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Media Encoder causing various BSODs on new machine

New Here ,
Apr 13, 2024 Apr 13, 2024

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Hi everyone!

I recently had a new PC built with the following specs:

- i9-14 processor

- Asus Z790 ProArt Creator motherboard

- 128 GB RAM DDR5 5600 MHz

- plenty of SSD NVMe storage

- NVidia RTX 4080 Founders Edition GPU

- Windows 11 OS

- All adobe apps clean installed today


After installing Adobe apps, I was shocked to learn that despite having all the bios, firmware and system drivers up to date, Media Encoder keeps causing BSODs of varying error codes when I try to render out my clips.

Could you please advise me on how to proceed?


Here is the most recent BSOD. 


I have attached a text file of the WinDbg analysis of the minidump file.


I managed to render out one clip today (completely un-edited, no effects) after trying twice. The first time, Media Encoder simply turned off at about 70% progress. The second time it rendered fine.


I really need help because I have had this system built primarily for video editing and it has taken me a long time of saving to get this machine.


Please advise, thank you so much!





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New Here ,
Apr 14, 2024 Apr 14, 2024

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Hi again,

Just to add a few more details to the issue:
- RAM and processor are confirmed to be on the QVL for the motherboard

- I have tried with and without enabling XMP. Crashes happen either way, just a less with XMP disabled


Here is a small selection of the ocean of minidump files I have accumulated thanks to Adobe's constant crashing:





I desperately need help. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 15, 2024 Apr 15, 2024

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This looks like a driver issue to me. Which drivers do you have installed? Does the issue go away if you render in Software-only mode? Which version of AME are you using?


I will try to look into your dump files.




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 15, 2024 Apr 15, 2024

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I was not able to open your .dmp files in our CrashAnalyzer and in Visual Studio. I get "This dump file has an invalid format" messages. Do you have a different way to get these dump files to us?




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New Here ,
May 17, 2024 May 17, 2024

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Thank you for your reply @EckiAME  and apologies for getting back so late.

After investigating thoroughly, it turns out that this issue persists with not just Media Encoder, but also Premiere Pro and also After Effects.


I want to focus primarily on After Effects -- as such, please feel free to move this discussion if necessary. I feel like if we can fix AE then PR and ME should follow.


There are two kinds of crashes: (1) BSOD, (2) the software simply turns off and asks if I want to send a report.


For (1), I have attached the most recent dump file after analysing it through WinDbg. Please scroll below to see.


For (2), I have attached the most recent log file. Please bear in mind that this is for After Effects. Please also scroll below to see.


It even crashes with XMP completely off and DRAM frequency down to 3600 MHz. Considering I'm running DDR5, this is quite slow and definitely not worth the price tag of my hardware.


I am happy to share further details. Please let me know.


I really hope Adobe can help. I have reached out to Asus, Corsair (the RAM manufacturer) SCAN (the PC parts supplier) and NVidia. No one is able to get to the bottom of this with any clarity.


Thank you in advance, I hope you can help.



fffff804`2f017f80 48894c2408      mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:ffff9f0a`9ff62360=0000000000000050
4: kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Invalid system memory was referenced.  This cannot be protected by try-except.
Typically the address is just plain bad or it is pointing at freed memory.
Arg1: ffffffffffffff8a, memory referenced.
Arg2: 0000000000000002, X64: bit 0 set if the fault was due to a not-present PTE.
	bit 1 is set if the fault was due to a write, clear if a read.
	bit 3 is set if the processor decided the fault was due to a corrupted PTE.
	bit 4 is set if the fault was due to attempted execute of a no-execute PTE.
	- ARM64: bit 1 is set if the fault was due to a write, clear if a read.
	bit 3 is set if the fault was due to attempted execute of a no-execute PTE.
Arg3: fffff8045d17cad6, If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory
Arg4: 0000000000000002, (reserved)

Debugging Details:


    Key  : AV.Type
    Value: Write

    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 952

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 4602

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 7

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 32

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 171

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 11969

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 102

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0x50

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.TargetModel
    Value: 0x50

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.AsUlong
    Value: 1008

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.DiagDataWrittenToHeader
    Value: 1

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.ErrorCode
    Value: 0

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.KernelGeneratedTriageDump
    Value: 1

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.LastLine
    Value: Dump completed successfully.

