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Upgrading problems to CC18 with specific questions for Adobe

Participant ,
Oct 24, 2017 Oct 24, 2017

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[Moderator moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to After Effects.]

Hi all,

I'm a little confused about upgrading and why some of these questions I have below haven't been addressed in the last couple of years.

I have two computers, one work and one home. It's like pulling teeth trying to sync everything up every time an upgrade comes around AND it's a pain that the file formats are not backwards compatible. I do explainer videos so I have a combo of Premiere, After Effects and Audition work in every Premiere file I create by the way.

Anyway here are my questions:

#1 What exactly is synced with Media Encoder? When upgrading to CC18 neither my encoding presets or watch folder settings were imported.

#2 What is synced in After Effects? I had to use the “migrate previous version settings” to get my workspaces etc.

#3 Why are there two options that seemingly do the same thing or are supposed to in After Effects - sync settings and migrate settings?

#4 Why can’t we SEE what exactly is being synced?

#5 Why do you have manually transfer user created presets from one version of Premiere to another and why aren’t the presets saved outside the program in a folder like After Effects?

#6 Why aren’t presets and plugins synced in After Effects?

#7 With two computers, why isn't there a way to combine settings when syncing for two computers working on the same project - specifically with workspaces for two sets of monitors??







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 07, 2017 Nov 07, 2017

Hi Holtz,

Sorry about this. I don't believe there's a master list to answer all of your questions in one place.

  • When updating major versions of your software, certain project items:
    • Are updated across major versions (via Sync Settings, Importing Workspaces, etc.).
    • Others are items that are not preserved and must be recreated from the ground up.
    • Certain items can moved manually from one version to the next (at



Adobe Employee ,
Nov 07, 2017 Nov 07, 2017

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Hi Holtz,

Sorry about this. I don't believe there's a master list to answer all of your questions in one place.

  • When updating major versions of your software, certain project items:
    • Are updated across major versions (via Sync Settings, Importing Workspaces, etc.).
    • Others are items that are not preserved and must be recreated from the ground up.
    • Certain items can moved manually from one version to the next (at your own risk)
    • Incompatible items for the new version, like plug-ins might need to be updated and/or reinstalled.
    • Applications are architected differently, so different rules might apply.

For After Effects and other multimedia style applications, it can be a somewhat arduous process to get everything up and running across major new versions of software. No doubt the process could be smoothed out and automated further, though. In my own professional experience, it always took a good deal of planning and time to smoothly move from one version to the next. I apologize for all the pain points.

For that, you should give the team your feedback.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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