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Update: This issue is being addressed in our Beta releases and will be available in a future stable release. You may download the Beta build from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. Please refer to this link to know more about Beta apps.
We are investigating an issue with Premiere Pro v14.5 wherein undocking panels or splitting workspace across multiple monitors might cause a few features to not work.
These are:
- Keyboard shortcuts not working.
- Drag & Drop functionality not working for the clips on the timeline.
- In a few cases moving media clips to a different track on the timeline causes the media/asset to get duplicated in the project bin.
Workaround to fix these issues is to dock the panels or use any of the default Workspaces under the menu Window > Workspaces. If you have modified any of the default workspace, you may reset it under Window > Workspaces > Reset to Saved Layout.
Hope it helps.
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Ditto exactly!
My setup has 2 monitors to work within and a third to monitor at full resolution. 'Delete/Clear' buttons not working, dragging anything in the Project panel not working. All fixed by switching to an Adobe preset workspace and then switching back to my custom workspace.
MacbookPro 16" 2019, 2.3GHz, 8 core i9, 64GB RAM, AMD 5500M 8GB, OSX 10.15.7 operating in closed clamshell mode with monitors attached via OWC Thunderbolt 3 Pro Dock and OWC Thunderbolt 3 Standard Dock
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I don't understand how you can work with Premiere Pro using Only One Monitor. I like to have my files In my second Monitors, so I can easily Drag-Drop. Also, I like to have my Colorista Effects Inside my Second Monitor
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How can I get back to 14.4. I uninstalled premiere Pro, and now I can not Install it any-more, I am getting this message.
My windows is updated.
Please help. Now the problem is worse, i can not Install Premiere pro
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Is this resolved yet ? Ive been dealing this problem since updating its crazy!
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only in the Beta
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When is this issue going to be resolved? I waste about 5 minutes, upon opening a project, resetting my layout and then rearranging it just so I can use common features, like inserting footage into the timeline. Really, with the cost of this subscription at 600+ dollars, you should be fixing features that people use, sometimes every few seconds, immediately!!
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Still no response from Adobe? Has anyone seen one? They're really taking us for granted now. Nice..
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Thanks for addressing this isue. I've been experiencing the same problems. Although, a workaround that's been kind of working for me is reseting Premiere preferences before work every day and then not closing the software until the end of the day. This is a bit frustrating because I need set all my preferences back every single day, but it's been helping to deal with it. Hope it helps someone too.
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Top of the morning.
What I have been doing is I use one of their default pannels and that resets everything to work and then I use one of my custom pannels and usually get through the whole day without having to reset preferences etc. I hope this helps.
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Which Pannel do you use?
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Robert Fraser
Editor | Colorist
720.530.4352 |
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I just noticed this:
"Fixed issues in Premiere Pro version 14.6
Keyboard shortcuts and drag and drop functionality may not work if the panels are undocked, or if the workspace is split across multiple monitors."
Does this mean this is fixed?
I'm asking just to make sure before updating.
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Sorry it took a bit, but these issues should be fixed in Premiere Pro 14.6, which is now available to download.
More info on key fixed issues in 14.6:
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It worked helped me. Since I have been solving this issue for a while but couldn't now it is solved. and I started working ping pong buzz project.
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The recent patch says this issue has been fixed. It still exists on both of my workstations with updated software and graphics drivers. 10.02.2020
I am unable to use software that I pay monthly for to do work that has deadlines.
Fix this immediately.
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I'm now experiencing a similar issue in 15.0.0 (Build 41) without any of the fixes found here working.
I cannot drag media from bins to timeline.
I cannot drag and drop media around the timeline. I can trim and select and make cuts. I can overwrite and insert but not via drag and drop.
I cannot drag and drop effects from effects browser to the controls panels.
I cannot drag and drop media from Finder into the Project window. Command + I or double clicking the bin panel works, still.
Probably unrelated, but the WB Selector tool in Lumetri doesn't function properly either—I can still use some key commands but since I can't actually exit the tool or make a selection I have to force quit to exit (Saving still works before doing this.)
I have fully reset everything: I have no custom workspaces and I'm using docked, default workspaces. Switching between workspaces doesn't help. I've tried rebooting, reinstalling, a whole new disk image—all of it. I even tried rolling back to 14—still there. It fixed itself once yesterday but I have no idea how it did that.
I'm on a brand-new Mac Mini M1, which I thought might have something to do with it until I read this thread.
Beginning to think I should just cancel my sub if this problem has existed this long without a fix...
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Experiencing this same issue currently on a Windows install. Editing my video podcast is basically impossible on Premier currently.
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Is this a problem with projects created under a different version of Premiere C rather than workspaces?
In my case - a project created under a previous version of PCC with a workspace split across multiple displays. None of the shortcuts worked at all. Resetting workspaces or using default workspaces made not difference.
They started working again when I created a new sequence. Hope that helps.
(expletive removed by moderator)
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guys, i might have just figured it out.
i was having the same problem, but suddenly i reminded that early when this started to happen i had set the app to run with administrator privileges because i was getting errors about premiere not being able to acess files or something like that.
when i rolled back this change everything went back to normal.
so, don't run premiere as administrator i guess.
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It's been a year since you said this would be fixed. I'm currently using build 15.4 and I'm still having this problem. Keyboard shortcuts aren't working.
It doesn't matter If I use a preset workspace that I didn't alter. It doesn't matter if I duplicate the sequence. Restarting the program doesn't help.
Every other day I encounter a new bug with Premiere, and spend hours trying to fix it, or find workarounds. I'm exhausted, Adobe.
What would it take for you to dedicate your resources to building a stable program that delivers what it promises? Just make the features you've created work. That's all I ask.
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Hi lsybela,
Is this a problem with a project you updated from 14.x to 15.x? If so, can you try a new project? Same behavior?
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I had the Drag and Drop Problem for more than a year. It had to do with windows update. Also, I could not get my Creative Clouds Updates, and later I found out everytime i get a new windows update, Windows LAN Area Network settings automaticlly goes to use a proxy server for LAN, which is BAD. Here is the screen-shot to correct your Local Area Network (LAN) Settings. I dont know if this is going to solve the premiere issue, but for sure it solves the Creative Clouds getting updates.
Also,Try going to the main folder of adobe premier and right click on the premier pro icon and go to compatibility and uncheck the box RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR and it may work
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Hi, same problem just appeared again, new project on version 15.4.1 (Bluild 6) suddenly sll key shortcuts just stops PP totally ignores the keyboard - immensly frustrating.
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I'm using Pro 2022 and this trick didnt work unfortunately. No hotkeys work at all.
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Proxy server is already off, Premiere hotkeys still wont work unfortunately 😞 this is so silly and annoying