    Key  : Dump.Attributes.ProgressPercentage
    Value: 0

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: AV_W_(null)_NetAdapterCx!NxRxXlat::TransferDataBufferFromNetPacketToNbl

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {c29e4e4b-4fd4-b0f2-d664-6d405ba45e29}

    Key  : Failure.Source.FileLine
    Value: 1237

    Key  : Failure.Source.FilePath
    Value: minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp

    Key  : Failure.Source.SourceServerCommand
    Value: dev.azure.com/microsoft/OS/_apis/git/repositories/os.2020/items?path=/minio/netcx/translator/nxrxxlat.cpp&versionDescriptor.versionType=commit&versionDescriptor.version=1761429db94446fe646946693d37cf6c20ab276c&versionDescriptor.options=none&download=true&api-version=2.0


BUGCHECK_P1: ffffffffffffff8a


BUGCHECK_P3: fffff8045d17cad6


FILE_IN_CAB:  051624-21750-01.dmp

  Kernel Generated Triage Dump

READ_ADDRESS: fffff8042f91c4a8: Unable to get MiVisibleState
Unable to get NonPagedPoolStart
Unable to get NonPagedPoolEnd
Unable to get PagedPoolStart
Unable to get PagedPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmSpecialPagesInUse


BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)




TRAP_FRAME:  ffff9f0a9ff62580 -- (.trap 0xffff9f0a9ff62580)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=ffffa18ff9b12010 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000001420
rdx=ffffa18ffa856000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff8045d17cad6 rsp=ffff9f0a9ff62710 rbp=0000000000000284
 r8=0000000000000001  r9=0000000000000284 r10=ffffa18ffa81b010
r11=ffffa18ffe522bd8 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
fffff804`5d17cad6 488b9c24a0000000 mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+0A0h] ss:0018:ffff9f0a`9ff627b0=ffffa18ffa805ca0
Resetting default scope

ffff9f0a`9ff62358 fffff804`2f0b1fb0     : 00000000`00000050 ffffffff`ffffff8a 00000000`00000002 ffff9f0a`9ff62580 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffff9f0a`9ff62360 fffff804`2ee3014c     : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`ffffff8a : nt!MiSystemFault+0x1b9d60
ffff9f0a`9ff62460 fffff804`2f02917e     : 00000000`00006668 ffff9f0a`9ff62650 ffffa18f`fe5229a0 00000000`00000000 : nt!MmAccessFault+0x29c
ffff9f0a`9ff62580 fffff804`5d17cad6     : 00000000`00000000 ffffa18f`fa629510 00000000`0000002a 00000000`00000001 : nt!KiPageFault+0x37e
ffff9f0a`9ff62710 fffff804`5d17bb34     : ffffa18f`fa805ca8 ffff9f0a`9ff62820 ffffa18f`fa805ca0 00000000`00000000 : NetAdapterCx!NxRxXlat::TransferDataBufferFromNetPacketToNbl+0x15a [minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp @ 1237] 
ffff9f0a`9ff627a0 fffff804`5d17bde7     : ffffa18f`fe5229a0 ffffa18f`fe5229a0 ffffa18f`fa74f4d8 ffff9f0a`9ff629d0 : NetAdapterCx!NxRxXlat::EcIndicateNblsToNdis+0x16c [minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp @ 719] 
ffff9f0a`9ff628c0 fffff804`5d187bfa     : ffffa18f`fe5229e8 ffffa18f`fa74f010 00000000`00000004 00000000`00000000 : NetAdapterCx!EvtRxPollQueueStarted+0x37 [minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp @ 828] 
ffff9f0a`9ff628f0 fffff804`5d188151     : fffff780`00000014 00000000`00000080 00000000`00000000 fffff804`5d187fce : NetAdapterCx!ExecutionContext::Poll+0x19e [minio\netcx\ec\lib\executioncontext.cpp @ 890] 
ffff9f0a`9ff62a40 fffff804`5d187fe7     : 00000000`00000003 00000000`00000080 ffffa18f`dace7040 fffff780`00000014 : NetAdapterCx!ExecutionContext::RunLockHeld+0x13d [minio\netcx\ec\lib\executioncontext.cpp @ 1093] 
ffff9f0a`9ff62a80 fffff804`5d187901     : ffffa18f`fa74f010 ffffa18f`fa74f010 ffffa18f`dabd7000 ffffa18f`dace7040 : NetAdapterCx!ExecutionContext::RunLockNotHeld+0x3b [minio\netcx\ec\lib\executioncontext.cpp @ 1010] 
ffff9f0a`9ff62ac0 fffff804`5d1a7639     : ffffa18f`fa750040 fffff804`5d1a7630 ffffa18f`fa750040 ffffa18f`daee0ab8 : NetAdapterCx!ExecutionContext::WorkerThreadRoutine+0x65 [minio\netcx\ec\lib\executioncontext.cpp @ 762] 
ffff9f0a`9ff62b00 fffff804`2ef6d8e7     : ffffa18f`fa750040 fffff804`5d1a7630 ffffa18f`fa74f010 006fe47f`bd9bbfff : NetAdapterCx!ExecutionContext::Thread+0x9 [minio\netcx\ec\lib\executioncontext.cpp @ 737] 
ffff9f0a`9ff62b30 fffff804`2f01d0f4     : ffffc500`de791180 ffffa18f`fa750040 fffff804`2ef6d890 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x57
ffff9f0a`9ff62b80 00000000`00000000     : ffff9f0a`9ff63000 ffff9f0a`9ff5c000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x34

