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Position Expression for Start and End Position of Animated Shape Layer

Explorer ,
Oct 03, 2023 Oct 03, 2023

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The box shape in my lower third animation adjusts it's width based on the length of text through soureRectAtTime anchor point expression. Then the box is parented to a Null object to animate it and the text on and off screen.

I've attached "SSF_L3rd_AGENT.mp4" which shows the animation working.


It works great, but when my text gets longer the animation of that box and text doesn't start fully off screen.  Is there a position expression I can apply to the Null layer that will take into account the width of the box and start and end it off screen?

I've attached "SSF_L3rd_AGENT_tooLong.mp4" which shows the animation when the text gets longer and the box doesn't start off screen.



Expressions , How to




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Community Expert ,
Oct 03, 2023 Oct 03, 2023

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You have not told us how you set the starting position of the shape/text layer combination. 


An efficient way to do this is to use sourceRecAtTime() to find the length of the shape layer, multiply those values by the scale of the layer, and then subtract that distance from zero. If you use the Left value and the width, you should be able to line things up properly. Positioning the text layer over the shape layer with expressions is also the way to go. In the animation presets that I have designed, I also use the layer's in and out points to create the move using one of the ease linear interpolation methods. 


If the text layer is already tied to the shape layer background, then this expression should move the shape layer from the left edge of the comp and stop the movement when the left edge of the shape layer reaches the left edge of the comp. The expression assumes that all of the internal transform properties for the shape layer are at their default values.


s = scale[0] / 100;
box = sourceRectAtTime();
boxW = box.width/2;
t = time;
mov = 20 * thisComp.frameDuration; // 20 frame move
x = easeOut(t, inPoint, inPoint+ mov, - boxW, boxW);

[x * s, value[1]]

If that does not help solve your problem, please drag a screenshot that shows the modified properties of the shape layer and the text layer to the reply field on the forum so we don't have to download it to see it.  







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Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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AMAZING!  This totally works and I'm so grateful.  This is my first multi-expression comp, so I'm stretching.  I would love to be able to make the easeOut more dramatic.  Is there a way to put that in the expression, where the ease is fast in the beginning and then sloooooows to a stop?


Also, I need my text to follow a few frames behind the box.  I wanted to use a transform.xPosition.valueAtTime expression to accomplish this, but it errors.  Plus, the text layer needs to adjust to the edge at the beginning the same as the box.  I tried to parent the text to the box, then I tried to quickwhip the position, and then I just tried to use your scripting on the text layer, but it causes the position to pop around.  Maybe there is an easy expression that I'm missing.










Screenshot 2023-10-04 105046.png




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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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The expression to adjust the deceleration speed of the move gets a little more complicated. Something like this would work:

// s could be a slider with a range of 1 to 10 (1 = linear, 10 slightly more extreme than exponential)

s = 5;
mov = 60*thisComp.frameDuration;// Move Timne = could be a slider
w = sourceRectAtTime().width/2;

function pow_out(curT,t1,t2,v1,v2,n){
  if(curT <= t1)return v1;
  if(curT >= t2)return v2;
  dt = t2 - t1;
  dv = v2 - v1;
  t = (curT-t1)/dt;
  return v1 + dv*(1-Math.pow(1-t,n));
  val1 = [-w,value[1]];
  val2 = [w,value[1]];
  time1 = inPoint;
  time2 = inPoint + mov;


I have an animation preset that uses sliders for "s" and "mov" and includes a bunch of other options.


You can use a simple pickwhip expression to tie the position of your text layer to the position of the Shape Layer Background. It all depends on how you position the text layer, and it may depend on how you generate the shape layer background size. I'd have to see your timeline with all the modified properties of the text layer and the shape layer background revealed. Just select the layers and press 'uu' to show them all. If you have any expressions, share them as well.


Here's the expression in action with the Graph Editor showing the change in the speed as I change the s value:


I hope this helps. 


I'm preparing a tutorial series that dives deeply into sourceRectAtTime() and explains how to use it to control movement and position. If you follow my channel, it will show up soon.

My Quick Tips Playlist 





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Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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Thanks for this!  I would NEVER have figured out all this language. And thanks for the slider suggestions.  Luckily, I need to export a pretty simple mogrt for editorial, so I don't need the sliders.  Here's where I'm at, and what I tried to do with the "valueAtTime" on the text layer.  It's probably obvious how green I am with this syntax.  Thank you for your patience! (And I just subscribed to your Youtube.)

Screenshot 2023-10-04 130653.png






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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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I probably would have done something like this to adjust the timing of the text layer. I like working in frames instead of time.


d = 10 * thisComp.frameDuration;
m = thisComp.layer(index+1).transform.position;
m.valueAtTime(time - d)


The expression will work as long as the text layer is above the background shape layer. For this kind of thing, I always use layer index instead of layer name so the expressions will always work without throwing an error.


You could also change the expression slightly using a value + argument so you can fine-tune the final position of the text layer by simply dragging it around after the move completes.


v = [thisComp.width/2, thisComp.height/2] - value;
d = 10 * thisComp.frameDuration;
m = thisComp.layer(index+1).transform.position;
v + m.valueAtTime(time - d);


You can also use sourceRectAtTime() for the text layer, add padding, and offset so that the text is always the same distance from the top and right edge of the background layer. We're starting to get into some pretty heady stuff that I will cover in the tutorials. 


Here is the basic idea:

// set variablesw
d = 10 * thisComp.frameDuration; // 10 frame delay
topPad = 30; // top padding in pixels
leftPad = 60; // left padding in pixrels
// get bg layer size and find the middle
bg = thisComp.layer(index + 1);
bgScale = bg.scale/100;
bgDim = bg.sourceRectAtTime();
bgCntr = [bgDim.width * bgScale[0], bgDim.height * bgScale[1]]/2;
// use this layer size to set top left corner
lSize = sourceRectAtTime();
lFix = [lSize.width + lSize.left, lSize.top + bgDim.height*bgScale[1]];
// set timing and text layer position
p = bg.position.valueAtTime(time-d);
p + bgCntr - lFix - [leftPad, - topPad]

I just knocked that out. The comments should help you follow the logic. 




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Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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Thanks so much for your time!  I can't seem to get any of those to work, but I'm sure it's just because I don't know what I'm doing.  I'll try to work with these in future spare time to figure out what they can do.  Thank you, Thank you!  




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Community Expert ,
Oct 04, 2023 Oct 04, 2023

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Here is a comp with the position expressions worked out and sliders to control padding, timing, and the speed ramp.







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Explorer ,
Oct 05, 2023 Oct 05, 2023

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Above and Beyond!  Thanks so much for this.  I'm going to dive and and break it and just try to figure it all out.  Thanks for giving me something to disect!




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New Here ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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This entire thread was so helpful, thank you. Also subscribed -- can't wait for more tutorials on sourceRectAtTime()!




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