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Pre comp text box is making color box black or transparent

Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2022

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Hello, I'm having anissue with a pre-animated text box going black when pre comping the animation. I did this twice with no issues no on the 3rd time this is happening


the work flow is to duplicate a text animation, type the new player info. Pre comp the title into the player comp. adjust player comp. Lather rinse and repeat. Im want the precomp the text animation becasue i need to match scale and postion and then use a null object to animate the text with the player via parenting relationship. 




Shot 1-Text animation


Shot 2 -pre-comped and applied to player comp


I duplicated the title precomp to change the players name and apply it to the next player


now out of nowhere the solid gold background is turning black or transparent....


something has gotten messed up but i cant figure out what it is. Like i said it worked twice fine. Even duplicating the orignal animation from the original media folder has the same issue. 

Error or problem






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2022

Disregard previous message, just realised the issue.


The text precomps have layers hidden with the Shy button.  You are precomposing all the visible text layers, but not including the yellow background elements because you can't select them when they're shy.


A much better process for doing this would be to simply duplicate the text precomps in the project window.  


Select the 00 Goodwin comp in the titles folder in the project window.  Duplicate (Cmd/Ctrl D).  Rename the copy, then open it




Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2022

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Can you re-post a screengrab of the final problem image with the timeline visible?  Also, select the problem layer and press UU to reveal all changed parameters.


Plus, if you just drag your screengrabs into the forum entry window as you type, rather than attaching them, they'll appear embedded in your messages - easier to post, and easier to read. 🙂





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Community Expert ,
Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2022

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Disregard previous message, just realised the issue.


The text precomps have layers hidden with the Shy button.  You are precomposing all the visible text layers, but not including the yellow background elements because you can't select them when they're shy.


A much better process for doing this would be to simply duplicate the text precomps in the project window.  


Select the 00 Goodwin comp in the titles folder in the project window.  Duplicate (Cmd/Ctrl D).  Rename the copy, then open it, edit your text.  


In your new main comp (I'm guessing "Stefanov Kit1" ?) alt-drag the new text comp onto the old text comp to replace it.






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Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2022 Jan 15, 2022

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Thanks Andrew, 

Apprecaite the response. I just needed to step away and figure out a diffrenet approach. I did wind up duplicating the text layer and was able to move forward with the project. 


Thats great tip on the shy button though. Ill google that up so that Im more aware of it. 


Lessoned learned and thanks again





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