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weird colour added to my video when put into ae

New Here ,
Mar 29, 2019 Mar 29, 2019

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before v


after v

after.jpgdoes anyone know how to remove what ever is happening when i put my videos into after effects ? it seems to be auto colour correcting but doing a crap job




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Mentor , Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

I see!

You are exporting the footage out of AE. Well - the color shift can origin from the codec in this case. What codec and container are you exporting to? Something like H.264 MP4, maybe?

What codec and container are you capturing from the VX1000?

I suggest exporting PNG sequences from AE instead of any video format, or at least export in the exact same codec and container as the original footage.



Guide ,
Mar 29, 2019 Mar 29, 2019

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Every each media payer can use different algorythms to playback footage so simpe question is:
Are you sure that what you were paying back in your player was the correct way that your footage was recorded?
I'm guessing - not.

You can also try to playback your footage in several other payers and it can have different"tint" different color temperature, saturation, exposure or contrast.

So if you ask how to remove what is happening in AE is not a good question. Question should be - how to make fotage in AE similar in color as in my player. And answer would be: color correcting

But I can already tell you that if you color correct your footage in AE to look as that in your media player, render and then payback in your player - it will be different than original one played back in your player and different that you set in AE because your player will use his "settings" to playback.




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New Here ,
Mar 29, 2019 Mar 29, 2019

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thanks for reply but i want my footage raw with no colour correction so the answer is not what i was after no other program i use have ever done anything like that when i put my un edited raw clips into them so why is it happening with ae




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Mentor ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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Is the second screenshot from AE viewer or taken after export out of AE? And where is the first screenshot taken from?

You can't open your footage in player A, take a screenshot, pull footage into AE and compare AE view with the screenshot from the player, because the player itself is adding it's own internal color spacing.

AE doesn't add automatic color correction. There are color spaces in project setting, which you might check, but that's all. All other coloring and grading is done intentionally by you.

Gives us more details about the footage and the camera it was shot with.





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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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hey mate im filming with a sony vx1000 and the pictures the first one is after capturing from my camera and being played back thru VLC player and the second photo is after it has been thru after affects with nothing done just put thru it and rendered then played back thru VLC player and im not sure that it doesnt add a cc on it or something because i use this program for ramp slomos and so do a lot of other people for skate videos and when im watching videos and before the slomo has came up i can tell that a slomo is coming up because of the colours sorry i dont know what else to say but i dont want my stuff looking like it does in the second photo (the colours are changed with or with out the ramp slomo)




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Mentor ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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I see!

You are exporting the footage out of AE. Well - the color shift can origin from the codec in this case. What codec and container are you exporting to? Something like H.264 MP4, maybe?

What codec and container are you capturing from the VX1000?

I suggest exporting PNG sequences from AE instead of any video format, or at least export in the exact same codec and container as the original footage.





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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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its happening as i put the file into ae its got the weird colours even before rendering i have tried heaps of difference options for when i render but always has the crap added to my video but i only use this program for the time remapping so im not sure what a lot of settings and stuff do and are




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People's Champ ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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It's already been explained to you why there might be a color variation.  And there could be other reasons as well.  And you've already been asked to provide information about the codecs and containers and composition and export settings to which you replied only that you've tried "heaps" of settings.  Heaps, huh?   OK, So your best bet in my opinion is to watch some tutorials on color correcting in after effects and try to use what you learn to make your video look a little more how you'd like it to look.  That's way life goes man.  You have to work with what you've got, and if that's not good enough then you have to go out get some that is...





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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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wow really you want me to go thru every thing ive tried ? all im askjing is why theres colours added to my clip NO OTHER PROGRAM DOES IT so why does this do it and its not the way life goes that makes no sense and why should i have to colour correct when i dont want to and have never had to i want my clips UN COLOUR CORRECTED is that so hard i thought there would have been a setting you clicked and boom back to the way i had them it seems no one has a answer for me or even under stands what im asking ?  i have no idea about editing or this program i need someone to help with what evers going on step by step cause asking for codecs or what ever idk




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People's Champ ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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joelh92456627  wrote

why should i have to colour correct when i dont want to

  I really don't what to say to that except...LOL





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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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all i can say to you is your a nerd get a life ahhahahaha why come on this forum to talk down to people that need help how about helping instead of trying to act like your some some sick lad you come on to help or just delete your nerdy little adobe account you probly thinks cool and let people that want to help come on and help i dont wanna see your annoying face in this again please




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Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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The people that have been trying to help are doing so of their own interest in helping. And you've been asked for some basic information and been unwilling to respond, other than complaining about the comments of others. Strange.

Ae has some color management settings that of course can affect how any image appears in that app. Providing a screen-grab drag/dropped in your reply showing your color management settings would be very helpful to begin with. Then ... it would be possible to start going through and sorting out further questions about this.

Many people start out thinking there is some over-riding "correct" color to media, which is not at all ... correct. First, as has been noted above, every app applies it's own special sauce to displaying color ... next, the OS of every computing device has its own color display settings, and those vary all over creation. Then ever screen has its own settings. Which again, vary all over. Seeing "proper" colors of media actually takes quite a bit or work to set up a complete system, and calibrate it properly, to get to "correct" views of color and tonality.

And the joy is, even if your system is set up beautifully, professionally, for color/tonality ... no other screen will ever show the media exactly like it appears on your screen. You can't even get two high-end monitors near each other calibrated exactly alike.

So the variables are almost endless. Start by posting back what the color management settings are for Ae as you are using it. And the discussion can go on from there.





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Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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I don't know why you're so worried about the color when the exposure absolutely stinks.




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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2019 Mar 30, 2019

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haha funnny if you dont know then why even commment im asking about the the crap being added to my video not about how to set exposure when im filming half indoors and half out doors




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