‎Dec 08, 2023
02:20 AM
Thank you very much for your explanation Conrad! That worked 🙂
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‎Dec 07, 2023
01:00 PM
Hi, Some time ago I bought a 3d mockup file of a book cover. It was fine for use on a website, however I now want to use it for a printed roll up banner. The file is made in 72 dpi and I need it to be 300. I've tried everything I could think of to improve quality, but this goes beyond my capabilities. Is there someone on this forum who is willing to help out? I've attached the file (if this is allowed?)
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‎Nov 23, 2023
04:06 AM
Thanks for your reply. I'm a webdesigner and often I make e-bookcovers for whitepapers and use mockups to render them into 3d. Now that I also design printed books I needed more mockups. The thing with mockups is that there's always something not to my liking or not accurate and mostly I can't find a way to alter it. I can find my way in Photoshop but by no means I'm an expert. I could dive deep into it, but have so much other things to do, that I don't find the peace and quiet to keep creating my own 3d templates or do alterations to existing ones. That's where my question comes from: is there a way to hand 2d front, back and spine to AI and ask for it to be rendered in 3d in different displays (books stacked, front or side view, opened etc.)?
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‎Nov 23, 2023
02:05 AM
1 Upvote
Ok, thanks Kevin
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‎Nov 22, 2023
05:57 AM
Is it possible to generate a 3-d book cover with Photoshop AI, and if so, how to do this?
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‎Feb 17, 2022
02:51 AM
Ah, thank you, saving it as IDML did the trick 🙂
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‎Feb 16, 2022
02:07 PM
Hi, I'm experiencing a fatal error when I want to update the table of contents. Indesign crashes and the file is corrupted. What to do now? The document is ready and updating the table of contents was the last thing to do and now I can't finish it. I've attached the file, I don't know if that helps? Is this bug fixable? Can I avoid this from happening again? Thank you
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‎Feb 08, 2022
12:25 PM
Hi Eugene, Thank you for your reply. Deleting the preferences didn't work unfortunately. I work with an Indesign 2021 refurbished licence, not CC, so the Creative Cloud Cleaner will probably not work? Opening a new document wasn't an issue at the beginning. If I remember correctly it started when I opened an old file that caused a problem. Should I reinstall Indesign?
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‎Feb 08, 2022
11:39 AM
Hi all, I can't seem to open a new document. I get a blank window only saying at the left top: ccx_fnft_dialog_name. See attached screenshot. Is there a way to solve this?
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‎Feb 07, 2022
09:12 AM
Thank you all very much for answering my question!
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‎Feb 06, 2022
08:55 AM
Hi all, I want to delete the overflow text from a certain text box, because there is now actually double text, because I made a mistake. After deleting the overflow I want to connect the text box above with the textbox below. If I do that now I woiuld have to edit a lot of text all over again. How do I delete the overflow?
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‎May 02, 2021
07:36 AM
Ah, thank you. That works. I someone else is running into this issue as well, I found a tutorial that will be helpful:
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‎May 01, 2021
01:27 PM
Hi, I'm designing the lay out for a book and set a text variable to match the current chapter number and chapter title. Now for the first chapter that works, but the second is not working out; it doesn't change to the second chapter and instead it keeps displaying the first. The style of the chapter title is the same as the first. See added screenshots. What am I doing wrong?
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‎Nov 12, 2020
03:51 AM
Ah, I see now what Bernd meant with the Text field name. Yes, this works. I switched Adobe versions and now I'm working with a Dutch version. Thank you!!
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‎Nov 12, 2020
02:45 AM
Hi Bernd, Thanks for your repy. I saw that i uploaded a file with the old field id names, is that what you mean? I changed the script to the current id names, but still the form doesn't work. -
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‎Nov 11, 2020
04:17 AM
Hi, A year ago I received help from someone on this forum and the form works well. Now I needed to do some adjustments to the source file (Indesign) and I made a new pdf with text field properties. I checked with the old pdf and put in the same properties into the new pdf. But the calculation is not happening. What needs to happen is this: it's a form with yes (ja) or no (nee) answers. The 'ja' answers need to be counted and need to be displayed in the last line were it says: 'Totaal'. I copied the code from the old pdf into the new one and changed the text field id numbers. However the count is not happening. What is going wrong? I uploaded the file so you can take a look. Many thanks in advance!
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‎Oct 06, 2020
01:30 AM
Yes, got it. Thanks!
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‎Oct 05, 2020
02:47 PM
Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to import text from Word and leave the italics intact without importing all kinds of Word styles? So, i want no Word styles what so ever, only the regular and italic text from that document. Thanks!
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‎Oct 04, 2020
10:49 AM
Thank you as well. Never mind the dupe. More than one explanation is always nice 🙂
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‎Oct 04, 2020
10:48 AM
Thanks! That helps 🙂
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‎Oct 04, 2020
08:26 AM
Hi, I'm having an issue since working with CC I didn't have before in CS6 and I hope someone can explain to me how the default settings for new text boxes work? I just started a new document and the first couple of new boxes I placed had the default style. Now, everytime I place a new box it's displayed in one of the custom object styles. I have the same issue with the text. I've searched everywhere i could think of to find a setting where i can define which defaults I would like to use, but must be overlooking something. So, can anyone point me towards the settings for default object and text styles? Thanks 🙂
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‎Oct 17, 2017
05:34 AM
Does the font still work after rebooting your computer?
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‎Oct 17, 2017
02:21 AM
Windows 10 and InDesign CS6 I downloaded them from the Google fonts website I have been working with these fonts for months with no problems And, reinstalling the fonts today didn't solve it... fonts are not displaying. They are visible in the fonts list, but are not found when asked for
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‎Oct 17, 2017
01:25 AM
Hi, Since last week I'm having issues with some Google fonts (Montserrat and Nunito). I have been able to work just fine with them in the past, but all of a sudden they no longer display. When I deinstall the fonts and reinstall them, they start displaying again, but after rebooting my pc the issue returns. Does anybody know what's going on? And what I can do about it? Thanks!
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‎Aug 25, 2017
04:03 PM
Cool! You saved my day again Yes, I should read up to the color object, it's different thinking.... I have been searching how color is coded in Java, but couldn't find clear documentation. Can you advise on a doc for dummies? Thanks!
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‎Aug 25, 2017
03:41 PM
Hi, I want to change the color of the highlight color and found this script, but the only colors I get to display are the ugly yellow, green, blue and white. What is the correct way of adding f.e. rgba(,244, 109, 45, 0.5) instead of yellow? app.runtimeHighlight = true;app.runtimeHighlightColor = color.yellow;
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‎Aug 25, 2017
11:10 AM
Hi, I'm using Acrobat Pro X and I'm missing the Format tools within the Content tools section. Also I'm missing the option to add a text field from within in the Forms section. This is so frustrating! I see tutorials on Youtube and see options there that I don't have but desperately need! I've done a repair, but that didn't work. How can I obtain these options? Thanks!
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‎Aug 25, 2017
06:59 AM
Yes!! It works That zipcode setting must have come up when I was testing locations... silly of me to have left it there. Thanks a lot, I really appreciate your help!!
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‎Aug 25, 2017
04:55 AM
I've tried different ways, none of them seem to be working. this is the file: Dropbox - Website-effectiviteitstest.pdf
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