25.0.1 build 2, my machine just updated to it. In fact the more I use it now the worse it is, it seems completely unstable. I'm going to go back to 2024
When you say "Crashing", do you mean hanging or the app really does crash and exits? Is it just Photoshop files? If it is a crash, do you get the crash dialog up that you can submit the crash to us?
I don't have other reports similar to this, so we'll need more specifics from you (repro steps, etc.), and crash reports if we can get them.
When I have to close it and reopen it, a popup comes up noticing it crashed but I don't see a submit report button. I have to ctrl-alt-del to knock it down
1. You successfully launch AE 25.0.1. 2. Attempt to import a .PSD. 3. AE crashes with no Crash Reporting dialog presented — you return cleanly back to Windows Explorer. 4. You attempt to re-launch AE and you are presented the Crash Repair Options dialog. 5. At this point AE is hung and you need to force quit it to dismiss the Crash Repair dialog.
So then are you stuck never being able to launch AE again?
Or 1. You successfully launch AE 25.0.1. 2. Attempt to import a .PSD. 3. AE hangs on import requring you to force quit to return back to Windows Explorer and Crash Reporting dialog is ever presented 4. You attempt to re-launch AE and you are presented the Crash Repair Options dialog. 5. AE launches successfully once you click Continue in the dialog.