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1.First I go to 3D Track in Video.
2.Then I add Solid in 3D.
3. I copy and past layer 3D.
4. I add Stroke in 1 Layer 3D.
5. Then happen like striped, marking , scratch marks , a lot of little pixel .
6. All of that annoy me and when I move it I want to make a 2 Line in 1 Layer solid but the Line is scratch marks.
7. So I go to do a loop with add Solid in 3D everytime and when I render It take so long Time.
8. In 1 minute video I add 3D Solid about 40 Layer the Time render Export is 2 Hour .
*** at the first when i use After Effect like 5 mount ago I can Copy and paste Layer of solid and doesn't have scratch marks and I use only 1 solid 3D layer and copy paste is very easy and the render Export of time is shorter than this time . #Adobe #scratchmarksinAE
I have no Idea what to do next I hop people come to see my Topic Thankyou.
Hi @Deleted User,
This sounds like a coplanar issue -- meaning that the video and solid layers are on the same plane so its causing "tearing." The solution to that is either very small move (e.g. in Y) to separate the layers slightly or to set their opacity to around 97% (The semi-opacity pipe handled that better at present).
For your 2 hour render issue:
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Hi @Deleted User,
This sounds like a coplanar issue -- meaning that the video and solid layers are on the same plane so its causing "tearing." The solution to that is either very small move (e.g. in Y) to separate the layers slightly or to set their opacity to around 97% (The semi-opacity pipe handled that better at present).
For your 2 hour render issue:
Thanks so much for the intel,
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Thank youfor infomation.
Answer Ahhh I get this at hte first I chose 3D and it okay to copy ans paste but I change to 4D and my video and layer solid is scratch marks , That is the cause of the error. Well, it was my mistake for not checking. And Thank you "ขอบคุณครับ" DaciaSaenz, AE Engineering Team
Answer And when I change back at 4D to 3D , it take time render Export process shorter than 4D. Thankyou
Answer 40 Layer for make a line in Solid Layer of 3D track . at 4D I connot copy and paste but now I change back to 3D , Now it is very okay.
Answer I try to export to H.264 .
Answer I didn't try before.
Hop everyone get the answer with my mistake.
Finally Thankyou "ขอบคุณครับ" DaciaSaenz, AE Engineering Team