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VFX Workflow with Arri Raw

Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2018 Jul 10, 2018

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So i have shot a small commercial made of entirely green screen on Arri Raw 25fps. Now after I have made the final edit and want to start on compositing and VFX how would i go about it?

I want to export EXR sequences out of Resolve AND/ OR do the VFX in After Effects. OR is it possible to bypass Resolve and work with ARRI RAW directly in Premiere/ via Dynamic Link in After Effects?

1. I have some shots where I have used Twixtor for speed Ramps > How do i online it ?

Any suggestions would be helpful!





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Engaged ,
Jul 11, 2018 Jul 11, 2018

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TL;DR Premiere is your base of operations and final output. Don't trust dynamic link.

Personally, when I do short commercial spots I work by making proxies with a burnt in lut and edit with them linked to the raw source in Premiere. Once I have edit locked I do my comp in AE on the raw (flat) footage using an adjustment layer set to a guide layer and the same burnt in LUT (via the lumetru lut input) as the top layer of each comp. This is my sanity check so I can view the work pre and post temp grade. Then I render out to a lossless format and put those shots back into my Premiere timeline on a track above my locked edit.

I strongly discourage the use of dynamic link if you're likely to do many versions of each shot or are going to be working with computational heavy AE comps. It never works as expected.

Last step is to do color. Lately I prefer resolve so I duplicate my locked timeline with the final vfx shots and add something like "_toColor" to it. I delete everything except the final shots that need color (and non VFX shots that need color) and clean up the timeline so it's only 2 video tracks at most and every shot is trimmed to only the frames seen in the spot. Then export an xml and import that into resolve.

Do color to it.

After color I export individual shots with handles and an xml from resolve to rebuild in Premiere and drop in the final audio.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2018 Jul 12, 2018

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1. Once I have edit locked I do my comp in AE on the raw (flat) footage...

- how do you confirm or relink the offline/ raw footage? I can relink in Resolve, but how do I bring that conformed timeline into AE ?




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Engaged ,
Jul 12, 2018 Jul 12, 2018

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- how do you confirm or relink the offline/ raw footage? I can relink in Resolve, but how do I bring that conformed timeline into AE ?

Going from premiere to AE is easy. As I mentioned I don't like dynamic link but I do like the old right click and "Replace with After Effects Composition" to send clips to an AE timeline. I'll move all my plate clips to their own track, then duplicate them to the track above and THEN send to AE so I retain the edits. once I have the AE timeline I delete the dynamic linked ae comp in Pr.

For the sake of keeping things organized I'll use something like rd:Pre-Compose to put each shot into it's own comp with handles and then AE Global Renamer to give things like sequence numbers to keep my project organized.

Using this method you don't have to worry because Pr will pass the retiming to AE. if you used twixtor and installed it for Pr and AE the footage will have the Twixtor effects settings applied. you can also just copy a clip in Pr and paste into an AE timeline for the same process.




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