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I want to add marker on the timeline for my typography video. Using go to layer>add marker is slow for me and i want to use the shortcut key. but i dont understand how to press (numpad *). I press shift + 8 and it did add marker with number 8 but it will move if i press it on another timeline. How do i press numpad * ?
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This is for a Timeline Marker, correct? As long as no layers are selected, pressing numpad * should place a Timeline Marker at the current time.
Here are the full marker options:
Result |
Windows |
Mac OS |
Set marker at current time (works during preview and audio-only preview) |
* (multiply) on numeric keypad |
* (multiply) on numeric keypad or Control+8 on main keyboard |
Set marker at current time and open marker dialog box |
Alt+* (multiply) on numeric keypad |
Option+* (multiply) on numeric keypad or Control+Option+8 on main keyboard |
Set and number a composition marker (0-9) at the current time |
Shift+0-9 on main keyboard |
Shift+0-9 on main keyboard |
Go to a composition marker (0-9) |
0-9 on main keyboard |
0-9 on main keyboard |
Display the duration between two layer markers or keyframes in the Info panel |
Alt-click the markers or keyframes |
Option-click the markers or keyframes |
Remove marker |
Ctrl-click marker |
Command-click marker |
If you prefer to use a different key, you can assign one with the Visual Keyboard Shortcut Editor.
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How to tap numpad 0 without numpad ?
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If you're running macOS with a standard keyboard (like the one that's built into a MacBook Pro or likely came with an iMac), then you'd press control + 0 (the zero across the top of the standard keyboard) instead of 0 on the numeric keypad.
Another alternative is an open source macOS keyoard custimizer application called Karabiner-Elements that can be used without purchasing it. There's a profile that remaps the extended keys over the standard keys similar to how Apple used to do it back when it made PowerBooks. So, fn + j becomes 1, fn + k becomes 2, fn + l becomes 3, fn + u becomes 5, fn + i becomes 6, etc.
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"To use the numpad, ensure Num Lock is turned on (usually a light on your keyboard will indicate this). Then, simply press the desired numbers or symbols on the numpad. If it's not working, check your keyboard settings or Num Lock key."
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yes you just simply press the desired numbers or symbols on the numpad.