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Playhead UI bug, disappears, doesn't advance.

Explorer ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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Been having this issue on and off for a while. Hit spacebar for ram preview, preview is shown in composition window, but playhead (blue arrow and line) stays still on timeline. It should advance and turn red, plus when I hit spacebar to stop it should stop at that point. This issue appears to happen randomly, often with projects with lots of comps, but not on overly complicated ones. The only way to get rid of it is to close AE and reoppen, then it works fine for a bit, but then the issue comes back. Also seems more common in dynamicly linked to Premiere comps (maybe)?


I've tried a bunch of things, clearing various caches, purging, resetting prefs, resetting the GPU driver settings as I had tweaked the vsync for playback. I've also tried setting ae to just CPU and turning off multiframe. Using version 22.6 Windows 10 on a reasonable machine (Ryzen 9 3900, 64GB ram, RTX 2070)


Any thoughts would be much appreciatred.

Bug Needs More Info
Dynamic link , Performance , Troubleshooting , UI and UX




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Dec 20, 2022 Dec 20, 2022

Hi @Ignatz Johnson Higham,

Thank for you reporting this issue. What are your settings in the Preview panel for the Spacebar shortcut? Do you have the "Move time to preview time" option, at the bottom of the panel, enabled or disabled? It's expected that the playhead will remain stationary during playback, but it will only move ahead to the point where playback is stopped if the "Move time..." option is enabled. You should be seeing the red line advancing either way, is that not occurring?


A sc

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1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Dec 20, 2022 Dec 20, 2022

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Hi @Ignatz Johnson Higham,

Thank for you reporting this issue. What are your settings in the Preview panel for the Spacebar shortcut? Do you have the "Move time to preview time" option, at the bottom of the panel, enabled or disabled? It's expected that the playhead will remain stationary during playback, but it will only move ahead to the point where playback is stopped if the "Move time..." option is enabled. You should be seeing the red line advancing either way, is that not occurring?


A screen recording would be helpful in diagnosing the issue further. It would also be helpful to know if this still occurs for you in the latest AE 23.1 update.


Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide, 

- John, After Effects Engineering Team 

Status Needs More Info