FAULTING_SOURCE_LINE:  minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp

FAULTING_SOURCE_FILE:  minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp


FAULTING_SOURCE_SRV_COMMAND:  https://dev.azure.com/microsoft/OS/_apis/git/repositories/os.2020/items?path=/minio/netcx/translator/nxrxxlat.cpp&versionDescriptor.versionType=commit&versionDescriptor.version=1761429db94446fe646946693d37cf6c20ab276c&versionDescriptor.options=none&download=true&api-version=2.0

No source found for 'minio\netcx\translator\nxrxxlat.cpp'

SYMBOL_NAME:  NetAdapterCx!NxRxXlat::TransferDataBufferFromNetPacketToNbl+15a


IMAGE_NAME:  NetAdapterCx.sys

IMAGE_VERSION:  10.0.22621.3495

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr; .ecxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  AV_W_(null)_NetAdapterCx!NxRxXlat::TransferDataBufferFromNetPacketToNbl


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {c29e4e4b-4fd4-b0f2-d664-6d405ba45e29}

Followup:     MachineOwner






[2024-05-17_21-04-20][10728][Info] [general] Instead of the WebView2 runtime in the system, UXP will use the WebView2 runtime in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Microsoft\EdgeWebView
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][10728][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][10728][Info] [general] Debugger enabled for runtime group FirstParty on port: 9222 breakOnStart: no
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][10728][Info] [general] analyticsTracker_ is being accessed without setting
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][10728][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Info] [general] analyticsTracker_ is being accessed without setting
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [UAB v2.18.0-4] sentry.io initialized...
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Warn] [console] SAM JS Bindings Error
The host app must meet the following requirements to be compatible with the SAM JS bindings:
  1. The host app must be built with SAMv2's C++ library.
  2. The host app must provide the ACPLModel global object via SEAL
Visit https://git.corp.adobe.com/torq/acpl-model/blob/main/README.md for more info
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][MainStore] Internet connectivity: ONLINE
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 276 PERF - Start Screen Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][StartScreen] CCX Start v7.5.0.44
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][StartScreen] [HostData] {
  "Product": "aftereffects",
  "Product ID": "AEFT",
  "Product Code": "AEFT",
  "BuildNumber": "47",
  "Version": "24.4",
  "Platform": "Windows"
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 277 PERF - Sophia Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 278 PERF - Ututs Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 278 PERF - IMS Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 279 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 279 message: Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 279 PERF - Fetching NGL Profile. Awaiting Response.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 279 PERF - Locale Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 280 PERF - MainStore Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][9660][Warn] [general] Writing DB fails, Path: C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\24.4\UXP\PluginsStorage\Internal\com.adobe.ccx.start\LocalStorage , error:  Corruption: not an sstable (bad magic number)
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 283 PERF - Platform init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 286 message: Fetching Recent Files. Awaiting Response.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 286 PERF - Fetching Recent Files. Awaiting Response.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 286 message: Received NGL Profile.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 286 PERF - Received NGL Profile.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Data Loader for Home: Use File Accessor to get data.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 289 message: Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 289 PERF - Data Loader for home: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Data Loader for Utut: Use File Accessor to get data.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 290 message: Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 290 PERF - Data Loader for utut: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 11 message: IMS.updateUserProfile
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 290 PERF - IMS.updateUserProfile done: 11
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 10 message: MainStore Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 290 PERF - MainStore Init done: 10
[2024-05-17_21-04-31][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 290 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken start
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 392 message: Received Recent Files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 392 PERF - Received Recent Files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 394 message: UI Ready
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 394 PERF - UI Ready
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 111 message: Platform init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 394 PERF - Platform init done: 111
