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Everytime I open my file in After Effects, it seems to crash the whole application. However what makes it different is that only this file (and another one) seems to make After Effects crash, when I try to load the other files I made it would work fine. Does anyone know why this is? Thank you!
p.s. 2 of my files make AE crash, the first one makes it crash then I thought simply making a new one would solve this, but yea it did not and it still made AE crash when I load it up
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Impossible to know without any system info and other details like cache settings and the contents of the project. You need to provide info what the projects actually contain. There's just too many possibilities where things can go wrong from text layers using a "bad font" to specific effects and functions in AE not cooperating to the usual issues with corrupted caches or broken hardware acceleration functions due to bad configuration.
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Hi thanks for the response. I do not believe the problem lies within the project because I tried making a new project with just the footage, no effects whatsoever and it still crashes.
Device name DESKTOP-KJV57AS
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
Device ID 0B2484BC-C3C1-487C-923E-0B9B52A477A6
Product ID 00331-10000-00001-AA152
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
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If AE crashes when you add a specific asset file (footage) then the format/codec of the footage is either corrupted or incompatible with After Effects. You can use the Adobe Media Encoder to transcode the footage to a suitable frame-based (not H.264 MP4 ever) digital intermediate/production master and try again. If the AME will not handle the file, then you need to find some software that will. It is not uncommon for certain formats to have problems with new versions of your software or your OS.
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I believe the footage isn't the problem. I tried opening my old (maybe 2 weeks ago) files I made, and they seem to work fine. Then I tested if it's the footage's fault, but it isn't because I used the same footage on the file that works perfectly fine into a new file, and the new file still crashes. Correct me if I'm wrong with my logic thank you !
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What happens if you try to import one of your problematic files into a working file?