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Changed Composition Size - Scale All Layers to Match?

New Here ,
Feb 04, 2017 Feb 04, 2017

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I am trying to repurpose an After Effects file for another project. The original composition was set at 1080x720 in the AE file I received, but I had to change the size to 1920x1080 for the new project.

I've already changed the size of the composition using the "Composition Settings" but I am wondering if there is a way to scale/resize all of my layers to correspond to my new composition size of 1920x1080 without having to do a ton of repositioning. There are a lot of elements and transitions that I would like to keep, and I'm hoping I don't have to recreate too much of that.

I know I am basically moving from a 3:2 (1080x720) to a 16:9 (1920x1080) aspect ratio, so I might be out of luck here but I wanted to get thoughts of some others.

Is there a quick and semi-painless way to resize my layers to fit the new composition size, or do I have to resize each individually because the pixel ratio is different?

How to




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Feb 04, 2017 Feb 04, 2017

1. select your 1080x720 composition in the project panel

2. go to file->scripts->scale composition

3. select "new comp width" and change it from 1080 to 1920 and click "scale"

4. in the composition settings change the composition height from 1280 to 1080


New Here ,
May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020

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I had a similar problem, I needed to resize the gif but keep the same overall proportions. I simply opened the original animated gif in photoshop and resized the image and hit save. 




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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If you go to Composition in the main menu bar at the top, then Composition Settings, or command+K for mac, you can change the size of your project board.




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Community Beginner ,
May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021

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I had the same problem as the original post and this answer did not work for me either.  I found a much older thread and it was my solution.  Go to file>scripts>demo scripts instead of "scale composition."  You will probably get a warning dialogue box telling you to go to your preferences and change something to allow this.  Once you've done that you can go back to demo scripts and there is another option box that comes up.  Be sure to select scale composition (not individual layers) and from there it's self-explanatory.  




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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2021 Jan 29, 2021

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thank you SO MUCH for your answer. It was so helpful. you are a life saver




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New Here ,
May 07, 2021 May 07, 2021

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I'm doing something similar to this. I've read the solutions for using File>Scripts>Scale Composition. However, there is ONE layer within the composition that just won't scale with the rest. Any ideas as to why this might be happening?? The layer that isn't scaling is a Photoshop layer.





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New Here ,
Aug 17, 2021 Aug 17, 2021

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what a solution man, you save me a lot of time and stress, thank you!!!!!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Premiere Pro has this auto-reframe option, is there something similar for After Effects? I need to reframe a 1920x1080 to 1080x1080, would be cool if it also plays the ratio to all the elements.




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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2023 Jun 21, 2023

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I understand your situation of repurposing an After Effects file with a different composition size. Since you've already adjusted the composition settings to 1920x1080, you're on the right track. To resize your layers to correspond to the new composition size without extensive repositioning, you can try the following:

  1. Select all layers in the timeline.
  2. Go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Select All" or use the shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + A) to select all layers.
  3. With the layers selected, navigate to the "Layer" menu, then "Transform," and finally choose "Fit to Comp Width" or "Fit to Comp Height," depending on your requirements.
  4. This will automatically resize and scale all selected layers to fit the new composition size while maintaining their proportions.

However, please note that because you are transitioning from a 3:2 (1080x720) aspect ratio to a 16:9 (1920x1080) aspect ratio, some adjustments may still be necessary. There might be slight variations in the positioning due to the change in pixel ratio.

I recommend previewing the modified composition and inspecting the layers to ensure they align as desired. If needed, you may have to make minor manual adjustments to fine-tune the positioning and maintain the visual integrity of your elements and transitions.

Best of luck with your project, and I hope this approach helps you save time while achieving your desired outcome. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.




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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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wow this actually worked! thank a million




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