New Forums -- yay, I think?
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It sure looks purdy!
So will there be stickies? Folders for specialty topics (like Expressions, Scripting, etc)? And is there any way to see an archive of the "old" forum messages?
EDIT: Ah, I see the subfolders over to the right! Sneaky!
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No sticky topics, at the moment, but time will tell. Glad you found the sub-forums to the side. It's kind of weird having them over there, but I'm sure we'll get used to the idea.
Technically, everything in the old system should be here in the new, except FAQs (if I remember correctly).
The whole thing is obviously going to evolve fairly rapidly over the next few days and weeks as demand dictates.
At the moment, my biggest beef is that this new format fails to remember which posts have been read by the user - a nightmare in really long threads like "AE Wish List", for example.
But I gotta say, I love being able to post pics and attachments, link to YouTube, write Scripts without corruption etc.
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Hey Andrew.
It looks like the forum is remembering which posts have been read for me.
It seems as if the unread ones appear in bolder/darker color.
The ones that have been read, but have new content have a semibold appearance, and the read/nothing new ones seem to be in a more plain-text style.
Or, is that not what you're talking about?
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Yo Steve,
You're quite right about the three-tone list of forum names, but I think the Forum is simply tracking your activity per-thread, not within the thread.
What I meant was, the old Web Crossing Forum we've just lost would actually remember every post within each thread that the user had seen. So if, for example, I opened the "After Effects Wish List" thread and read up to post #160, the next time I viewed that thread it would automatically take me to post #160. In this new forum, its up to the user to remember what they've read and find that place, often through long lists of pages.
There has been plenty of noise about this all over the Adobe Forums, so it will be interesting to see if the Jive guys can add this feature to their system.
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Let's hope they can, it's a basic feature on most forums around the web
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Hey Andrew, while it may not be exactly what you're looking for as far as the forum not "remembering" exactly what post in a thread you last read, you can always jump to the most recent post from the discussions listing by clicking on the "5 minutes ago" (or whatever timestamp the last poster left) on the right of the topic (above the last poster's name).
Then again, you probably already knew that.
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NO, NO, NO!!! About a year ago the forum was changed and we all HATED it, this is no different. If it wasn't broke, why f__ck with it? Change it back.
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Chris, if you have feedback about the new forum software in general, please voice it in the forum created for that purpose:
That's where the people who can actually make major changes can see your feedback.
I think that this new system is better overall, though I certainly see cons along with the pros. We're doing what we can to adapt and configure with the features that we have available. In some cases, we can change settings and layout to make things work better. We've only been at this for two days, though, so things are still in a bit of flux.
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As always, I really value your quick and relevant responses, thank
you, you make me a happy customer.
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Inserting images is kinda wonky.. It's hard to insert them where I want the image to appear, and I lose the scroll bars and it's hard to navigate...
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Ugh, it looks like I've lost the screen name "Aaron Cobb" forever.
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I think having the button "Up to Discussions in Adobe After Effects" at the bottom of the page too would be very helpful, that way we wouldn't need to scroll back up when were done reading a thread.
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Did you convert you screen nanme when the old forums were still active or was there another Adobe ID with your name? If it's not taken, you can always change your Adobe ID and the forum should reflect that.
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I did link my old forum account with my Adobe ID. However, way back during the first abortive attempt at revamping the forums, when I had to choose a screen name to associate with my Adobe ID for use on the then-new forum, "Aaron Cobb" was flagged as already in use. I had to choose something else, and in my frustration I finally went with "A. Cobb". It looks like that choice didn't die with the first "new" forum.
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Once the opening furore dies down, Aaron, I'll drop a note to the Forum Boss and see if he can't rescue your name from the system if it's not otherwise being used.
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I'm still getting the hang of the new system, but I think that I like it overall. There are pros and cons, with pros outweighing cons. And I have more confidence with this system that we can configure things to improve based on feedback.
I just added a banner at the top of this forum.
I also just created a new FAQ list subforum. I'll start to flesh that out this week, and I'll invite others to help out.
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It would be cool if the main would show icons of my last visited forums. Because really? Photoshop Elements? Flex? Kinda schizo. I have to use the popup menu every time.
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It would be cool if the main would show icons of my last visited forums. Because really? Photoshop Elements? Flex? Kinda schizo. I have to use the popup menu every time.
What if you bookmarked this page: History page showing recently viewed forums ?
Then you'd always come to a page from which you could navigate to your favorite forums. Just a thought.
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Thanks for doing this.
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A typical example of webbloat imposed on helpless visitors by programmers and designers who have grandiose personal agendas. The controls are too complicated, the interface has too many presentation/view/automation options, and there's too much for the casual user to configure.
All I want is to log into the AE forum automatically. I have not been able to figure out if that's even possible. I might be able to figure it out but I don't want to bother; it should just work.
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another glitch or user error is I am recieving an email everytime someone replies to this thread, even though I don't have the "Receive email notifications" button on.
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Have you set the preferences shown above (which you can get to through Your Stuff > Preferences)?
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that was it - thanks Todd!
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What happened to the daily email digests? If they are gone, the emails sent by this forum needs to be reformatted so that Gmail understands the threading instead of every email becoming a new conversation.
Getting 100+ messages sorted by the time they were sent is just plain painful.
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Sure is! My email account is a mess ever since Monday!

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