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when i try to 3D Camera Track my footage, it says that AfterEffects is unable to obtain the dynamiclink proj.
There is no dynamic link project. The only Adobe software installed is AfterEffects (and Creative Cloud)
This makes no sense to me.
Btw: CreativeCloud is unable to connect to my Internet (i dont know why)
I already checked my firewall settings.
Maybe thats important for fixing.
Hey guys, so I was having the same problem, with 3d camera tracker.
And solution for me was removing a plugin that was causing the issue - it was "OCFX.plugin" - GoPro FX Reframe plugin.
Make sure you remove and try one by one plugins from following directory:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore
After removing the GoPro plugin, AE is back to normal, so it seems that some plugins interfere with AE native plugins - which is the developer problem, not the Ad
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Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Please share the following information so that we can understand the issue better.
We're here to help, just need more info.
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Hello and thanks for replying,
My system specifications:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor
RAM: 32GB (DDR4)
Edition: Windows 10 Home
Version: 1909
Build: 18363.778
Exact version of After Effects: 17.0.6 (Build 35)
This is happening in all of my projects (even on those on my Mac). But this error is only showing up
after a period of time. When I create a new project, I can track without any errors. When ive done some work on the project and try to track a shot, the error appears. (I dont think this is caused by a Plugin, as on my Mac I only use Adobe Stock Plugins.)
I know, this sounds stupid but I cant figure it out either.
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Same problem on a MacPro 2019 / 3.2Ghz / 16 Core / 96GB ram / AMD Radeon Pro Vega II 32 GB
Just to inform, Nishu: why is Dynamic Involved in Camera Tracking?
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Any updates on any actual workarounds? Nothing is working for me. This issue is very aggravating. I've spent more time trying to find a fix than I have working on the rest of my actual project thus far. When I load up the footage in a new project, it gives me "unable to acquire rendered frame" and none of the online workarounds for that work either. I've rolled back software versions, but when I go to track/stabilize this one clip it crashes the whole software. Help Obi-wan Adobe, you're my only hope.
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I'm having the same issue. I reinstalled everything and same deal. AE 2020 on a PC
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I'm having the same issue when I try to add warp stabilizer or try to render through media encoder.
Very frustrated not being able to stabilize shots or even render my project out. Please fix this adobe.
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I am having the same issue but the odd part is that I was able to track camera just a few minutes ago but now I can't.
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yea same when I make a new proj it works but later it doesn't
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I have beein facing the same issue as well from last 3-4 days, before that it was working just fine, may be some bugs in the latest update? Adobe, please do the needful, it i blocking our work. I am using AE 17.0.6 (Build 35). I have turned-off the firewall and tried as well, still no luck.
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I have the exact same issue. In the project that I am working on I am unable to render out of Media Encoder and Warp Stabilizer fails with the error "unable to obtain dynamic link project".
I have imported an older aftereffects-project i the project where I get the error. Starting a fresh project resolves the error.
So older project-files may be what is causing this bug, as other people have mentioned in this thread.
After Effects 17.6.0
OSX 10.14.6
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HI All, I have found the solution, it's an issue with AE latest update (17.0.6), switching back to version 17.0.5 (Build 16) solves the issue for me.
Adobe, the latest update is broken, please release a patch ASAP.
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Incredible, this was my issue, on two separate systems. Reverted back to 17.0.5 and it's working as normal. The latest 17.0.6 build is definitely broken. Thank you!!
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cdm_vfx, glad to know that your problem is resolved.
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Did anyone find a solutions to this issue? 13.5.20 and it's still happening.
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So after speaking to a technitian on Adobe, they told me to start a new project. So I did using the same footage and it worked.
Tech - "It might be possible that application is using cache files for the previous project and in them already tracker is being used"
Problem solved...I guess.
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it always works with new projects. but it's a real pain to import everything into a new project 😞
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Wouldn't you just be able to clear your cache and it would work perfectly??? Seems pointless making a whole new project...
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Yes, the "staritng a new project" fix worked for me as well, which is a real pain in the a** as I use a very complicated template for EVERY shot in a given project. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to try importing my template into a new project and then re-saving it out.....yay Adobe.
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I'm on AE 2020 (17.1.1 build 34) on Windows 10 Pro and had the exact same issue.
- Enabling all the firewall access I could for AE 2020 did nothing.
- Starting a new project in AE 2020 doesn't change the issue on my setup, until...
- ... I closed AE 2020, opened AE 2019, stabilized my shot (it worked fine here), closed AE 2019, opened AE 2020 and did the whole thing all over again (new project - did not open the AE 2019 file).
And now it seems to work consistently in AE 2020 - even on older projects that I never did any Warp Stabilizing on.
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The new project work around is a joke... This really needs to be addressed immediately.
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I have a slightly differnt situation, but the same "unable to obtain dynamiclink project" error.
As Dynamic Link has caused problems for me in the past, my workflow for the past 3+ years is to copy/paste footage from Premiere Pro into a new After Effects timeline, and render a ProRes file. This has worked flawlessly for me, and no need to mess with Dynamic Link once I had the files in AE.
Today, I opened a project that contained some previously warp stabilized clips, one of which had to be extended in length. So, naturatly I had to re-analyize that clip and re-stabilize it. However, now I'm getting the dreaded "unable to obtain dynamiclink project" error message.....but there IS NO DYNAMIC LINK PROJECT as I didn't create one. What's frustrating is that I tried replacing the clip, and reapplying warp stabilizer, but I still get the same error message. So now I am unable to use my project.
I have tried importing the files into a new project, but no luck. I copied and pasted the existing files into a new project, but again, no luck.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, to avoid completely rebuild my complex AE project.
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Here's what I did.
I had ONE comp in my project that was breaking it. SO.....I made a copy of the project and deleted comps one by one to see which one was breaking it. And I found the culprit....I think this happens especially when you import legacy projects.
That way you might not have to rebuild the whole thing, just one of the comps. Give that a try.
And yes, my problem stemmed from a project template that I'd been using for a really long time. So I only had to rebuild one tiny comp.
Good luck brother!
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Same issue still using AE 18.0.0 on a brand new iMac. This thread has been up for more than a year, with more than a dozen people saying that it's a problem, and it's unfathomable that Adobe hasn't addressed this issue. I spend more time trying to figure out why my Adobe products aren't working than actually using them.