Weird audio problem
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So , when I import and audio in after effects and I play it , it's really weird and slow even 1 hour later . Can someone help me ?
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When you play the audio you just have the audio Layer or have another video layers?
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Just the audio layer
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Start telling us detailed tech specs of your system and composition.
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How do I see this
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I mean, tell us the specs of the processor, GPU, Ram, hard disk or solid disk, those things. In addition to the resolution and framerate of your composition. If you do not know how to view these parameters of your computer, then search the internet how to do it please.
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I mean, tell us the specs of the processor, GPU, Ram, hard disk or solid disk, those things. In addition to the resolution and framerate of your composition. If you do not know how to view these parameters of your computer, then search the internet how to do it please.
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You do not show us much information so nothing can be deduced, however with 8GB of RAM and the 7th Generation i5 processor I can say that hopefully you have After Effects installed on your system, not to mention that Ae is not for playing or audio nor video of such long duration. My recommendation is that you try to lower the playback resolution of the Preview and work with short pre-compositions and then you make a master Composition by joining all the pre-compositions.
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And again , I'm new with ae so idk how to work with pre-composition
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This sounds like a Preview Settings issue. The first Screen Capture below shows the ideal setting to rid yourself of low audio sampling rate during previews - specifically, the Mute Audio when Preview Is Not Real-time checkbox.
The second Screen Capture of the Preview Panel has the Cache Before Playback checkbox enabled. Enable this if the advice above, on its own, does not solve your problem. HTH
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It didn't work 😞
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You will have to describe as clearly as you can, what you mean when you say "audio is slow".
And, do you experience this when there are visual layers, together with the audio layer AND just Visual Layers.
You should also go through AE Tutorials which have been designed for beginners. The Help menu provides a direct link to AE Tutorials designed for different user-levels.
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Okay so the audio is normal when there's just the audio layer but when I add another video layer the audio become completely distorted and weird and it changes completely
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What format is your audio? If it's not WAV and it's an MP3, then use Adobe Audition to convert to a WAV format. AE is very stringent with pixels and occasionally with highly compressed audio. HTH
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I don't know if you are still getting this problem or not.. recently I faced this issue and the solution was so simple for me. First, check the frame rate from the composition settings and then check the frame rate from the Preview panel.. My composition frame rate was 30fps and in the preview panel it was 24fps that's why the audio sounded weird.