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HELLO! I need major help! my glow effect ( after the whole robobrush tool and adding the outer glow into the selected layer ) is not smooth or spreading nicely. I tried to readjust everything under the outerglow effect settings and the glow around my objects are just thick transparent lines. I do not understand. Can someone explain what is wrong?
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It's very hard to assess your issue from your description. Can you post a screenshot of the problem comp, with all the glow parameters visible?
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The main issue is the "Spread" parameter in your Outer Glow. At 100% you'll just get a hard edged line, as you're seeing. Set Spread to 0, then increase the Size parameter to expand the size of the glow. You'll see a much smoother soft edged glow as a result. You might also consider reducing Noise and Jitter, unless you particularly want a speckly looking glow.
You might also want to try the Effects/Stylize/Glow effect, rather than a Layer Style, which looks a bit more organic and can have Motion Blur without precomposing, which Layer Styles can't do.