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After Effects importing premiere pro timeline, edits not using "Processed Clips"

New Here ,
Nov 30, 2024 Nov 30, 2024

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When I Import Premiere Pro files into After Effects everything seems correct at first. There's a folder for "Processed Clips" (my footage files.) A comp for the unedited clips, set up the way the were in the PP file, and a Comp for the edits I made in PP, all nicely layed out in their own layers, seemingly ready to edited further if needed. The problem is that AE doesn't use the "Processed Clips." in the second comp. All the edits in the second comp are using the first comp for all the media sources, making all the edited layers essentially worthless. It's very confusing. I've looked online trying to suss this problem, but nobody seems to be having this issue but me. Every tutorial I see shows that the comp with the edits are using the "Processed Clips," and not the other After Effects generated comp for all the clips/edits. 


Comp GK_01: all my camera views layed out in PP and Imported into AE. Cool!

Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 4.25.57 PM.png

Comp GK_02 all my edits made in PP imported into AE, but AE is not using the "Processed Clips." AE is using Comp GK_01 and not my camera footage. The edits aren't connected to the source material, making this comp useless. Not Cool! 

Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 4.26.10 PM.png

Why would anybody want this result? What is this used for? Is there a way to link these edits to their original footage used in the PP file?


I have updated both AE and PP to the latest and greatest. I've believe I must be doing something wrong, because the programs seem to be working together properly. I have seen no error messages, and I've tried Importing different projects, and they all present the same problem. I feel like there must be a box I'm not checking, or some setting I've missed. Any help is appriceated. Cheers!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 01, 2024 Dec 01, 2024

With a multi-camera workflow, consider using Sequence > Simplify Sequence in Premiere Pro before sending anything to After Effects (either all of the Timeline or parts of it).

While in the Simplfy Sequence dialog box, enable "Flatten Multi-Camera Clips" to reduce the complexity of what you wind up with in After Effects.  Ideally, you would do this step after locking picture (that is, you are no longer going to make changes to the assembly of the clips in the Timeline) so that you can focus on the



Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2024 Nov 30, 2024

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I've moved this from the Using the Community forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the After Effects forum so that proper help can be offered.

Scroll down here to see a list of the forums:




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Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2024 Nov 30, 2024

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The screenshots look like you are trying to modify an entire 42-minute or longer Premiere Pro sequence. That's a bad idea. Dynamic Link is intended to move shots you need to modify with effects or animations you can't do in Premiere Pro. It's not a good idea to try and finalize an entire movie in AE. If you can explain what you are trying to do to the footage in After Effects, we can probably suggest a much more efficient workflow.


Try creating shorter selections. If the AE comps get complicated or take a long time to render, use the Composition menu to Pre-render them and then replace the linked sections in Premiere Pro with rendered footage. That's a much more efficient workflow.




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New Here ,
Dec 01, 2024 Dec 01, 2024

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Thank you for your response. I am new to using PP so I am learning about how it works with AE, a program I’ve used for many years.


My workflow is, I start by doing a multi-camera edit of all my shots with Premier Pro. I export the sequence, and drop it into an AE file where I add effects and credits. I know AE is used mostly for special effects and not necessarily used for longer projects, and if that’s why I can’t get this to work I can accept that, but The Dynamic-Link already sussed the individual edits, and imported the media files. Why can’t it figure out how to connect the two? It seems pretty simple to me, but I digress.


If I can figure this out, it would be a wonderful addition to my workflow, but I can find other workarounds if needed. Cheers!




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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2024 Dec 01, 2024

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For Graphics and even transitions, consider learning about the Extended Graphics workspace and the workflow to create MOGTs. I have created dozens of different MOGRTs for use in Premiere Pro with complex graphics animations for everything from sub-titles and lower-third animations for clients and my projects so they can be added and edited in Premiere Pro. That would save you hours and hours because the Extended Graphics files (imported MOGRTs) allow you to edit text as fast as you can type and render almost instantly. Anything you can do with text and graphics in After Effects can be turned into a MOGRT for use in Premiere Pro.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2024 Dec 01, 2024

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With a multi-camera workflow, consider using Sequence > Simplify Sequence in Premiere Pro before sending anything to After Effects (either all of the Timeline or parts of it).

While in the Simplfy Sequence dialog box, enable "Flatten Multi-Camera Clips" to reduce the complexity of what you wind up with in After Effects.  Ideally, you would do this step after locking picture (that is, you are no longer going to make changes to the assembly of the clips in the Timeline) so that you can focus on the shots that need effects work in After Effects.




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New Here ,
Dec 05, 2024 Dec 05, 2024

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That totally worked! I know this probably not an ideal work flow for most, but being able to dive into the timeline with AE allows me to be more improvisational and to fix/improve edits. There's other ways for me to do this, but this saves me a ton of work. Cheers!




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