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How can loop cc rainfall as seamless?

New Here ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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Hi, is there any way to loop the CC Rainfall animation, since I need to generate 10 - 20 second clips and edit them successively but the last rain frame is not equal to the first one. How can I do that?







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

CC Rain is completely random, but the effect starts at the first frame of a layer. 


Here is the workflow to create a seamless loop. Create a new comp with your original Comp's frame rate and size. Add a solid layer. Add the Rain effect and adjust it to get the look you want. You are going to composite this Comp over the original. Start with the number of drops set to zero (0), set a keyframe, then move down the timeline about a second and change the amount to something that gives you the desir




Community Expert ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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Put all your clips in a precomp and apply the rain effect to the main comp.





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Community Expert ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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CC Rain is completely random, but the effect starts at the first frame of a layer. 


Here is the workflow to create a seamless loop. Create a new comp with your original Comp's frame rate and size. Add a solid layer. Add the Rain effect and adjust it to get the look you want. You are going to composite this Comp over the original. Start with the number of drops set to zero (0), set a keyframe, then move down the timeline about a second and change the amount to something that gives you the desired intensity. Something like 1500 would be a good start. Then, move down the timeline until it looks like the top drops have moved to the bottom of the frame and set another keyframe for drops that match the first keyframe. Now, move down the timeline to the same number of frames you have between the first and second keyframes (about 1 second) and set the keyframe to zero. Your keyframes will now be 0, 1500, 1500, 0. 


Now duplicate the layer and slide the copy down the timeline until the first keyframe of the duplicate lines up with the third keyframe of the original. Set the work area to include the second keyframe of the first layer and the last keyframe. The timeline should look something like this:


Trim the Comp to the work area, save your work, and then add it to your original composition. Select Time Remapping for the added Rain comp. This will produce a keyframe at the first frame of the Rain comp and one after the last frame. Move to the last keyframe, then back up one frame so that you see the rain again, and add a new keyframe by clicking on the center diamond (<diamond shape>) in the keyframe navigator in the timeline. Now, delete the last keyframe and add this expression to Time Remapping:


You can drag out the outpoint if the Rain layer does not automatically extend to the entire composition. 


You will have the closest thing you can get to a seamless loop. This works with all effects that generate a completely random pattern if the random generator starts on the first frame of the layer, and you can remove the effect simply by adding a couple of keyframes.


The other option is to drop your rain comp in a new comp of the same length and render a movie. Then, import the movie and set the number of loops you want in the Interpret Footage panel. 


Looping movies won't work very well in social media because there is a slightly different pause when media players loop a video. If that is what you need, you'll need to compensate for the random nature of the delay between the start and end of the video.





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