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Premiere Pro keeps "Corrupting" my Motion Graphics templates and has basically made that function completely unusable for me. Whether it be the stock templates that come with Premiere Pro, or the handful of templates I BOUGHT from Adobe Stock, when I drag them onto my timeline I get a "Motion Graphics Template is Corrupt" error message.
I've tried deleting the templates from Premiere. I've tried re-downloading them fresh from Adobe Stock. I've tried Reinstalling Premiere. I've tried wiping every trace of Premiere out on my computer and fresh installing. All of these things have failed. MAYBE I could get Templates to work again for a few projects and forget the problem, but suddenly I'd drag one on and it would start all over. Some of my templates don't give me the error but also don't do anything. If I go to their "edit" tab, it is blank and has zero information or effects.
It seems like sometime in the last few updates Motion Graphics Templates have become broken and it is infuriating. Especially when I've paid good money for templates ($20 a pop usually) TO ADOBE and they are not working.
I cannot be the only one facing this, am I?
2 Correct answers
Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media
...Hi All,
I finally was able to reproducce a corrupt Mogrt on a Mac and learned that it fails for a completely different reason than the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issues we were seeing on Windows.
After unzipping the mogrt and trying to open it I realized that the unzipping process was not happening. The .Zip folder was turning into a. CPGZ file instead everytime I tried to open it. And clicking the .CPGZ file to try to "open" it just created yet another .Zip file and on and on in an endless loop. So i
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When you get this kind of error, this is either something wrong with the mogrt or your system. Often, there are issues with some mogrts.
So ... we'd need details of what your system is, including specific version numbers of Pr ... as in 13.0.1 type numbers from the Help/About screen, and which mogrts you're having difficulty with (and especially if there's a common creator involved); whether you have AfterEffects on your system, and if so, which number-dot-number version.
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System Specs:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
32GB DDR4 PC3000 RAM
Nvidia Geforce GTX980 GPU
Gigabyte X370 motherboard
Samsung 850EVO SSD for Premiere Pro Install Files and mogrts
Windows 10 Home (Current Build)
Premiere 13.0.3 (Build 9)
The mogrt I'm currently having trouble with the most is "Outlined Callouts" FILE #: 177312873 On Adobe Stock. Though I've had problems with some of my other ones as well (from other Authors).
How would I go about re-exporting a mogrt from After Effects? I am not seeing how one goes about this. I'm a major newb when it comes to AE and have never used it to create my own Motion Graphics stuff. Expression-Universalizer seems to be a plugin add-on.
I purchased these templates FROM Adobe for the express reason that I assume buying them from Adobe would be a more reliable option than some random third-party seller. I've used this one mogrt for well over a year and only suddenly had an issue in the past few months. It suddenly worked for a few weeks, now it is back to not working again.
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I just went and deleted the problematic mogrt from my local template folder. I looked up how to open the file in AE. So I opened it, reviewed it, and Exported it fresh from AE 2019 to my Local Template Folder (with Premiere closed the entire time). I then opened Premiere, dragged the "new" Unlimited Callouts mogrt to my Timeline AND it says it is corrupted... Still.
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Hi mandicreally, I'm sorry that you're seeing this issue. Thats super frustrating. I'm a QE on the Motion Graphics team and would love to help diagnose the issue for you. If you could please share some of your corrupt Mogrts with me via a WeTransfer link? I sent you a DM as well.
Also is your experience that they work sometimes and then suddenly are getting corrupted??
Thanks so muchm
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im having the same issue and i have reinstall the program a few times and still the same. the issue just start happening overnight.. is there anyway i could get help with that???
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you have no other choice but to run expression universalizer because these mogrts contain expressions
that your non-english running premiere pro or system cannot understand the expressions if they are
not universalized. you can send them to me to universalize them but that won't be good to the creators
of expression universalizer for copyright issues, i have done a few favors here but can't do it longer,
you have to buy it, run it on after effects on all compositions before exporting the mogrta again.
or you can simply change your system language to English... no other solution by any way
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I had the same issue with most of my motion templates (and even the "news intro" one that comes with Premiere) giving the corruption error.
Someone from Adobe support helped me through the chat and remote access.
Removing all preferences and then de-installing and re-installing Premiere from a new Windows user account fixed it for me. Apparently, it had to be from another windows user... I already re-installed on the same user.
