I'm new here and my english is not perfect...
For information, we have created a powerful board with many CPU on it for rendering many effect with less time. I have create Plug-ins for test 1 effect and it's working properly. Now I try to ask After Effect with various call from API to known how many layers is on the composition, how many effects will be processing , and the time slice for each one.
I see some examples and I try some call but every time these call return me error or exception. I call it the same way that in example !!!
example ..this call throw me a exception :
suites.PFInterfaceSuite()->AEGP_GetEffectLayer( in_data->effect_ref, &effect_layerH));
In SDK Manual (version 6.5) each call to API is explain for the purpose and parameter but never a sequence of call to do something. Is there some document that explain the real use of each suite is a good way.
Can you help me to find something or just tell me where I can read info.
Our purpose is special and we want to be signaled or known each effect before these one will be rendered to do some process... And the other thing that we want to do is intercept the effect before this one will be done and stop it by the SDK API call. Can we do that with the API ??