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How would I create a Transparent Background for a video?

Explorer ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

Right now I have a really simple particle setup which I'm trying to export as just that, without any solid backgrounds, is there a workaround?

Those BG's in display.pngexpand image

FAQ , How to , Import and export
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023


Ok, so I got you wrong. I just had a look at you screenshots and the text. Your output settings for the export are right, Prores 4444 works with Alpha. I think that aph4 is just the same, but in Windows language. Looks like you can't preview it in Media Player because the format is not supported. Since .mov is an Apple format (and the codec as well), there are often issues with Windows. If you try to open it in Quicktime Player the preview should work.
 It should still be working w

Community Expert ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

If you turn on Transparency Grid and see through the black, all you have to do is add the composition to the Render Queue and choose the High Quality with Alpha Output Module template from the dropdown list. 


It would help us help you if you told us how you generated the particles. I see that effects are added to the Adjustment layer and Layer 2, and it looks like CC Particle world is applied to Layer 3. CC Particle World generates a transparent background, so You might be all set. 



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Explorer ,
Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023

Hey @Rick Gerard so if I am not mistaken, I've done as you've said in the provided photos, yet once I render the video it exports into 'encoded ap4h' which I tried to convert to .mp4 (was .mov) through a third party app, yet the issue presists, what might I be doing wrong in these steps?


Problem (Pt.1).pngexpand image


Problem (Pt.2).pngexpand image


Problem (Pt.3).pngexpand image


Problem (Pt.4).pngexpand image


Problem (Pt.5).pngexpand image


Problem (Pt.6).pngexpand image


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Explorer ,
Dec 01, 2023 Dec 01, 2023


.mp4 does not support alpha, so you will have a solid background again as soon as you convert your .mov to .mp4

The settings you chose are right and the rendered .mov should be with transparent background in the end. Still, the file will probably be quite big (even bigger when you use animation codec). You could also work with .png or .psd sequences with alpha. It could be that they won't be that big, give it a try. It depends on what you would like to achieve with the transparent bg of the video.

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Explorer ,
Dec 02, 2023 Dec 02, 2023

@Melanie Stirner well I'm asking specifically how to fix that ap4h encoding, ultimately I wish to see the video rendered as a png, on top of another png (image), it sounds rugged but I just wanted to get a rough sketch for a banner I'm working on

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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023


Ok, so I got you wrong. I just had a look at you screenshots and the text. Your output settings for the export are right, Prores 4444 works with Alpha. I think that aph4 is just the same, but in Windows language. Looks like you can't preview it in Media Player because the format is not supported. Since .mov is an Apple format (and the codec as well), there are often issues with Windows. If you try to open it in Quicktime Player the preview should work.
 It should still be working when you import the file into After Effects or Premiere Pro. So, if you want the video to be above another video (or image), that's just the way to go.
Is that what you wanted to achieve?

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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023

>if you want the video to be above another video (or image), that's just the way to go.
Is that what you wanted to achieve?

Essentially @Melanie Stirner, while I can now open these files in Quicktime, the core issue persists:

Video's Source.pngexpand image


Quicktime does not fix the main issue.pngexpand image


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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2023 Dec 03, 2023

You mean, that you can't see a transparent background, but a solid one? Well, I think that is because of the player, not because of the video. If you import the video to After Effects or Premiere they will indeed have a transparent background. It's just a preview thing. I think in Apple's preview it used to work, but doesn't anymore (just checked).
So, as I said above – if you want the video (particles) to be transparent above an image/video, you need to import it to After Effects or Premiere and inside the app place it above the other image/video. Then render it again.
I think, the only other way to get it transparent in the preview would be to make a gif with transparent background out of it. But it will probably not look good and become way too big, so you will get performance issues.
Why do you want or need it to be previewed with transparent background? Maybe we can find a different solution.

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Explorer ,
Dec 04, 2023 Dec 04, 2023

Nope, you're good @Melanie Stirner, I just thought that a preview (in any application) would be a place to "detect any signs of trouble" if you will, but if Quicktime ins't like that, in this specific scanrio, then so be it, I'll let you know if I have any more questions tomorrow - hopefully not haha.

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