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After Effects interpolating footage in a weird way

New Here ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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Hey i've been working in AE for 10 years or so but today I've come across a problem i'm struggling to fix. And can't find much about it online...

Today I opened up a project from about two years ago (that was working at the time) which has some Pro-Res RAW files. I opened everything up in Prem and it looked great - the footage was in the right picture profile and when I changed it in the source section it changes between Rec.709 & Log fine.


I had a couple of AE sequences for some clean up work. So I opened up the AE project and the colour goes crazy...

I've attached my colour space settings for the interpreted footage & my colour project settings. I've tried changing everything and nothing seems to work. I've tried multiple version of AE but still nothing works.

If anyone has any suggestions then let me know.


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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2023 May 20, 2023

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The first thing I would try is double-clicking the problem footage in the Project Panel to open the Footage Panel. If it looks weird, I would start a new project, import the problem footage, then see what it looks like in the Footage Panel and in a new composition. If it is still behaving poorly and opens in Premiere Pro or the Adobe Media Encoder without problems, you probably have a corrupted file. You might be able to transcode it and fix the problem. 




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