I would like to see an easy (one key press or effect) that allows for easy looping of a clip between 2 key frames or the layer duration.
It could even have added features such as loop amount (which tells the clip to loop 3 times before continuing)
If I have a section of a clip of comp or layer that I wish to loop, it tends to only be available with many steps, such as precomposing and enabling time remapping and then setting of a loop expression, with inane one-frame-shorter-than-you-want-so-you-dont-get-a-flicker approach.
How much easier would it be to right click and select 'loop'!
or Add an effect to the layer that allows you to set a couple of loop keyframes (default would be current length) and then added options there?
Maybe even a oneclick button on the timeline that loops whatever length of layer is visible?
It is such a common recurring part of animation, I am dumbfounded it is not already an intrinsic feature of AE.