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100% disk access and 100% RAM usage for no reason, completely blocking my ability to work

Participant ,
Jun 26, 2024 Jun 26, 2024

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Show-stopping performance issue here! I am completely blocked from being able to work at all. Premiere is currently using 100% disk access and 100%+ memory usage, sitting idle, doing nothing!


In Premiere Pro 2024, I opened a project originally created in v2023. Was prompted to convert the file format. After doing so, disk access on the drive where the video files are stored immediately skyrocketed to 100%. It stayed that way for a very long time. Two hours later, the drive was still being hammered to death. Completely unable to use Premiere at all, it was dead in the water because it couldn't play any files. CPU usage was near zero.


Resource Monitor showed Premiere reading the source footage files. If it was trying to build peaks and caches, it did so with extreme inefficiency.


Even worse, after closing the project, disk access persisted at 100%. Resource Monitor showed the same few source footage files being read. Eventually Premiere got tired I guess, or it felt it had punished the drive enough, and eventually petered out after about five minutes.


Other projects opened normally, there were a few seconds of heavy disk access but then it went back to normal -- zero access when Premiere is idle.


Of course I restarted the Windows 10 PC, but that made no difference.


Updated to 2024.5, re-converted the original v2023 project file, but that made no difference.


Deleted all Media Cache files through Preferences, but that made no difference.


I did notice that projects using footage encoded with Blackmagic MJPEG codec hit the drive a lot harder than projects using footage encoded with NVIDIA NVENC H264. I guess H264 files don't need caches at all?


The problematic project has about 100 source files, TRT 14 hours, all encoded with Blackmagic MJPEG. Totaling about 400GB, which is kind of a lot, I know. It's showing them all as offline while it hammers the hard drive, presumably trying to build caches and peaks. So one might conclude that there's a performance issue with the codec? It's not hardware accelerated. But there was no issue whatsoever when I originally edited this project in Premiere 2023. And again, CPU usage is near zero, so the problem seems to be completely about hard drive access.


Contrast this with another project using the same codec, with only ten files totaling 3GB, TRT 30 minutes. Even after deleting all cache files, the smaller project takes ~15 seconds to load. The larger project does not finish loading even after two hours. The math here doesn't seem to add up. I could imagine that 400GB would take a half hour at most. Not multiple hours.


I did update the Blackmagic Desktop Video software, which includes the MJPEG codec. Not really relevant, though, because Premiere has native support for MJPEG. It just won't load the audio in the AVI files created by Blackmagic unless the Blackmagic codec is installed. Not a concern for me here because I'm not even using that audio. But updating the Blackmagic software made no difference.


Any way you slice it, a project should not take hours to load, even if the source footage is 400GB. I am really not accustomed to this sort of behavior. Sony Vegas never made me wait for hours while it ground my hard drive to dust, no matter how large the source footage folder was. If this is supposed to be speeding up my workflow, I regret to have to say that it is the opposite of that. It has completely shut me down.


I really don't want to erase my preferences, since it was a huge PITA to get Premiere set up to be even remotely close to an efficient workflow.


So what am I supposed to do here? Reinstall v2023? I doubt that would make any difference, as it seems the issue is just massive inefficiency in building the cache files.


Is there any option to NOT build these cache files? Or to control how many files are read simultaneously? Maybe if it was only reading one file at a time it wouldn't be fighting itself for limited bandwidth?


BTW, the hard drive is not super fast, but it is a 7200 RPM Western Digital platter, internal. Again, if I were to do a backup, I would expect that 400GB would take maybe a half hour to transfer. Not multiple hours!


And why are these caches temporary external files in the first place? If they take so long to build, shouldn't they be persistent? If not stored in the project file, at least stored next to the source footage? That's an option for the peak files. Why not the cache files? Why set things up for failure like this?


In the end, I let the computer sit for hours until the disk access went back to zero. All of the footage in the bins finally read as being found, not pending, and all of the statistics were visible. Tried to access the timeline and BOOM, disk access went back to 100%. What the actual frak?!?! And now RAM usage is pegged at the maximum, too! I have 32GB RAM and have 6GB reserved for other applications. Premiere has gone totally rogue here, consumed 100% of disk time and 100% of memory. Now it's using the page file, completely runaway process, it's currently up to 44 GB and still rising. SITTING IDLE, DOING NOTHING.


I turned off the timeline thumbnails with the super secret hotkey. No change. Disk access still pegged at 100%. RAM usage still greater than the maximum I set aside for Premiere. What is Premiere even doing? It's not building caches, it's not playing the timeline, it's just sitting idle. This is OUTRAGEOUS! Resource Monitor says it's still accessing those source files. But WHY???


How do I get back to being able to actually work?


This is just shocking!!! It's acting like malware!

Bug Needs More Info
Performance or Stability






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Jul 11, 2024 Jul 11, 2024

Hello @aaronfross,

Thanks for writing in with your bug report. If you can provide further details about your setup, the team would appreciate it. See, How do I write a bug report?


