I know you can customize your own hot keys, but it would be REALLY helpful if there was a standard hotkey for the "time reverse keyframes" functionality!
It's like having the cmd/control click function to cycle/reset a keyframe back to normal, or having the hotkeys for ease in/out. There should be a more intuitve way instead of having to right click to get the keyframe assistant menu (where most of the other options have hotkeys). Honestly, there's a TON of hotkeys that other folks may not use, but once you master them, you can move so much faster in a program. Like using the cmd+alt+home to center your anchor point on a layer, and then cmd+home to align to the center of your comp. Who has time to click your layer. use the ancher point tool and snap it to center, and then find then align palette and then click the 2 buttons to center it? Not I!