Why, still, is there no glyphs palette/panel/menu in Photoshop? It's pretty sad that I have to use Illustrator or CopyPasteCharacter.com to get the glyphs I need for my raster designs.
Just having a way to access all the alternate glyphs. - no matter how basic - would be worlds better than what we have now. Ideally, one just like InDesign would be great - where highlighted glyphs in a text window bring alternates to the top.
Guys and girls, this is not going to happen anytime soon. It hasn't been implemented after 3 years of requests, we're basically flogging a dead horse.
I've had to keep Illustrator open and bring in dingbats from that program using the Glyphs panel there. It's a major PITA and its seems silly to open up another program just to use that functionality, but what can you do about it? Posting here doesn't do jack apparently.
Posting here and adding your vote helps inform product management about what is desired. But the type team has a lot of other issues and features on their plate that rank ahead of a glyphs panel.
Just because your favorite feature doesn't happen instantly doesn't mean that it isn't already in progress and might appear in a later version.
Chris, just to add to your earlier comment, this idea has been listed as "Under Consideration" for three whole years. I'm not ranting about this topic for any good reason - we've been led to think that this feature would emerge for a fair while but it looks like it gets continually sidelined. Is that our fault or Adobe's?
We marked the feature as under consideration. That hasn't changed. But you don't get every feature instantly.
No, we cannot provide any sort of ranking.
No, the code from Illustrator would do no good in Photoshop. Different UI systems, different text engines, etc.
No, a JDI is a feature that can be done quickly, tested quickly, and is an obvious improvement. This cannot be done quickly, cannot be tested quickly, and is a minor improvement compared to all the other things that the text team needs to do.
You have made your request, we have listened. But it takes time to address the tens of thousands of requests that we receive from millions of users.
"You don't get every feature instantly" ?!? You really found it necessary to point that out after we've been asking for it
T H R E E Y E A R S I N A R O W ?
"Not instantly" – oh, You don't say?
Up until now I was only mildly annoyed.
I appreciate that, and thank you for responding quickly.
It's just that this seems to be a missing feature that is causing 95 vocal users (and who knows how many non-vocal users) pain on a daily basis - designers who use PS need decent access to text controls that are on a par with FW, AI or ID. That includes many things like a proper Glyphs panel to take advantage of symbol and dingbat fonts, and a properly functioning styles palette, which we've talked about in another thread.
In the era of web fonts like Font Awesome, it is vitally important that PS has some way of making use of symbol fonts properly to help web designers who are a large segment of users for your product.
I guess there's just a bit of angst rising again over this as we had hoped that perhaps CC 2014 might have contained these upgrades, particularly as the idea was under consideration for three years well before CS6 even launched.
You're onto it anyhow so I won't hassle you further.
Again, we can't deliver all the requested features instantly. And for every feature you want, there are thousands of other requests from more users. We have to balance all the requests (and all the necessities) across all users.
Every time Chris Cox uses the word "instantly" to reference a time period of 3+ years, he really illustrates the lack of communication going on here. Then, by deleting posts similar to this one for "failure to read", he manages to be simultaneously condescending and ironic.