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Hi there,
I've been having troubles getting a gradient following a path and I am already desperate of trying to find a work around.
I'd like to create a rotating rgb rainbow effect around this logo
but I was unable to do so ...
Do you guys have any idea's on how to create such an effect?
1 Correct answer
To get more than two colors you're probably going to have to apply several instances of a two color gradient, each with a different two colors, and offset them. There's also a plugin called Boa BAO Boa - aescripts + aeplugins - It's on the low end of expensive but might be the only easy solution. You would create a shape layer with gradient then use the plgin. I think it's the same concept as Omino snake but better. I think you can try a fully functional trial version befor
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What do you mean by "around"? Please describe in relation to what you've already shown us.
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Here that's my best try so far
I used omino snake plugin for this and an image which is just the gradient but I ran into 2 problems with this:
1. Can't make the "snake" any longer (I want that this loop is completely enclosed by this) (gradients source image is already 5000px in length)
2. Can't make it go further than in the clip (reached slider cap of 3000.000)
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Sorry, but that didn't do it. Especially the "around" part. Use words. Be descriptive. The more description, the better.
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Yea I'm sorry,
english is my 4th language and I know I do speak it really poorly and have a lack of technical terms
I still hope you now understand what I meant.
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Basically I want to add a gradient that follows the path of a normal stroke (see image for the path) which starts for example at red, going through all the rainbow colors and ends at the start again with the color red.
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I understood your question perfectly.
See if this thread points you in the right direction. There are a couple ideas in here that should get you there.
Gradient Along Stroke
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To get more than two colors you're probably going to have to apply several instances of a two color gradient, each with a different two colors, and offset them. There's also a plugin called Boa BAO Boa - aescripts + aeplugins - It's on the low end of expensive but might be the only easy solution. You would create a shape layer with gradient then use the plgin. I think it's the same concept as Omino snake but better. I think you can try a fully functional trial version before you buy it.
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Thx a lot for showing me this. It works perfectly and I can finally continue ...
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+1 for Bao Boa, though the idea in the thread I posted would work perfectly with Colorama to get that rainbow gradient.
It might be the first time someone actually WANTED Colorama's default setting!
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Video Copilot's Saber plugin (which is free!) could also be a good way to get the outlined strokes - you can fade that off in a similar manner, and could apply Colorama to that, with appropriate input settings, to get the gradient.
EDIT - Ignore that! Saber can taper, but not fade. No joy!
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However, the Vegas effect that comes with AE, can fade! It might be just the thing!
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Here's the result guys ... if you are interested
First project in After Effects ^^
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How did you end up doing it?
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I used BAO Boa in the end ... rip 70$ but worth
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