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Invalid image buffer size question.

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May 29, 2011 May 29, 2011

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I finished a project but once I start to render, an error always pop up at the exact frame stating:

"After Effects error: Invalid image buffer size (40003x40002)"

(37 :: 102)

I have tried purging every 5 frames, yet it still doesn't work.

I am using a mac with 2 gigabyte ram.

Hopefully someone can help me with this, really need to render because I need to submit it soon.


Error or problem




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 17, 2012 Nov 17, 2012

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It just happened to me. It was caused by the Transform Effect plugin (Transform 32). The problem came from nowhere, even if i didn't modified anything.

I removed it and the error message has disapeared.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 21, 2015 Jul 21, 2015

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Hi All,

Just sharing:

I just experienced the similar error message while rushing to meet the crazy deadline of my client's motion graphic project. 

The error had gave me terrible scare, as all my save files (including the incremental saves) were bugged by this error... I thought I am going to die....

Luckily, I have managed to trouble shoot it; it was a silly mistake that caused by my greasy fingers after working more than 12 hours with AE! 

As demonstrated in the following screenshot, I have accidentally set the zoom to 3200%!  Thank goodness I have spotted it!

The error messages will go away once you reset the magnifying ratio to 300% or less.


Hopefully, this can help someone who might face the same problem.


~ Lin

p/s: Although the image-buffer error can cause by the file size of your raw footage, however it is not always true.  Sometimes, it can be caused by the graphic card's limits, as real-time preview (rendering) is always expensive. For instance, the working file of mine that crashes had several complex comps and footages, which it is beyond full HD1080 resolution, and I have fixed the error once I have reset the magnifying ratios.

Btw, I am using a Macbook Pro that has only 16GB RAM to power Adobe AE CC.




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New Here ,
Dec 29, 2015 Dec 29, 2015

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Thank you, Lin, that helped!

I've spent about 30 minutes figuring out what's wrong and where to fix it




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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2015 Oct 10, 2015

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I know this is old but I get the same message when trying to link Trapcode MIR fractal to an audio layer I get the same message as above fomr Lou Cheng but my codes at the end are (0x0). (37 ::102)




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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2016 Apr 18, 2016

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Had the same issue and had no idea what I did wrong in after effects, as soon as I seen the 1st reply to his issue, I knew where to start looking to fix my problem, I was working on some motion graphics and blew up my comp frame so that I could see everything, some of these frames went as high as 40k by 40k, forgot to change them back Lol and got these errors, i changed everything back to main comp size and boom back to normal!! thank you!!




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2017 Jan 24, 2017

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I am having this issue currently exporting to Photoshop layers.  I have tried it on a 2015 Retina MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM, and a Late 2013 Mac Pro with 32GB of RAM.  Both are on the absolute latest version of After Effects,  My comp is a weird size, 784x295, but the error message states "After Effects error: invalid image buffer size (641x-247). ( 37 :: 102)"  None of my comps or layers are anywhere near that 641x247.

I have no CC LightBurst, Transform 32 effects, character animations, etc.  The only effects I have used are several instances of KeyLight, Key Cleaner, Advanced Spill Suppressor, Tint, Brightness & Contrast and Photo Filter.  To test if one of those filters was the issue, I deleted the 4 layers that had those filters on, leaving my comp with zero filters, and still received the same error.

Also, my "Magnification Ratio" is set to 100%, and it also fails at 50% and 200%.

Comp duration also doesn't matter.  Originally it was 14 seconds, but because I am exporting to a PSD, there is no motion at all.  I dropped it all the way down to just two frames, and still the Save As Photoshop Layers fails.

Exporting or Rendering a regular Photoshop document worked fine, it was the layering that was the issue.  The only way I was able to get this file to export a layered PSD was to copy all my layers and paste them into a normal size comp, in my case 1920x1080 square pixels.  I needed to fix the arrangement a little and put layers back where they should, but I was then able to bring that 1920x1080 layered PSD into Photoshop and crop it down to the 784x295 I needed it to be.

So, any ideas why the original export failed and how Adobe can fix that?

Thanks you,





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Feb 09, 2017 Feb 09, 2017

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briank99674728 wrote:

So, any ideas why the original export failed and how Adobe can fix that?

The odd document size?

They can fix it if you file a bug report so they know there's an issue.

File the bug report here: Adobe.com/go/wish




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New Here ,
Jun 20, 2019 Jun 20, 2019

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Had this same issue after adding a text animation preset.  I simply shrank the size of some of the animation preset scale values, then presto - it worked.




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Explorer ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Fo me it was the Motion Tile effect. hope Adobe will fix this!




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New Here ,
May 21, 2021 May 21, 2021

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I got the same error from adding Motion Tile effect. Adobe CC 2021. It's gone after I deleted the Motion Tile effect.




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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2020 Dec 16, 2020

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My Camera-Layer didn't cover the whole scene. After I draged it to the end of the scene, the message didn't reappear.




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New Here ,
Apr 19, 2022 Apr 19, 2022

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Hey all!


I was incredibly stumped by this error code because I had a mountain of comps and precomps and had no clue where I could have made a layer way too large, given that all of my initial footage and images were HD or 4K. It turns out, I was working with 3D layers for a procedural water effect using fractal noise, and I had expanded that base layer way too far into the z-axis.


So make sure if you have 3D layers like cameras or other effects that you check how far in the z space they are, especially because it's really hard to tell how much space you've actually used when looking at it on a 2D plane. 




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Nov 03, 2022 Nov 03, 2022

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I'm facing the issue of :  Invalid image buffer size (0 x 1)

The error appeared out of nowhere, was working fine till now. It is triggered by touch the box of "stabiliize motion of tracker". 

It solves by keep deleting the preference file everytime I open the AE. 




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