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Wip Pan Transition

Engaged ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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How can I make a 'Wip Pan Transistion' that scrolls to the side, then stops at one photo for a few seconds, then does a Wip Pan Transistion to a second photo etc.


Here is a video an example of the 'Wip Pan Transistion' effect from 'Newsnight'....



How to




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advisor , Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

Assuming you're looking at the title sequence... not really a whip pan, but I get the similarities...


Very simple really:

  1. One portrait layer. Animate from off frame right into centre frame. Copy the centre keyframe and paste in a second or so later to give you the pause. Add another keyframe to move the layer off screen.
  2. Move your playhead to the position of the last keyframe and hit Alt/Optn ] to trim the layer.
  3. Duplicate your layer.
  4. Select your new layer. Hold down the Alt/Optn key and drag


Advisor ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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Assuming you're looking at the title sequence... not really a whip pan, but I get the similarities...


Very simple really:

  1. One portrait layer. Animate from off frame right into centre frame. Copy the centre keyframe and paste in a second or so later to give you the pause. Add another keyframe to move the layer off screen.
  2. Move your playhead to the position of the last keyframe and hit Alt/Optn ] to trim the layer.
  3. Duplicate your layer.
  4. Select your new layer. Hold down the Alt/Optn key and drag a new 'portrait' from your project panel onto the selected layer. Release the Alt /Optn key. You've just done a source layer replacement.
  5. Repeat those last 2 steps for as many layers as you need.
  6. Select your first 'portrait' layer, shift click on your last 'portrait' layer. Animation menu: Keyframe Assistant > Sequence layers. Click OK.
  7. Enable motion blur for all those layers.
  8. Now go to Composition settings > Advanced and set the shutter angle to a high value - anything up to 720. Bigger number = more blur.
  9. Once everything is done, pre-compose all the 'portrait' layers. Add a feathered mask over the central area to fade the images in / out as they move through the frame.

Add other background / foreground layers as you require.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2020 Feb 07, 2020

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I would do something like this:

  1. Move the picture to the right side of the composition and create a keyframe.
  2. Move the picture to the middle of the composition or the position you want it to stay and create another keyframe
  3. Advance in the timeline the amount of time you want to see the picture and create another keyframe in the same position as the last one.
  4. Move the picture to the left side of the composition and create a keyframe.Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 09.58.47.png
  5. Duplicate the layer and move this layer formard in time until the two last keyframes of the first layer overlap the first two keyframes of this duplicated layer.
  6. Drag a picture from the project files window holding the Option key (or ALT in Windows) and release it in the composition window. This action will replace the picture.

Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 10.07.03.png7. Repeat the process as many times you need.


I hope this helps.  Cheers!




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