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Markers missing after last update!

Community Beginner ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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After updating Premiere CC to the latest (Version 12.1.0 | Build 186) all the markers on the timeline are missing.
Marking them in again, I switched between sequences and upon returning they had disappeared again. !

Any help appreciated.




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Adobe Employee , Oct 18, 2018 Oct 18, 2018


Please update Premiere Pro. This was fixed in 12.1.2, I believe.



Community Beginner ,
Apr 12, 2018 Apr 12, 2018

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I have the same issue. I spent hours creating markers for my project, and now my markers are gone. When I drag my sequence to my source monitor, the markers disappeared. And then I opened my sequence on the timeline to make sure it wasn't a source monitor issue and my markers were gone from there too. No titles, no descriptions, nothing. This is extremely frustrating as I do sequence editing based off of my markers. Can Adobe please fix this bug asap?




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Participant ,
Apr 17, 2018 Apr 17, 2018

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SAME PROBLEM! WOW it is a major issue as most editing is done with markers to keep track of in and outs and notes and etc etc...

I "save as" A and B every 10 min or so so I was able to get back my markers but lost some editing. I removed latest version and went back 1 BUT had to convert it back... come on Adobe... 12.1 to 12.0 should not be an issue!!!




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 18, 2018 Apr 18, 2018

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Hey, I might have found to work around this. I did 2 things; not sure which one helped but things seem to be working better now.

1) I moved my preference folder. You can delete or move the folder from Documents --> Adobe --> Premiere Pro --> 12.0 if you're on a Mac. I moved it to my desktop but you can also delete it.

2) Instead of building my markers on my sequence timeline and then dragging my sequence to my source monitor, I started creating my markers ON my source monitor. So I drag my sequence to my source monitor first and THEN create the markers. This way when I open my sequence again on my timeline, the markers stick. And the next time I drag my sequence onto my source monitor, the markers are still there...

Adobe still needs to fix the issue but in the meantime, hope this helps...




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New Here ,
Apr 20, 2018 Apr 20, 2018

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Here's another workaround that seemed to work.

One caveat - I don't know if this works if you close and re-open the project again.

We ended up just rolling back to the previous version so I didn't test all the different possibilities.

The markers seem to be erased from the sequence only the first time it gets opened in the source monitor.

After it's been opened once in the source monitor, the markers seem to stick.

12.1 has a new feature added where you can copy/paste sequence markers.

Workaround -

If you have a sequence with existing markers, duplicate the sequence.

Open the sequence in the source monitor, erasing all the markers.

Copy/paste the markers from the duplicate sequence back onto the original sequence that just had all it's markers erased.

If you're adding new markers to a new sequence, just make sure to open that sequence in the source monitor one time, before you start adding in markers.




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New Here ,
Apr 26, 2018 Apr 26, 2018

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I can confirm this is still happening in Version 12.1.1 (Build 10).

This bug has managed to undo a lot of prep work I've done and has me scrambling through Auto-Saves to get it back. It is absolutely destructive.

I'm using moviejulie's workaround in the meantime ( didn't know about copy+paste markers until today) but this is just painful and it confirms every fear I have when I'm forced to update Premiere to its latest and greatest version.

Please, please fix this!




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Participant ,
Apr 26, 2018 Apr 26, 2018

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Ugh! I was hoping 12.1.1 would fix this... Sticking with 12.0.  This is a devastating issue as most of us use markers to keep control of what gets used or not and where... I manually save every project in an A / B routine every 5 or ten minutes.  For Example:

File_Name_Project_Name_Whatever CC2018A then after a bit save as ...CC2018B then after a bit CC2018A.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 26, 2018 Apr 26, 2018

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A real shame that Adobe hasn't fixed this yet, It's been a real headache.

That's an interesting workaround I was unaware you could copy markers between sequences. 
I will have to look into that.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 11, 2018 May 11, 2018

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Hi Visio,

It is not recommended to update a major project from one version to the next while it is in progress. Is it possible to remain on the version your Premiere Pro project was created on until it is complete? That would be ideal.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Community Beginner ,
May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018

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Hi Kevin-Monahan,

Unfortunately, it was a mistake while updating other apps.
Sadly rolling back is not possible as it refuses to load other elements that were part of the project. 

For the moment everything seems to be working but I haven't had a chance to use markers to the same extent in recent projects, but I will keep an eye out for another update to see it has been fixed.

One of the recent updates upset of lot of CC apps Stability, but they seen to becoming more stable as each update comes out.   




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Adobe Employee ,
May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018

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Sorry for the inconvenience, Visio. Please be sure to file any issues here: Premiere Pro: Hot (883 ideas) – Adobe video & audio apps Hope all goes smoothly on the project moving forward.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Participant ,
May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018

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Hello Kevin

I think I speak for everyone here: the destructive Marker deletion bug needs to be fixed asap... Please 🙂




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Adobe Employee ,
May 14, 2018 May 14, 2018

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Definitely tell the devs, then, by placing it in User Voice. I'll do the same. Cheers.

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Explorer ,
May 21, 2018 May 21, 2018

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I appreciate your response, but us editors are often working on multiple projects all the time, and Premiere automatically deletes older versions of itself. If life were as simple as one project at a time, most of us would have little to complain about.

