More and more I'm finding myself working on templates from other design groups that make use of Essential Properties. Unfortunately a lot of these templates use the EP's in ways that run counter to good versioning practices (please stop building workflows that use the Essential Graphics panel in AE for versioning, people!).
In trying to restructure these projects for a better workflow, I need to trace just where properties are used as Essential Properties. Unfortunately the only way I can see to do this is to go through comps one-by-one in the EG panel and then use the "Reveal in timeline" feature. It would be great if I could right-click on a property and see a list of comps that have that property as an essential property. It might also be useful to have a way to see a table of all the EP's in the project, including their source layers and containing comps, along with the comps the EP's are attached to. If these Essential Property links were exposed in the scripting API I'd gladly write a script to do this, but sadly, they are not. But the aforementioned pop-up menu would be a good start in helping to untangle these projects.