Has this workflow worked in the past? I read about another user running the files through GSPOT and found that there was an audio codec error. See this post: https://adobe.ly/3WhU3Sr


Is it possible to use a different codec that might be less problematic for your workflow? Let the community know.


Sorry for the has




Jun 26, 2024 Jun 26, 2024

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What camera is that? I'm running BRAW and ProRes from my BM cameras, I've no clue what that mjpeg media would be.





Participant ,
Jun 26, 2024 Jun 26, 2024

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It's a PCI capture card





Participant ,
Jun 26, 2024 Jun 26, 2024

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I broke down and reset all preferences and deleted all media cache files. No improvement. Hours and hours wasted.

Seriously, this is just horrific. Eating up 100% of disk time and more than 100% of RAM, for no reason. Progress window says nothing is happening, but the reality is that Premiere has completely borked the system.

I may have to switch back to Vegas, render everything to uncompressed and then compress it with Media Encoder. Because I cannot waste my life like this.





Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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I would suggest the possibility that something in the installation or operation of that capture card creating the files is ... mis-happening, let's call it. And that that problem is causing the issue in Premiere.


Is that a possible problem?





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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As I explained, this project worked fine in Premiere 2023. I don't think it's reasonable to blame the Blackmagic hardware or software. It's an issue with Premiere.

I let Premiere grind my hard drive to death all night. Even though there were no more cache files to build, and the Progress window showed no activity, Premiere hammered the drive for many hours.

Then, the next day, I saw that the hard drive access went down to zero. But the instant that I tried to access the timeline, the hard drive access went back up to 100% and stayed there.

Under no circumstances is it acceptable for an application to greedily consume all system resources for such an extended period of time. The irony is palpable: cache files being built to speed up performance ... completely halts the functioning of the computer.

For future projects I will test out different options. The MJPEG codec is kind of necessary, the only other options are either way too disk-heavy or cause visual artifacts. Maybe I can batch convert these files to something Premiere can reliably handle? H264? ProRes?

Otherwise I will have no choice but to abandon Premiere. Because this is absolutely not working.

I guess I can also try to uninstall and reinstall a fresh copy of Premiere, or reinstall v2023. But seriously, this is horrible, heartbreaking, infuriating, and demoralizing.





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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OK, so I closed and reopened Premiere, and the "Relinking Media" process started all over again, as if it had never happened at all. Something is very seriously broken here.





Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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First, never uninstall when adding a new version. Always keep the previous versions installed for continuity and safety sake.


Second, I assume you've created new projects in 24.x, and this happens across multiple new projects?





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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I tried to Import the project instead of Open. The Import dialog froze and the disk access went back up to 100%. I cancelled the import... but the disk access just will not stop. Premiere is Not Responding. Had no choice but to kill the process.





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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Yes, I know about product versioning. I never upgrade in the middle of a project. This is an old project that was actually finished. I didn't expect to have to open this old project file.

And no, the new projects that I have created in v2024 do not show this issue. As I explained, I have new projects created in v2024, using the same MJPEG codec, that work correctly. The load time is longer for the MJPEG files than for H264 files, but it's completely within reasonable expectations, and once the project is loaded, it works normally.

This old project actually does not function at all. After waiting for two hours for the caches to rebuild and some mysterious extra five or six hours of unknown disk hammering, it still doesn't work. Every time I access the timeline, the disk access goes back to 100% while Premiere tries to read the source media.

It's completely broken. It's nothing that I have done wrong, no best practice that I have not observed. Although I am not a Premiere expert, I do have decades of experience with many different video and graphics systems.





Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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I guessing here, but I've seen more odd ball glitches when not using List mode in the project. I'm suggesting switch to that, and also to load a default workspace, and make sure 'Reset to saved layout'. Also, set Prefrences/Audio Hardware to No Input.


give it a try.





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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So I installed the last version of Premiere 2023, which is 2023.6.7.

Tried to open the 2023 project file and was again prompted to convert. What? Are point releases mutually incompatible with one another?

Is there any way for me to know what version a project file was saved in? So I can install the exact same version of Premiere? Or is the burden on me to take copious notes on every project, documenting precisely which point release in which the project was saved?





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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I had already tried List mode, default Workspace, and Reset to Saved Layout. Been fighting this for two days now.

Setting the Audio input to No Input didn't help. Even though the caches have all been built, the application keeps rebuilding them every time I try to open the project. The Progress window keeps saying "Relinking Media".





Participant ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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So I thought maybe the project was actually created in v2022, not v2023. To my horror, subscription apps more than one version ago are not permitted. So I am literally not allowed to download v2022.

So thanks, Adobe, that's really helpful. Your "cycle of innovation" serves the needs of your customers very effectively by breaking things and not allowing people to downgrade. Well done.

So, lesson learned. Never uninstall anything. But what are users supposed to do when they get a new computer? I guess we need to keep all old computers around forever, maintained in working order, not connected to the Internet.





New Here ,
Jun 27, 2024 Jun 27, 2024

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Are these clips Blackmagic AVI files - I have been having a problem with 2024 not loading DV AVI files properly - I have an old project with several hour long AVI files.  It takes ages to open each file and even when it does open them the next time I open the project there are off line again.  I went back to 2023 premiere and my projects opened fine - luckily I had kept a copy.

