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I just got a new MacBook the other day and installed what looks to be the newest edition of After Effects (2020).
I've noticed something strange - typically, I've been able to hit "I" to move to the in point of the layer, and "O" to move to the out point - pretty standard AE stuff.
But for some reason now, I'm not able to do this.
I checked the Keyboard Shortcuts and they seem to be assigned properly. I tried even alternate shortcuts and they don't seem to work.
And, no, this isn't an issue with my new computer - I've been typing I's and O's without incident in this very post (look: IOIOIOIIOIOIOOOIOIOIOIIO. See? Perfect!).
Has anyone else noticed this kind of bug? Is there anything I can try to do to work around it, other than just manually moving to that point in the timeline, which is a total drag?
Let me know!
Until a fix comes a long, those who are keen to solve the issue with manually hacking the Keyboard Shortcuts Text File can follow the procedure below.
1) In AE, go to the Keyboard Shortcuts Visualizer (KSV)
2) Take note of the name of the Shortcuts Text File that is currently active/loaded/used in the KSV
3) Open AE's Prefs Dialog, in the General Section, and click on the Reveal Preferences in Explorer/Finder
4) Quit AE
5) Go to your Preferences Folder which was revealed in Step 3, above.
6) Loo
...Hi all,
This bug has been fixed in After Effects 17.0.1.
If you're still running into it for some reason, please let me know.
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I don't see any issue with any of my Macs. I'm still on OSX 10.14.6 because Catalina is not compatible with a lot of software.
Select a layer, "i" or "o" always moves the CTI to the in or out point. Select multiple layers and the in and out point of the top layer are the only places the CTI will go.
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Even when I select a layer this fails to happen. Not sure what the problem is.
I do have a refurbished machine and as it turns out I have Mojave, not Catalina. I'll install Catalina later and see if that changes anything.
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Works fine here. Take a look at AE's Keyboard Shorcuts Visualizer (Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts) and see if your i and o keys have been reassigned to other Commands. Then make the necessary changes and don't forget to save your new set of Keyboard Shortcuts before exiting the Keyboard Visualizer.
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I'm having this same issue on three separate machines (one is a Mac that I use at work, two others are Windows 10 PCs that I use at home), all three with After Effects 2020. Seeing this exact issue on all three, exactly as the OP described--shortcuts are mapped properly, Timeline panel has focus, but neither "i" nor "o" does anything.
(EDIT: I still have After Effects 2019 installed on the home machines, this still works fine with the exact same project files there.)
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I am having this issue too.
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We are facing the same issue in all the 8 windows workstations that we daily use in our office. I and O shortcut works fine in 2019, 2020 it's not working.
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On Win-10 and AE-2020 I and O function not working it is set up in the keyboard shortcuts editor correctly but it dos not functioning.
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I'm having the same problem, I and O shortcuts for going to layer in and out points are not working. AE 2020, Win 10.
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WHAT THE F**&@??
This most basic shortcut is not working!
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All shortcuts are working for me. OS and system details would help narrow down the bug.
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As far as I see, it happens on both Mac and Windows.. could importing previous settings / preferences when installing have anything to do with this? I did a clean install of AE 2020, nothing migrated from 2019, and I and O shortcuts do not work (they are assigned properly, but don't work). Using Win 10 latest update (1909) and AE 2020.
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Until a fix comes a long, those who are keen to solve the issue with manually hacking the Keyboard Shortcuts Text File can follow the procedure below.
1) In AE, go to the Keyboard Shortcuts Visualizer (KSV)
2) Take note of the name of the Shortcuts Text File that is currently active/loaded/used in the KSV
3) Open AE's Prefs Dialog, in the General Section, and click on the Reveal Preferences in Explorer/Finder
4) Quit AE
5) Go to your Preferences Folder which was revealed in Step 3, above.
6) Look for a folder named aeks - short for After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts
7) The aeks folder contains all the Keyboard Shortcits you have created as well as the default shortcuts text file.
Use Notepad/TextEdit to open the Keyboard Shortcuts Text File that you noted in Step 2, above.
9) In the Keyboard Shortcuts Text File, search for, CCompTime
10) CCompTime is a section of the Keyboard Shortcuts Text File that contains the shortcuts for I and O
11) Look at the PNG below and insert/edit the lines pertaining to the I and O shortcuts exactly as they appear in the PNG
12) Save the Keyboard Shortcuts File and start AE.
13) Check to see that the I and O keys function as expected.
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Thank you Roland!! This worked perfectly, much appreciated 🙂
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Had the same problem as other describe (AE 2020, MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2017), Roland's solutions worked.
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Exact same problem as described in original post (AE 2020, Windows 10).
Thanks for the solution Roland. You're a champion.
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Thank you Roland
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Thanks for the fix. I really appreciate it. For those who want to copy and paste, here you go:
"TimeFastForward" = "(Cmd+Option+RightArrow)(END)"
"TimeJumpToIn" = "(I)"
"TimeJumpToNextInOut" = "(Cmd+Option+Shift+RightArrow)"
"TimeJumpToOut" = "(O)"
"TimeJumpToPrevInOut" = "(Cmd+Option+Shift+LeftArrow)"
"TimeJumpToWAEnd" = "(Shift+END)"
"TimeJumpToWAStart" = "(Shift+HOME)"
"TimeRewind" = "(Cmd+Option+LeftArrow)(HOME)"
"TimeSetIn" = "([)"
"TimeSetOut" = "(])"
"TimeShiftSpacebarPlay" = "(Shift+Space)"
"TimeSpacebarPlay" = "(Space)"
"TimeStepBack" = "(Cmd+LeftArrow)(PageUP)"
"TimeStepBackMore" = "(Shift+PageUP)(Cmd+Shift+LeftArrow)"
"TimeStepForward" = "(Cmd+RightArrow)(PageDOWN)"
"TimeStepForwardMore" = "(Shift+PageDOWN)(Cmd+Shift+RightArrow)"
"TimeStretchIn" = "(Cmd+Shift+Comma)"
"TimeStretchOut" = "(Cmd+Option+Comma)"
"TimeTrimIn" = "(Option+[)"
"TimeTrimOut" = "(Option+])"
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Still not Working
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This was fixed in the Dec 2019 update for AE.
Which version of AE are you using?
Did you have an issue with these shortcuts prior to your last AE update?
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Thanks - this worked perfectly!
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Thanks so much!! I was pulling my hair out, I thought I was going crazy! 🙂
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Thank you, Roland! 🙏
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i need help , i'm new to AE and i don't know how to exactly follow the steps . Help?