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Hello Adobe Forums,
I've been having this incredibly frustrating issue while editing a video for someone. During a range of different clips in the video, it flickers and sometimes even jumps to random frames of footage from another part of the video. I have a few things pre-comped and in them I have some rotobrushing done on the inside comps. The flickering looks like an offset of the footage it is supposed to be as well.
I've tried clearing my disk cache, turning on and off GPU acceleration, changing the framerates around, and nothing is solving this issue. It will "fix" it for one part of the video, but shifts the issue to another area, if that makes any sense.
Here's a random frame that pops in. It only appears for one frame:
Random frame pop in.png - Google Drive
Here is an example of what the flickering looks like as well:
I just can't seem to figure out how to fix this incredibly annoying issue. Maybe it's because the footage was shot with an iPhone? The framerates for all the clips appeared to be different as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
Without knowing any specifics of your project first thing that I would do would be:
- convewrting and using all mp3 files to wave
- if your footage is compressed with h264 or other heavy compressed codec - I would convert those to decent intermediate codec (prores, cineform, DNxHD, animation).
More on why to do that: Weird glitchy outcome
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Without knowing any specifics of your project first thing that I would do would be:
- convewrting and using all mp3 files to wave
- if your footage is compressed with h264 or other heavy compressed codec - I would convert those to decent intermediate codec (prores, cineform, DNxHD, animation).
More on why to do that: Weird glitchy outcome
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Thank you for the reply. What specifics would you need to know to get a better understanding of everything?
I will try what you suggested and get back to you.
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The post I marked at the correct answer, I followed his link and advice. For any internet stragglers out there, take note.
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It looks like a graphics card problem. Try to use the steps from the previous post from imeilfix and try these other things:
1.- Update the graphics driver to the most recent one
2.- Deactivate GPU acceleration in After Effects under File > Project Settings > Video and rendering effects. Under the use option, select Mercury Software Only.
3.- Purge your cache. Edit > Purge > All Memory & Disk Cache.
Hope this helps.