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So, First of all this is very dissapointing from a subscribers point of view, I pay monthly and for what, to have a sudden clitch which is just halting my work.
I've been workin 2 weeks on this project and it all worked fine, just one moment suddenly, this very composition went black and doesnt preview anything.
I did try other things, such as clearing the cache and copying all files to other comps, none works.
It is not black on other compositions with similiar complexicity.
I am using AE 2024, just a comp with 3D layers and one Camera. it was working fine and suddenly turned black. maybe anyone has a solution? PS this is dissapointing... I did not pay to write esseys on forums, I payed so my software runs normally.
1 Correct answer
Solved - Seems like a BLUR effect I added, stressed the composition and it all went black and did not preview. Just deleting the blur, made the whole comp come back..
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Solved - Seems like a BLUR effect I added, stressed the composition and it all went black and did not preview. Just deleting the blur, made the whole comp come back..
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Which specific Blur effect was it?
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Gaussian blur if I am spelling it right.
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Black frames usually indicate an issue with your GPU.
If you re-add the effect and put your project in "Software-Mode Only", does the black frame issue go away?
You can do this by opening Project Settings.
If it turns out that the black frame is only visible when you are in GPU-mode, then this could indicate an issue with your GPU. You may want to update the drivers.
It's also a good move to make sure the Blur that you're choosing is GPU-acccelerated. These effects have an icon with an arrow. They have been optimized to work more performatively.
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