening again, so hopefully will be fixed in the next update.
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‎Nov 26, 2021
10:29 AM
"The stacks functionality makes no sense without the concept of multiple versions of the same image" May not make sense to you, but certainly does to other people. I don't use multiple versions, but I use stacks in Classic all the time. Such as stacking photos at different exposures, or I do the Hi+ feature on my camera and thus have 100 photos over the course of a minute, I'd stack those together, and many other use cases. So while stacks I'm sure have a use case that pairs with versions, that is certainly just one of many that would be helpful on Mobile.
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‎Jul 31, 2021
05:54 AM
1 Upvote
Correct, while this was marked as solved, the single HUE slider while better than nothing is incredibly limiting and nothing like having full access to the HSL/Color tab and all its sliders. People are worried about the interface being cluttered, but with Capture One simply when you are using the brush any and all existing tabs and sliders can be applied to just the brush. When not using the brush then they are all applied to the whole image. No need to have a subset of tools for just the brush. Have all the existing ones apply to brushes (other than of course say the transform tab or calibration). Lightroom has caught up to C1 in so many ways, and for people not working with skin tones, I'd say it's better in many ways. But for people who photography people, primarily, while you can do a lot with Lightroom, it's so much more limting and harder than the tools of C1. I use C1 often and love it for that and of course the interface is much more modern and colors are better starting points in my opinion, but I believe LR will win in the long run because they are so much ahead in mobile, and while C1 gets the basics right, LR Classic has so many more power user features that I don't expect C1 to match anytime soon if ever. So here's for hoping LR eventually gets Tone Curve and HSL color tabs avaialble to any local adjustment and ideally C1's dedicated Skin Editor tool which is amazing.
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‎Feb 25, 2021
10:56 AM
1 Upvote
While it seemed like feature parity mostly in CC vs the legacy version, seemed most likely it's been very odd that after 3 years items like this still haven't been added or at least promised. And makes you wonder if these core features will ever be added. Or if Classic will stick around forever, I wonder when that will finally get a design refresh to match all other modern Adobe apps. Unless like Apple, the plan isn't to bring feature parity or continue classic forever but instead abandon the pro app, and focus on the consumer based app that has makes a lot more and has a much larger market of users. Though that would then only leave C1 for Pros. So imagine if that is the case it will be many many years away. Here's for hoping either CC gets all these core features or a major design refresh is coming to classic (though I imagine they would have called Lightroom Pro rather than Lightroom Classic if that was the case ).
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‎Dec 31, 2019
05:25 AM
5 years later and this issue persists. Imported images/videos from Apple Photos. Photos were fine, but discovered this date issue with the videos. When viewing the videos in lightroom in sidebar meta shows correct date, as well as in the grid view. But when doing rename file name by date is does the date they were imported. Thankfully the trick worked of doing edit capture time (not changing any settings) and clicking ok. After that the sidebar and grid still show correct date as before, but when doing rename it now names to the correct date. Hopefully it won't be another 5 years to fix this.
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‎Dec 31, 2019
05:01 AM
Very odd that you still cannot stack items from different folders. Most set folders to be by year, month and day. So say you are shooting a series of photos at night time around midnight. Some photos will be in one folder for one day, and ones taking seconds later after midnight will be in the second day folder, and you can't stack them which seems quite odd.
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‎Dec 29, 2019
05:33 PM
While it does default to the Documents folder, you can certainly set to go anywhere you want. In the Adobe Creative Cloud app, in settings you can set that folder to sync anywhere. I set it to another location a while back, and checked and the setting is still there.
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‎Jul 18, 2019
06:22 PM
Checked in on this every several months hoping for full Live Photo support. That is, being able to export a Live Photo from Photos import into Lightroom, have Lightroom show it as a state where you can choose which is the featured image and if I export it back to Photos, it should show up as it did originally with the special Live photos UI where its not a video but a photo with multiple photos inside and you can choose the exact one that captured the moment. Same with Portrait mode, being able to export portrait photos edit depth of field in Lightroom and being able to export back to Photos later on. In the meantime I leave all Live Photos and Portrait photos in Apple Photos until we can be assure we can move them back later without losing any functionality.
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‎Jul 17, 2019
09:03 AM
Can you confirm if the permissions issue in Lightroom is fixed in beta 4? And if you are referring to Lightroom or Lightroom Classic or both? I assume the permissions issue (other than using the temporary hack noted above won't be fixed until Adobe pushes an update rather than it being fixed via an Apple update. Would be great to hear if beta 4 does however?
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‎Jul 15, 2019
08:29 AM
The above temporary hack does prevent the red bar error to appear in Lightroom, but it still shows an error saying Clone Catalog detected but clicking postpone for a week, does appear to be a temporary fix until a solution is available.
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‎Jul 13, 2019
02:23 PM
Beta 3 already came out a week ago. And doubtful future mac betas will solve the problems and rather will have to wait for an update to the apps themselves for Adobe when the public version is released. Occasionally they bay push out an update from adobe that includes fixes but all the Catalina specific fixes will come around the time of the public launch. while I’m sure you’ve heard it a 1000 times before just make sure not to update to catalina on any machine that you require your software to be working such as for work Unless on a separate partition. Otherwise it’s great tho for test machines to help provide feedback to app makers so hopefilly they will get fixed in time for the public launch.
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‎Jun 28, 2019
03:35 PM
If your install is currently missing core system applications such as Console app, then you have much larger problems that you will want to focus on before considering apps such as Adobe. If you really are missing core apps such as Console and you didn't delete them, them, which I've never heard of ever happening, then you should definitely do a clean install. To note this "major malfunction appears" to currently be limited to you, rather than specific to Catalina as have seen no reference in any of the core apps such as Console disappearing after installation in the Apple Developer forums. What apps do show up in your Utilities folder referenced above?
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