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Bold.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Bold.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-It.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-It.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldIt.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldIt.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Regular.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Regular.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldSemiCn.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldSemiCn.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldSemiCnIt.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-BoldSemiCnIt.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Light.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-Light.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-LightIt.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-LightIt.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-SemiCn.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-SemiCn.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][10728][Warn] [general] Could not read fonts file Could not read file File Path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-SemiCnIt.otf C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\AdobeCleanUX\AdobeCleanUX-SemiCnIt.otf
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][24084][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 131 message: Locale Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 410 PERF - Locale Init done: 131
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Drover] CCX-Start-Drover : Home screen visibility set to  visible without back button.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 412 message: Data Loader for utut: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 412 PERF - Data Loader for utut: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared settings data is not available
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 419 message: Data Loader for home: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 419 PERF - Data Loader for home: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared settings data is not available
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 424 message: Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 424 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 425 message: Parsed JSON file for Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 425 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 426 message: Loaded JSON Data: Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 426 PERF - Loaded JSON Data: Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 426 message: Parsed JSON file for Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 426 PERF - Parsed JSON file for Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][5592][Warn] [general] We are going to deprecate HostInfo API soon, please use HostApi instead.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Missing data for container with label 'undefined' for Surface 'CCX_Start_4.0_View_Plans'
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 428 message: Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 428 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Home with path C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\AEFT-24.4-en_US-5793bde4-99ea-4fce-9974-125750b889ac.json
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 429 message: Finished parsing data for Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 429 PERF - Finished parsing data for Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Home
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Whats_New","campaignId":76602,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/AEFT/en_US/componentWhatsNewToastal/Ae-Whats-New-AE-24-1-Release.cfm.gql.json"}
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_Home","campaignId":23224,"url":"https://odin.adobe.com/content/dam/ccfirstmile/AEFT/en_US/experienceHomeMx19/Ae-NUJ-M3-Home-2020-Video.cfm.gql.json"}
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_4.0_View_Plans"}
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 430 message: Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 430 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Received fresh data from CCXProcess for Utut with path C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\AEFT-24.4-en_US-6746d10e-0dff-4842-b88e-0afd66adbaf9.json
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 430 message: Finished parsing data for Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 430 PERF - Finished parsing data for Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Setting data to the cache for Utut
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":38779}
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][SophiaBase] Surface data {"surface":"CCX_Start_3.1_Tutorials","campaignId":38779}
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Ututs] User has 15 web tutorials
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 153 message: Ututs Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 431 PERF - Ututs Init done: 153
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 432 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 432 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 432 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 432 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Failed to read data from file AEFT-24.4-en_US-5793bde4-99ea-4fce-9974-125750b889ac.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\data\clientLogs\AEFT-24-4-en_US-81CCD06963DA4D359434DC42CF9DBA02.json Error: Content file found but linked file is not found
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Content file found but linked file is not found
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FileAccessorDataLoader] Successfully read data from file AEFT-24.4-en_US-6746d10e-0dff-4842-b88e-0afd66adbaf9.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\learn\clientLogs\AEFT-24-4-en_US-1B508B78497A47978E60207FC4DDDAB6.json
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 165 message: Sophia Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 442 PERF - Sophia Init done: 165
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 500 message: Updated access token
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 500 PERF - Updated access token
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 210 message: IMS.updateAccessToken
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 500 PERF - IMS.updateAccessToken done: 210
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 222 message: IMS Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 500 PERF - IMS Init done: 222