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I'm having this exact same issue but on a brand new macbook pro. If there's a workaround please I need to know. Thank you for your time.
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Did you check Dacia's reply above?
And ... "exact same issue" several posts into a thread often isnt' the actual same issue, for full information on your setup and what's happening with what exact mogrt from what exact source would be very helpful. I've got a lot of experience with said items, but ... would have no idea even where to start with you from your post.
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Hi All,
I finally was able to reproducce a corrupt Mogrt on a Mac and learned that it fails for a completely different reason than the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issues we were seeing on Windows.
After unzipping the mogrt and trying to open it I realized that the unzipping process was not happening. The .Zip folder was turning into a. CPGZ file instead everytime I tried to open it. And clicking the .CPGZ file to try to "open" it just created yet another .Zip file and on and on in an endless loop. So in this case the "Mogrt is Corrupt" error is valid. The Mogrt IS corrupt without the ability to unzip the contents of the .zip folders where the .aep lives.
After doing a bit of google sleuthing, it looks like Mac's can get into this state when a zipped file (that is what a Mogrt is) doesn't download correctly. Sometimes, a download says is complete but really it only downloaded 99% of it. Or it may be that the file needs to be downloaded from another Browser.
I re-downloaded a copy of the Stock Mogrt that was giving me trouble from a different source and it worked! It also somehow fixed the one I was having an issue with.
Here is a link that I found with some workarounds:
I think the best thing to do is re-export or re-download the file and try again.
And here is another article about this.
Hope this helps!
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Nice. But what's the solution for PC?
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Solution for PC was the originally marked correct answer down below ... Here it is again...
It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.
We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation.
You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.
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This (shorter path for scratch disk) does not fix it for PC.
The other workaround regarding win10 changes only applies to windows insider users (different OS) but since shorter path doesn't work, this woudn't bring a change either.
I changed every possible AE & PremPro cache & scratch disk location to a simpler path or, as recommended on other forums, on a different partition other than the OS root.
I see people are strugling with this one, yet .... no solution!
Every once in a while I return to this thread only to see no update, issue persists.
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Hi Luc,
The easiest way for me to help you is to have a copy of the Mogrt. Can you please share one with me as well as a screen recording of the failure? I'd like to help get you back in action asap.
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I'm having issues with only a select number of mogrts being corrupt. Am I able to upload them for your investigation? I am on a PC, and all of these work on a Mac. These are created by someone working on a Mac.
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If you could post a link, several of us peers here could test them also.
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Changing the project settings to the new location helped me! I figured since NONE of my graphics were working, this was probably the issue on my PC. Thank you so, so much!!
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This worked for me too. I had saved my project on an external harddrive when I saved it on my local disk c all the graphics worked perfectly fine. Thanks
- debby
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In addition to Neil's requests which I totally agree with, some Adobe Stock mogrts might need to be re-opened in After Effects
latest version if you are on Premiere latest version (CC2019) and exported back from After Effects as mogrts, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY you have to run latest EXPRESSION UNIVERSALIZER version for possible expression errors before exporting
mogrts from After Effects.
Anyway, as Neil requested, we need those details to be able to help you the best we can
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Carlos, great post ... thanks!
It is kind of annoying how many mogrts need to have that universalizer run, but ... wise to know!
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yeah Neil and yesterday I just received an email to update to the latest Expression Universalizer, I guess this has to be a new and essential feature to be built inside After Effects in coming versions... Anyway it is stated in the submissions rules that all authors must run expression universalizer even when mogrts first started, but as you know, compatible premiere pro and after effects updates is a must have, in addition to the updates that Expression Universalizer went through since then...
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All Mogrts from Stock are Universalized.
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unfortunately this is not true, we have encountered many here in the forums which
are not universalized and I helped guiding users how to install expression universalizer
and do the job
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Make sure to have the premiere file is saved to the base level of your project folder. (not to an auto saved folder). By opening up, your project FROM an auto-saved file (then perhaps saving it again in the same auto save folder) can cause this exact issue. I fixed this issue by copying out of the auto save file to the base level of the project file, I opened up from the base level. now, installing (the same (corrupt)) motion graphics template were no longer corrupt. Hope this helps.

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