I did find a thread here where someone mentioned something similar - AVI files will not load - and said it was fixed in a a beta and would be in 2024.5.  But it still does not work for me.

The first thing I would do is go to you project folder and look for any backup versions and make a copy.  Then try each backup version on CC2023 and see if it opens.  If that does not work move all the media files and then try and open the project and see if it will load with all the clips off line.  If so the option would be convert the video files to MOVs and then link to those instead of the AVIs or wait until this bug is fixed.





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Jun 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024

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Thanks. Yes, these are AVI files encoded with the Blackmagic MJPEG codec.

I did try the final version of 2023, but it didn't help. I don't know the precise version of the project file, and don't know how to determine it.

I can try to install the first version of 2023 but I figure that it won't load a project file that was created in a later point release?

My concern is that I will need to install/uninstall every single point release of v2023, and that still might not solve the issue.





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Jun 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024

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Thinking that it might be a hardware issue, I ran chkdsk /r on the partition, and no bad sectors were found.

I can run chkdsk /r on the other partitions of the same physical drive, but that will take a couple of days to complete.

Really does seem to be a show-stopping bug in Premiere.





New Here ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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I noticed this thread you said that if you load these AVIs into a new project they work so it may not be the same as my issue.  Can you try loading the project without reconnecting to the media - so rename the directorty the clips are in so Premeire cannot find them and choose "offline" when asked.   Presumably you can now see the timelines?  
Now try to reconnect to the files one at a time to see if it works.  

If that does not work you could try remaking the AVI files to something else - you might just be able to re-wrap to a MOV with media encoder and connect to those instead.





Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Another shot in the dark here: How about Windows Power Options? Perhaps it's set to "High Performance" which generally does that. I would never use that mode.





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Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Can you elaborate on why you think High Performance power plan is problematic?

I actually have always customized the power plan, turning off all of the power saving features, processor throttling, etc. etc. I am a 3D artist and always need to prioritize performance over everything else. For decades.





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Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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dskchk /r showed no issues on any partition of the physical disk.

Installed Premiere v2023.0, and was prompted to convert the project. Apparently it was created in v2022.x. And I am not permitted to download any version earlier than v2023.0. That is just wrong.

And, unrelated to anything, Creative Cloud now gives zero user feedback on app installation. I have no idea what the F Adobe is doing to my computer, or when it's finished. Again, that is just wrong.





Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Then you know the feature. Try the default, Balanced power option. That won't take long to test.

FWIW: It's the minimum processor state that is the problem. Always running 100%... makes no sense.








Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Oh, another FWIW: partitions are decidedly old-school. There's basically no point to them, it's makes things slower. Opt for another disk/ssd if you need one.





Participant ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Changed the name of the media's enclosing folder. Opened the project. Converted to 2024.5. Left all files offline. Relinked a single file through the Project window. Disk usage again skyrocketed to 100%, presumably while building cache, but Progress window remained blank.

After waiting at least five minutes for the cache of a 30 minute file to be built, tried to access the timeline. Again was blocked by 100% disk access. After a few more minutes, it finally stopped. Performance appeared normal until I moved the play head to a different point on the timeline. As soon as it touched a second UNLINKED clip, disk access slammed back up to 100%. Waited another five minutes or so, then disk access went back to zero and things seemed to work normally.

Relinked a second file. Waited five minutes for the cache of an eight minute file to build. Tried to access the timeline. That clip played OK. Tried to access the first clip on the timeline. Again blocked by 100% disk access. Premiere was having problems accessing the file that it had no problems with a few minutes earlier.

After waiting another five minutes for the first file to load in the timeline, moved the play head to the second file in the timeline. Disk access again skyrocketed back up to 100%, but only for maybe 30 seconds. The second clip now played OK.

Moved the play head back to the first file. Disk access skyrocketed back up to 100%. Waited another five minutes or so.

During all of this, RAM usage massively increased in sync with the disk access. When disk usage went back to zero, saved the project and exited Premiere to reclaim all of that RAM.

Relaunched Premiere. Disk access and RAM consumption immediately went back up to maximum.

None of this is supposed to happen. My conclusion is that Premiere is broken. Truly, seriously, massively broken.

A shockingly unacceptable situation. Total waste of time and effort. I am truly horrified by this, and it only makes me even more super cynical about Premiere than I was before.





Participant ,
Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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Can you explain why a minimum processor state of 100% would cause any problem, or have any relevance whatsoever to this issue?

Can you explain why partitions "make things slower"?





Jun 29, 2024 Jun 29, 2024

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As to partitions, they made sense with the older, and far slower spinning disc drives. Partitions did speed data read/write. Which was the only reason for using them.


On the far faster spinners of the last decade, they don't increase access. And of course don't increase access speeds on SSDs. There simply isn't a reason for them anymore.


As to the other questions, we're other users, not devs. And we are not having such issues on anything we work with. So we are trying to do remote troubleshooting to help you.


This seems to be between the specific media you are working with and the project files, perhaps.