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 500 PERF - Shared Settings Init start
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared Settings Handler initialized
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Error while reading client settings file
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Migrator] Error while migrating from CCXP settings to client settings
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Loading User SharedSettings
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Error while reading client settings file
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Get data
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Error] [console] [HS][FM Shared Settings Handler] Shared settings data is not available
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 5 message: Shared Settings Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 505 PERF - Shared Settings Init done: 5
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 506 message: Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 506 PERF - Avatar Loader: Get data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][LicenseChiclet] NGL: Showing no chiclet.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 540 message: Interactive Ready
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 540 PERF - Interactive Ready
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 264 message: Start Screen Init
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 540 PERF - Start Screen Init done: 264
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] Fri, 17 May 2024 20:04:32 GMT [FMS] [UserIntent] User intent container: undefined
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] Fri, 17 May 2024 20:04:32 GMT [FMS] [UserIntent] User intent container: undefined
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 574 PERF - Late Loads start
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 575 PERF - IMS.lateLoad start
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 0 message: IMS.lateLoad
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 575 PERF - IMS.lateLoad done: 0
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Drover] Analytics enabled state changed to true
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Analytics] analytics.ingest changed: (prod) active
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Analytics] analytics.ingest is enabled, processing prequeued events:  47
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 7 message: Late Loads
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 581 PERF - Late Loads done: 7
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 581 message: All done
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 581 PERF - All done
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] clearInterval for avatarFetchInterval
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 591 message: Avatar Loader: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 591 PERF - Avatar Loader: Read data using File Accessor.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 597 message: Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 597 PERF - Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Avatar Loader: Avatar file found and set using File Accessor. Path: C:/Users/Hassan/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/CCX Welcome/avatar/assets/72170a23-3553-4f2b-801a-21f5dd9a52f0.png
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 598 message: Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 598 PERF - Reading C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. Waiting for the results.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] log perf event: time: 598 message: Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][Performance] 598 PERF - Received results from reading the C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\ folder. 0 files.
[2024-05-17_21-04-32][3984][Default] [console] [HS][AvatarDataLoader] Successfully read data from file 6401d445-abed-4db3-9282-c07b6459afcd.json and wrote response in C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CCX Welcome\avatar\clientLogs\AEFT-24-4-en_US-5A40242FC36E417DBBF89B47FA8446C6.json
[2024-05-17_21-04-33][9660][Warn] [general] Writing DB fails, Path: C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\24.4\UXP\PluginsStorage\Internal\com.adobe.ccx.start\LocalStorage , error:  Corruption: not an sstable (bad magic number)
[2024-05-17_21-04-34][10728][Warn] [general] Setting focus failed on node: span
[2024-05-17_21-04-35][9660][Warn] [general] Writing DB fails, Path: C:\Users\Hassan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\24.4\UXP\PluginsStorage\Internal\com.adobe.ccx.start\LocalStorage , error:  Corruption: not an sstable (bad magic number)





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New Here ,
May 17, 2024 May 17, 2024

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Apologies but I forgot to mention that I am running the most recent version of Nvidia drivers:

NVIDIA Studio Driver

Version: 552.22 Release date: 04/16/2024


Thank you





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Adobe Employee ,
May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024

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Moving over to After Effects.




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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 07, 2024 Jun 07, 2024

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Sorry for the delayed response.

Can you provide your email ID to the crash reporter and submit it? That way, we'll be able to find your crash report in our system and investigate it. Don't forget to share your email ID with me via DM (click on my profile and then Send Message).

I see that you've already provided several dump files. However, the crash reports submitted by the crash reporter are much more detailed.

Looking forward to your response. Moving the thread from Bugs to Discussions for troubleshooting.







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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
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