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I'd like to congratulate Adobe and the AE team for their latest release of After Effects which cannot playback audio or simple text/shape animations in real time even at third resolution and fully cached. Puff out your chests, pat yourselves on the back & keep up the great work 🙂
Thanks Dave,
My apologies to Adobe and the AE team, once again.
Boy is my face red. Turns out it was a conflict with my audio drivers all along. I'm just glad I never posted my original response to your response and the evisceration of Adobe that it was, instead deciding to test my audio drivers first. :).
So, so sowwy. I can be a little moody 🙂
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I literally cannot express my frustration. I'm trying to edit a word out of the audio. The workspace set a 5 second loop. On a quarter resolution (which doesn;t matter because i turned off every other layer) and AE cannot play the audio the same way twice. It pre-loads, drops frames. What kind of garbage cannot play back 5 seconds of audio the same way twice even when fully "cached"? Jessus H! The pre-load was there in previous versions but it's gotten x100 worse since you all "improved it". What a joke. Pathetic!
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I feel your pain. But as one who has been around the block a few times, you're probably aware of the standard responses: update your drivers, make sure you have the most current version, wave a dead chicken over your head under the light of the full moon, etc......
...and as one who has been artound the block a few times, the most important one: never, EVER get rtid of the previous version until you're damn sure the new version is going to work.
I'm just now getting around to working with CC 2019. I don't like it. They did away with features I used all the time in previous versions.
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Thanks Dave,
My apologies to Adobe and the AE team, once again.
Boy is my face red. Turns out it was a conflict with my audio drivers all along. I'm just glad I never posted my original response to your response and the evisceration of Adobe that it was, instead deciding to test my audio drivers first. :).
So, so sowwy. I can be a little moody 🙂