Import illustrator file in AE some part is missing
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Is there have any way to show the whole illustration in AE?
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You may want to read the onlien help on how this stuff works. Yes, it's perfectly possible. You simply choose to import the layers at their original size and not the comp size/ artboard size option in the respective dialog. In fact on second glance your layers are already imported correctly you just seem to be completely unaware how AE doesn't display content outside the comp window.
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If you want to see the whole illustration, you have to make sure everything is within the artboard boundaries in Illustrator. Even if you import the ai-file as a composition with “Retain Layers Sizes” your artwork will be cropped at the artboard boundaries.
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I assume you are importing the Illustrator file using the Import command and settign the Import As menu to "Composition - Retain Layer Sizes".
Even with the import type set to "Composition - Retain Layer Sizes" enabled After Effects will still crop the artwork to the largest arboard it finds.
@Rene Andritsch is correct one solution is to just make sure all the artwork fits inside the artboard but this isn't always practical, sometimes you need graphics larger than your artboard dimensions.
In this situation:
1 - Open source file in Illustrator.
2 - Use the Artboard tool to draw a second artboard that includes the first artboard and also encloses all of the graphics you want to bring into Illustrator.
3 - Save file and Import into AE with the "Composition - Retain Layers Sizes" option.
Should work fine.