strawbo13 • Adobe Employee, Nov 07, 2019Nov 07, 2019
This feature has been implemented in Photoshop 2020 (version 21.0). You can have a grid with any number of grid points, and you can place custom grid points anywhere. You can also multi-select grid points and transform them together.
Agreed, I'd love to be able to choose the number of subdivisions in the Warp command, that would make that tool much more useful and versatile. I think even Illustrator can do it.
There is a work around this. Just select a smaller area in you image and work in steps instead. The selection you've made will still only have the warp tool's 9 areas but by selecting only a small area of your image you can pretty much place the grid/points where you want them and warp the image step by step. Not optimal but it works.
what I think is needed is for an option in Liquify to use a Bezier curves (like paths) adjustment. So we can can transform objects and areas a bit more smoothly than the push/pull of Liquify. And you'll be able to go back and forth between these 2 methods. then by doing this in the Liquify dialogue you have access to freeze and thaw brushes so selective areas can be protected at will. and in the end you can save a mesh and load it onto something else like a layer mask. By adding transform to Liquify and giving a more dense transform grid the user would have a really powerful image transformation tool.
Maybe I should make this a new topic and flesh it out more.
what I think is needed is for an option in Liquify to use a Bezier curves (like paths) adjustment. So we can can transform objects and areas a bit more smoothly than the push/pull of Liquify. And you'll be able to go back and forth between these 2 methods. then by doing this in the Liquify dialogue you have access to freeze and thaw brushes so selective areas can be protected at will. and in the end you can save a mesh and load it onto something else like a layer mask. By adding transform to Liquify and giving a more dense transform grid the user would have a really powerful image transformation tool.
Maybe I should make this a new topic and flesh it out more.
anyone tried or heard of this plugin?
I desperately need a better warp solution than what CS6 offers and found this:
HSC edit/Grids
Doesn't look that polished but it seems to offer warping with a denser grid. I contacted them about a trial, waiting to hear back.
it even says you can turn your grid into Bezier curves which is what I'm looking for.
now that PS is a rolling updated subscription product - I want to ask - any update or timeline on finally improving the warp tool in free transform? By adding many more intersection lines (that the user can specify) or even better to have really precise control with bezier curves. I've repeatedly requested adding the bezier curves functionality to the liquify plug-in. That would be really helpful for real world tasks.
(please don't suggest puppet warp - it doesn't really work)
Well, I certainly would appreciate improvements for Warp, but the statement
»puppet warp - it doesn't really work«
does seem incorrect.
Puppet Warp does work, not as you would like it to it seems, but nonetheless ...
Puppet warp and liquify are no alternative to the warp tool.
Because the warp tool works with curves, you can easily create a page curl effect and use it on smart objects as well.
Puppet warp however uses polygons and behaves completely different, especially when you drag edges to the wrong direction. And liquify works on a pixel basis and softens and smears the picture.
Adding an option to add more points to the warp grid would be easy to do. I personally don't understand why nobody thought of this or implemented this years ago and we still have to stick with workarounds.
»Adding an option to add more points to the warp grid would be easy to do.«
And you base that statement on what?
»I personally don't understand why nobody thought of this or implemented this years ago and we still have to stick with workarounds.«
People have thought of this (as this thread seems to proof).
Why it has not been implemented only people who have worked for Adobe could say for sure, I guess, but they may not be at liberty to.
yes it is very frustrating why the warp tool hasn't been improved - especially since we are paying for rolling updates now. Christoph - I'm curious about your resistance to this topic? Maybe you have no need for this type of feature improvement for others it could be something used everyday on every image. As we have discussed - PW and Liquify are not able to manipulate images in the same way as Warp. Warp has very little controls available to it compared to PW and liquify. More control points, bezier controls and save/load mesh.
»Christoph - I'm curious about your resistance to this topic?«
It’s not just contrariness on my side, though there may be some of that, too.
Also I can be something of a fusspot, I guess, so wrong or uninformed statements can irk me.
I don’t deny that the Warp functionality could stand improvements (along the lines of Illustrator’s envelope Distort) but I have the feeling that sometimes some people misjudge their insight into the issue.
Yes, many feature requests and this one in particular would be beneficial, but sometimes
• the number of beneficiaries is small and
• the necessary resources to realize a feature are considerable
In my opinion I and most of the other users posting here very likely are in no position to accurately judge how well necessary effort and potential pay-off for this feature would correspond.
"Also I can be something of a fusspot, I guess, so wrong or uninformed statements can irk me. "
What is uninformed about any of the requests on this topic? That PW is insignificant in dealing with the types of issues outlined here? PW has its uses (from what I've heard - but not in my images) but cannot correct volume anamorphosis which the requested improvements to the warp tool could help fix.
As a long time PS user I know it takes forever for some features to come out but I'm not impressed when most recent additions are Behance, ipad, type and 3D stuff.
»What is uninformed about any of the requests on this topic?«
To make it clear: I am not opposed to the feature being requested and would consider it an improvement, too, but:
The statement
»please don't suggest puppet warp - it doesn't really work«
is in my opinion not wholly technically correct or at least in need of further qualification.
Admittedly one could argue that the context is provided in the lines leading up to it and me focusing on the one sentence is nitpicking ...
The statement
»Adding an option to add more points to the warp grid would be easy to do.«
makes me wonder how the poster can judge the programming effort such a feature would necessitate.
Are they programmers? Have they worked on applications of a complexity similar to Photoshop’s?
Yes I would love to hear any feedback from the PS team about this - if it is even being considered.
The current implementation of warp is very limited. As an architectural photographer - its something I have to deal with all of the time.
Warp (> Edit > Transform > Warp) from what I can find out seems to only support a standard 3 x 3 grid with a fixed quantity of control points/ handles. I'd like to suggest the ability to add further points/ handles & a customisable quantity of grid squares or even presets of say 4x4, 5x5 etc to improve accuracy under certain conditions. Puppet Warp isnt available on a Smart object after using the "Edit > Transform> Distort command first", otherwise that might have been an option.
Hey there, something i would really love to have an update on is the free transform tool on the warp optrion. It splits it up into a grid which you can push and pull to get a great result most times. But what would be great is if you could have the option to move individual points in tandem - ie. the object is split into a grid of 9 boxes, 2 vertical lines and 2 horizontal; if you could grab all the points on one of the vertical axis and drag them up at the same time or drag them sideways at the same time. The other thing is there is no option to drag just one point on an exact vertical or horizontal like any other tool where you hold shift down to drag in a straight line. If these things were made possible, it would really save me alot of time. Would anyone else find these changes useful?
Yes, please more grids! And let us choose different interpolations algorithms! Warp does not respect Photoshop`s interpolation presets nor does it have an option in the options bar.