Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jun 02, 2024
10:44 PM
@Ged_Traynor Hi there. Yes, I've cleared the preferences, nothing changed. I checked the issue on two machines, both with win 11, and AMD Ryzen 9 5900x, and 64GB of ram, and same mobo, only the graphic cards were different (gtx 1060 and rtx 4070), and it happens on both.
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‎Jun 01, 2024
03:16 AM
Hi there,
I'd like to report a bug, as in subject. This happens only in 25.9 version, I've downgraded to 25.7, and it doesn't happen.
When I have a document, with couple of artboards in it (let's say, ad banners) - when I try to move any artboard, and, after clicking on the name, and starting to drag it to move it someplace alse - when I try to pass it over any other artboard, or layer, which is outside the artboards - PS freezes.
It happens every time, in every document I've opened.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
09:14 AM
reinstalling XD changed nothing.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
08:42 AM
on Windows 11. I'm using XD intensively on every day basis, it started to happen after one of the previous XD updates (couple of weeks ago). As for reinstalling XD - not yet - I'll do it right now, and see if it helps.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
04:28 AM
i.e. I want to change the width of some object - I click the input field in transform section, it gets blue, I start to type, and, very ofen, it loses focus of the field, and instead of entering the value, it changes the opacity of the object. Or changes the position, if I use cursors to change the value in the input field.
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