LUTs are currently inaccessible to scripts because:
1. They are buried in effects you have to "Open Dialog" to
2. They are buried in popdowns
So my proposal is this: What if After Effects directly imported the LUT file directly into the "Project Window".
And then drag them into the Comps timeline. They wouldn't do anything since AE can't necessarily be expected to do everything with any kind of file, but...
A plug in could then be applied to interpret the data inside "imported" LUT file. "Apply Color LUT" would just do what it does on the file that's now directly IN a comp.
Since most shots only have a few LUTs, templates can be setup and hidden LUTs lost in a plug in become a thing of the past. Better still, scripts can be written to swap LUT files at the project level container level.
I recognize this is a significant shift away from where we are now, but if you don't ask...