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Why does my path change position when I paste it (to a mask, or position, ...)?
I'm using AE CS6 and AI CS6.
I opened a AI document in AE and converted it to shapes and resized and repositioned it.
Then I tried to copy/paste the path from the shape to a lens flare center (to animate the lens flare). And that worked but, but it has moved off quite a bit and out of frame.
Solved! The video by Rick Gerard is here -> Mask or shape path to motion path - YouTube
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PS: Also I'm completely new to AE and also pretty much to AI, so it's prolly something obvious
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Effect paths are relative to the layer and shape layers use a differnt coordinate system than conventonal layers. Furthermore positioning and scaling may introduce additional coordinate changes not relative to the layer, but the comp. There you pretty much have your answer, you need to work out a consistent logic and work to scale from the start.
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So no moving or scaling paths in AE and then it should work?
The moving and scaling can only be done in other programs like AI?
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I'm basically trying to follow this tutorial:
But, the problem is that my motionpath (for the lensflare) has moved compared to the original image. I don't know why, the guy in the tutorial doesn't have that problem?
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If you have created paths then you can transform the path. Do not use scale if you are planning to copy and paste vector paths to motion paths. It doesn't work with masks, it does not work with shape layers.
Take a quick look at this short video. It explains how to copy and paste a motion path to a camera, you can paste it to any layer.
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Thanks for the help, but still no luck so far.
I tried with all new documents:
Created a new 1920*1080px document in AI,
Drew a square in the top left corner
Created a new 1920*1080px composition in AE
created a new solid (and made comp size)
added a lens flare to the solid
Didn't move or scale anything
Now if I copy/paste the path from illustrator directly (through the clipboard) to the flare center, the path (the motion path that the flare follows) gets moved from the top left where i drew the square to the center of the document.
If I open the AI document in AE and create shape from vector layer, everything looks right (square in top left corner) but if I copy/paste this path to the flare center, the path (the motion path that the flare follows) gets moved from the top left where i drew the square to some seemingly random position.
Is there something else i should do? Things I should look out for when I create the documents for example?
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So here is what i got so far:
imported the illustrator shape and made a mask from it (Image 1). When I copy paste the mask path to the centre of the circle, it jumps to a new location away from the original (Image 2).
Is it possible to have something follow the shape (or path) without having it jump to a new location?
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This has to do with the size of your object in Illustrator and the way you bring the illustrator layers into AE. If you have a path in AE on a layer that is not scaled you can copy and paste the path to a motion path and maintain position. Simple as that. Copying from Illustrator can be problematic unless your Illustrator document is set up exactly the same as your Comp in AE.
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So how do i set up both documents so they are exactly the same?
They are both 1920*1080px is there something else i should set up?
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Finally found a work around:
import the ai file, convert to shapes, add mask to shape layer and copy shape path to the mask path.
Create null layer, add mask, copy the previous mask path to this mask (which causes it to jump to a new location). Fix all four shape values of this mask by subtrackting the correct position coordinates. The mask now doesn't overlap with the original image, but effects applied using this mask do follow the original image and not the mask.
I doubt this is the way to do it, since the program has all the info it needs to do this by itself but nothing else seems to work.
Added an image to show what I mean: the mask is the corrected mask, the outline is a stroke set to "luma matte" the original image. And the stroke was made using the corrected mask... If that makes it clear
Thanks for the help. If someone knows what I'm doing wrong or how i can do it faster i'd be happy to hear it.
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Just copy the shape path by setting a keyframe, then paste to position. If I get a few minutes I'll post a video.
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The same issue.
AE CC2015, I'm trying to follow your video, and make this
Then I simply copy Mask path and paste it to Camera1 Position, and I get this, no matter if I create a key frame(s) or not
Thank you in advance!
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Solved! The video by Rick Gerard is here -> Mask or shape path to motion path - YouTube
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Im having this problem but Im not importing anything from illustrator. Im simply trying to paste my path into the position of my shape or solid and it does not paste correctly in CC 2015.
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So I'm having an issue that is kind of related to this and it's driving me insane. So I have a vector (eps) file that has to travel along a path, I set up a null object, used the pen tool to mask out the path copied the mask path data and pasted it into the position values and it copies it in but the path scales up! any ideas as to why this is happening? is there a way it won't do this, or a way i can scale a path down?
The most annoying thing is I did this very same method for another animated vector file and it worked no problems at all!! I just can't find the issue!
Thanks in advance guys!
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I had the same issue doing a write on effect, I solved doing this:
Copy the path from AI
Paste the path as a mask
move the path to the desired place
Cut the mask path
Paste the path over the null or effect position
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This was driving me crazy and I couldn't find any real solutions online but worked out a really easy fix that will hopefully be useful to some:
• create your ai file same dimensions as your comp
• the scale of the layer you are pasting into must be 100%, this is what was causing my problem, if your layer scale is not 100% see below for a work around
• now if you copy and paste from your ai to your ae the path will be the correct size but in the wrong position (likely in the centre of the layer), read on...
• to retain the position of your path add a path around the edge of your ai file, so if your comp is 1920 x 1080 add a path 1920 x 1080 to your ai file. Copy the outer path and the path/paths, now when you paste into ae the paths will be in the correct position
If the layer scale you are pasting into is not 100% a little math is needed, in this example lets say I have added a jpeg to my layer and scaled to 60%, the calculation would be as follows:
• 100/60 = 1.666 (move your decimal 2 places, 166.6)
• select your paths (including the path around the edge of your page) in ai and enlarge by 166.6%, copy and paste into ae and the position and scale should now be correct
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Thank you for the real answer, much appreciated.
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This thread is one of those cases where
an unclosed thread actually brings more confusion or unnecessary steps than understanding.
as Rick explains in the video, and Myllenim explains in the first response, if you copy paste a path to position, the layer which has the path has to be at the default scale/position/rotation in order to get predictable results.
An easy way to overcome this is to create an intermediate between the copy and pasting i.e creating a null (solid too) to be the middleman of the copy and pasting.
here are the steps:
1. create a null.
2. if it's a path you want to generate from scratch, create the path in the null layer as you easily reference the composite.
If it's an already existing path, then copy paste the original path to a mask in the null layer and adjust the path to fit (by manipulating the mask path, not the layer transform)
*Note: if you copied a mask path, simple copy paste to the null will create the mask in the null. if you copied a shape path, you need to create any mask in the null first, and then paste the shape path to the mask path property.
3. Copy from the null mask path and paste to a position property of your choosing
that's all there is to it. It's simply adding this additional step of a default transform layer in the middle to make this conversion succesful.
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Many years later and I'm running into the same issue. However Roei, I'm trying what you're suggesting by adding a mask to a null and then pasting the motion path shape to that mask property. But when doing this it does not match the position of the original path. And when I copy that mask path and paste it into the thing I want following the path it still doesn't line up. My illustrator and AE documents are the exact size. My scaling is 100%, nothing has been rotated or moved from it's original position. Yet nothing lines up when attempting this method of copying motion paths to objects.
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found solution?
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The easiest way to do that for me is:
in illustrator make a path that is exactly the shape of you artboard (like a square) copy the path you want to move plus this new (artboard) path. When you paste it in after effects it will know the exacly position of your path. Then delete the extra path (artboard one).
1) In AI I want Just the central object (fountain). I selected the central object path + the (artboard) path.
2) In AE when I paste it places in the exaclty position. Then I delete the unwanted mask.
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This is the most useful response. Can someone Pin to the top? Thanks for the work around!
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For anyone needing a fast and "easy" answer, you can also manually reshape masks by pressing command T
I'm sure there are more elegant solutions but this one saved me.