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Hey im having this problem where whenever I specifically import an mp4 to after effects its green and it has comp markers all over it im not sure how to fix it i have tried some of the other fixes on the website but it does not seem to work please help me out thanks!
1 Correct answer
Hi Trixzy,
Please try the following:
- Disable the "Hardware Accelerated Composition, Layer, and, Footage Panels" in After Effects Preferences > Display.
- Clear cache (go to Edit > Purge > All Memory & Disk Cache).
- Restart After Effects and import the footage in a new project.
Let us know how it goes.
1 Pinned Reply
This green preview glitch in After Effects 2022 was related to a bad driver that got fixed.
If you're experiencing this issue in After Effects 23.0, it might also be due to a bad driver configuration. Please see this discussion for more details:
After Effects 2023 green preview with H.264 files
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This is sometimes a graphics card issue. Please make sure that your graphics cards drivers are up to date and your AE and Operating system are up to date.
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I have checked and my graphics card is up to date.
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Also i forgot to add this in the reply i think the problem is because of the comp markers everytime i import a mp4 it has comp markers all over it.
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What graphics card and what driver number?
What version number of After Effects?
What operating system?
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My operating system is Windows
My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce-GTX 770
I have after effects 2021
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After Effects works best with the Studio Drivers, but your graphics card only has the Game Drivers available.
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So what would that mean? May i also add i had this issue before and the only way to fix it was converting the mp4 file to mpg but that would reduce the quality but after a little bit it fixed and went back to normal so im sure there has to be a fix for this.
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Hi Trixzy,
Please try the following:
- Disable the "Hardware Accelerated Composition, Layer, and, Footage Panels" in After Effects Preferences > Display.
- Clear cache (go to Edit > Purge > All Memory & Disk Cache).
- Restart After Effects and import the footage in a new project.
Let us know how it goes.
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Hello I have tried what you have told me and it fixed thank you so much for helping me out!
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Absolutely worked thank you!!
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Unfortunaltey it does not work for me.
I am on a MacBookPro Retina 15" Mid 2014, with NVidia Geforce GT 750M 2GB. 2,5 GHz Quad-i7. macOS BigSur 11.6.7 (which is the latest macOS running on this device). Graphics card also on latest update.
I know it's an older device but should still be around a lot.
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I actually had this same issue and the suggested steps did not solve the problem for me, I found another thread on a third party site that suggested going to Edit =>Preferences => Import => then in the dialog under video footage uncheck "Enable hardware accelerated decoding (requires restart)" then Edit => purge => All memory and disk cache, then restart AE without saving project. This is what worked for me. I am using windows 10 / Nvidia 770 graphic card. Also, I reenabled "Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, and Footage Panels" and everything seems to be working fine. (this site has screenshots) Best of Luck! (:
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Thank you, this helped for me♥
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Thank you! Worked for me also.
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This just happened to me. I was working on a project last night and opened the same project the next day and it happened. I was weird. I also needed to update my drivers and AF had an update for but that didn't fix the problem. That's how I got over here. Thank you
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Thank you!
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THANK YOU!!! worked for me. Sheesh, such a pain when this stuff happens.
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Thank you so much, it worked for me.
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Thank you, this helped for me
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I'm running AE 2023 on PC and this worked. Thank you very much!
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Thank you!!! You saved me!
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This fixed the problem for me as well. Thanks for sharing!!
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Thank you so much for sharing that fix!
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This green preview glitch in After Effects 2022 was related to a bad driver that got fixed.
If you're experiencing this issue in After Effects 23.0, it might also be due to a bad driver configuration. Please see this discussion for more details:
After Effects 2023 green preview with H.264 files