As a practical example:

I just pulled up a project that I started in November (still live) and entered into the interview segment to find the markers were deleted. This has all the notes from each of the 1hr + long interviews, so kind of a big deal.

Fortunately I can look back into the autosaved aspects to try and resolve it, but it's a significant time hassle for my part. It would be comparable to simply deleting all the audio keyframes between one update and the next. It's not really necessary and creates a hassle.

I hope that gives some insight as to the challenges facing this. Appreciate the hard work you guys do.




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Participant ,
May 22, 2018 May 22, 2018

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Thankfully I save A / B versions manually (on top of auto save) and when this happened to me I had the "B" version saved from 15 minutes earlier... ADOBE this is not a minor bug! This literally wipes out days of editing for people! Notes and cuts and in out points ALL gone! PLEASE FIX ASAP




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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2018 May 22, 2018

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Does this thread refer only to the "disappearing sequence markers" or clip markers also?

If sequence markers, the conclusion some users have reached is that this is due to opening a sequence in the source monitor, and that the problem does not occur if you open the sequence in the source monitor before adding sequence markers. (That workaround has not been fully tested, but appears to work for some.)

If your issue is the sequence markers, does the "open in source monitor first" avoid subsequent sequence markers being deleted?

I agree it is a bug, but a) just trying to understand this workaround and b) wanting to determine if some of you are referring to clip markers.




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Explorer ,
May 22, 2018 May 22, 2018

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Hey Stan,

The issue for me was just re-opening my project into Premiere. After the update, all the timeline markers were gone.




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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2018 May 22, 2018

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AKChannel  wrote

Hey Stan,

The issue for me was just re-opening my project into Premiere. After the update, all the timeline markers were gone.

I can create several versions of this, but not one in which they actually disappeared upon re-opening. So I wonder what happened there. The closest I get to that is a) add markers in timeline, b) open in source monitor (they are gone in the source monitor, the markers are still visible in the timeline, and Shift-M demonstrates they are NOT actually there), c) save, close, reopen; d) they are "gone" in the timeline.

I can create the opposite illusion if I create the markers, save, open in source monitor (they are gone in source monitor, still show in timeline), do not save, close, reopen -> the markers are still there. Open in source monitor, and, yes, they are gone.

FYI, the workaround of duplicating the sequence, open the duplicate in the source monitor, and copy/paste all the clips from the original to the duplicate (with the "Copy/paste includes Sequence Markers" selected) survives save/close/open and now opening the duplicate in the source monitor does not delete the "old" markers.




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Community Beginner ,
May 21, 2018 May 21, 2018

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What a complete disaster.  Hours and hours and hours of markers are gone. 




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Adobe Employee ,
May 23, 2018 May 23, 2018

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We believe that we have a fix for the missing markers bug that will be in the next update.




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Community Expert ,
May 24, 2018 May 24, 2018

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Thanks for this update. I realized again today, however, that there was also a "disappearing [clip] marker" issue. Does the fix refer to both problems, or only the "sequence markers disappear when opened in source monitor" problem discussed in this current thread?

A thread regarding clip markers is here:

CC2018: Markers Disappeared...




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Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2018 May 24, 2018

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Can you provide some details for the disappearing clip marker scenario.  I was able to verify that the sequence markers were fixed  (having been able to reproduce bug using 12.1.1) so I want to be sure the clip marker case can be reproduced with with 12.1.1 and verified fixed in our dot release.




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Community Expert ,
May 24, 2018 May 24, 2018

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I was not able to reproduce the clip marker issue.

Here is a thread where it is discussed:

CC2018: Markers Disappeared...

I posted there to point out the two issues, but don't have responses yet.

When I started my investigation of this, I was looking at clip marker issues, and posted in this thread, to point out the multiple variations on whether clip markers were being saved to clips or not etc:

Re: Clip Markers Dissapered




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Community Expert ,
May 25, 2018 May 25, 2018

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Test543, I have another variation on the sequence marker issue for you to look at.

A user posted on the other ("clip marker?") thread regarding this:

Re: CC2018: Markers Disappeared...

I tested the observation that sequence markers added by pressing "m" while playing the timeline, "there are no markers."

It is part of the same problem, but can you confirm that it is also fixed by the planned update?

Create a new sequence and add markers by pressing "m" while playing. The markers appear on the timeline. If it is now opened in the source monitor, they are deleted, do not appear in the source monitor, and "false" appearances of them are still in the timeline. Close the sequence in the timeline, then reopen and it confirms the markers are deleted.

Create a new sequence, open it in the source monitor, and add markers by pressing "m" while playing. The markers DO NOT appear on the timeline. Close the sequence in the timeline, then reopen, and it confirms the markers are present.

Create a new sequence, open it in the source monitor, close it in the timeline, and reopen it in the timeline. Add markers by pressing "m" while playing. The markers appear on the timeline and the source monitor.

I was not tracking this, but it appears that the program monitor has the "false" indicator until a marker is added in the source monitor (where all the false disappear and only the new, good marker is shown) or the sequence is closed in the timeline and reopened.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 25, 2018 May 25, 2018

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Thanks for the updated information.  The bug fix definitely fixes issues with the sequence markers / opening the sequence in the source monitor and having the markers get out of sync and disappear.  It also addresses clip marker issues also.  I will however try the latest scenario to confirm that it has been fixed also.




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