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3d shape layers become invisible after appalying trim path

Enthusiast ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023

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I was practicing animation, everything was good.

I converted the bars into 3D layers for position animation. But when I apply expression to the source texts linking trim path ‘end’ , 3d position of all the bars become invisible and  animation starts where the trim path starts animating the digits.  

I undo everything (the expression linking source text to trim path and animating digits) and the bars become visible again.

What is happening?


I want them to come outta comp and sit where I want them to and then the bar will increase and decrease along with the digits.




What am doing wrong?

Please help.



bars are invisivlebars are invisivleI undo all the expression, trim path and then they become visible againI undo all the expression, trim path and then they become visible againsolvedsolvedsolved-- expressionsolved-- expression





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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023

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It looks like your Anchor Points are in the wrong place. It does not look like you have added a Camera to the timeline (always a better idea than accepting the default), and I don't know how the expressions are written. 


Try fixing the Anchor Points so they are at the bottom of the four columns. When you do that, Shift + parent a new 3D null to the first column that moves into the frame so that the Null matches the position of the first column, then remove the parent and parent all of the 3D columns to the new Null and adjust their final position in the frame. That will fix the final position and size without fouling up the original keyframes.


If the timing is wrong because of the expressions used, we must also see the expressions. 




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023

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Hello Rick,


After effects Camera makes me nervous.  I  never use it ever so far. I used Null to move the position.


I solved it. I think ''z position'' get hamperd by trim path and expression. . I attached the expression you wanted to see.


I splited  the layers (ctr+shift+d) at last keyframe after Z position movement done. then from the new layer (2nd layer) I deleted all the keyframes and then trim path, espression works perfectly. I attached it.


Thank you so much for yout reply. I am gonna try your way too. 




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