It would be great to have the following improvements to Composition > Save Frame as > Photoshop Layers:
- Option to include Layers that are outside of the visible area of the Compositon to be included in the resulting Photoshop document. This would avoid having to increase the Composition width and height prior to saving as Photoshop Layers.
- Option for Text Layers to be editable in Photoshop. Currently, After Effects Text Layers are rasterized as a Photoshop Layer. An option for editable text would avoid having to copy and paste from After Effects to Photoshop to restore being able to edit text on the Photoshop side.
- Option to place the Composition Poster Time as a Smart Object in Photoshop. This would allow for maintaining the appearance achieved within After Effects on the Photoshop side while being able to make adjustments during the design process and rastorized later if/when needed.