I am attaching a simple test that shows the problem I am running into, with a precomp, CompA, and a comp using it, CompB.
In CompA, I have two frames. Each of the frame shows the content of a separate shape layer. Both shape layers use a color that is defined as an essential graphics property for CompA.
In CompB, I have 25 frames. It includes CompA with a time remap and two hold keyframes. One shows frame 0 of CompA for 12 frames of CompB, and frame 1 of CompA for the remainder of CompB.
So far so good, this works as expected.
Now, I am trying to animate the master property (named "masterColor") of CompA in CompB. If I set masterColor from CompB (under the 'Essential Properties' under the CompA layer), then I get the expected result, and the color is applied to the CompA content.
However, if I try to animate masterColor, for example putting a different color at frame 12, then no animation of the color happens. The color of CompA remains the same as on frame 0. If I then change the color at frame 0 again, then it applies to frames 0 to 11 only, and frames 12 to the end have the previous color value of frame 0.
I have CompA set to "Contiuously rasterize" in its layer in CompB.
This feels like a rendering cache bug or configuration issue. Would love if someone is able to make the little attached file work as intended or confirm this is a bug.
Thanks in advance for your help.