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Sound glitches at the end of a rendered video

Explorer ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Hi, I have a problem with video rendering in After Effects 2021. At the end of a rendered video I hear a small sound glitch, like a 0.5 second loud white noise, like when you plug in headphones. It happens often, with different projects I was working on. It is really annoying, I spend 30 minutes rendering the final video, only to find out that there's this sound glitch at the very end of the video.


Did anyone else experience it? I tried muting the audio (setting the audio level to -80dB) in the top pre-comp, the one where I render the video from, 1-2 seconds before this glitch should happen in the rendered video, but it is still there in the final video.


I use default setting for Audio: 48,000 kHz, 16bit, Stereo

Error or problem




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Please provide more information about your project.


What format and settings are you rendering to?


What format are any source files with audio that you're using in the project?  How many layers of audio occur throughout the project?


If you render the project to an audio only format, like a WAV file, do you still get the glitch?


In the meantime, if you need to output files in a hurry, render to a high quality intermediate format, then re-output from Premiere with the problem audio removed.




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Explorer ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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I'm rendering to AVI, quality: "Best", Resolution: "Full" (1920x1080). I convert from 50fps to 24fps during render. Everything else is left at default settings (Format is left at "Lossless").


I only have 1 sound source in the probject, it is an mp3 file (music). All my video files have sound muted (sound checkbox is unticked in AE), I double-checked it.


When I render to WAV the sound glitch is gone. Also, when I render to mp3 or to avi with no video, the sound glitch is gone too. What's interesting is that rendering with no video (wav, mp3 or avi without video) seems to fix the sound glitch, so when I render normaly after that, with video on, the sound glitch is gone until I close and re-open the project. I tried it many 5-6 times, so that seems to be a temporary fix.

Also, clicking the "Open in AME" button inside AE and rendering the video in Media Encoder didn't produce that sound glitch, but I tried it only once.


I also tried trimming the audio in AE at the end of my video, so that my music stops playing 5 secs before the video ends, so that I have no sound source at the end, but I still get that glitch at the very end if I render the final video normally.


It seems to be a bug in AE.




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Explorer ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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And about the "temporary fix" (when rendering with no video first), I can still hear 1 click in left audio channel with that "fix", but it's not loud and is bearable.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Try transcoding your MP3 to a lossless format and replacing it within the AE project.  MP3 is a temporal compression format that can upset AE sometimes.




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Explorer ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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I just tried transcoding mp3 to wav, out of curiocity. First time it worked, then that sound glitch started again, only in the left audio channel.

It's ok though, it's not always there, it starts after I add certain elemnts to my project, I don't know which ones yet and I can always render it with Media Encoder or render with no video first or find some other workaround. Thanks.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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What Adrew suggest, convert it an WAV or AIFF, also make that one a second longer (adding silience). I'm guessing the glitch is there because the MP3 is not exacly the same lenght as your comp, confusing the export render.




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New Here ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Lol, you might have saved me lots of searching or trial and error. I really had a gap between layers contained inside a comp called music :)))
Thank you, sir




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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2023 Dec 15, 2023

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Had this issue recently. I'm doing simple editing of my gaming clips, nothing fancy. What fixed it for me is setting comp FPS to 60 (or maybe any even number works). It was 59.94 by default, maybe it caused AE to get a little confused as to where the audio track ends.




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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2024 Jan 10, 2024

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Same problem here, people (FROM ADOBE) JUST STOP, PLEASE STOP asking to provide more information about the project because... this happens RANDOM, and we THE USERS DO NOT HAVE A CLUE WHY THIS RANDOM SHT IS HAPPENING, sometimes it renders with a sound glitch, I do NOTHING and export again and everything is good. I thing there is only one answer to this ADOBE. I am so frustrated that I am STUCK with your software, because unfortunately there are no alternatives, and I don't know why.

P.S. I have sent you like a million reports, so at least you won me a thank you




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