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Premiere Pro CC Audio Cuts Out

Community Beginner ,
Jun 25, 2013 Jun 25, 2013

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So I've switched to the new Premiere Pro CC and now my audio drops out during playback. Doesn't matter if it's an aiff, mp3, whatever. I never had this problem with Premiere Pro CS6. All files are saved to an XServe Network on OS 10.8.4. I'll have to remain using Premiere CS6 for the time being.

Also, just tested this out. I had a TIFF sequence playing with this audio. It did NOT like that. I can play the audio by itself just fine. So it seems to be a problem with playing the video file WITH the audio.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , May 12, 2016 May 12, 2016


Audio dropouts:
Audio dropouts could be caused by a number of reasons, so there is no one correct answer. Typically, it is because of one of the following:


  1. Insufficient computer resources (hardware not powerful enough for certain media, media files are long in duration).
  2. Materials were not ingested properly (H.264 or HEVC media needs to be transcoded or proxies created).
  3. Out of memory (memory cache is full and needs to be cleared via rebooting or otherwise).
  4. Sequence Settings for audio sam



replies 367 Replies 367
Nov 04, 2013 Nov 04, 2013

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I have the exact same issue, however mine is from a CS6 converted project now running in CC. I have yet to test on my system whether it cuts out if the project was created with CC. The audio cuts out especially near areas where there is a dynamically linked After Effects project. This makes me think it has something to do with my drive speed however the problem is that it worked fine in CS6. It must be the fact that Adobe "wrote PP CC from scratch" and probably screwed the audio streaming engine (or whatever they would call it, I'm not a programmer)





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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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Sam issue here. The strange thing is that in one of my projects, it's showing the audio in the gain meter, and in a different project, it's not showing the audio in the gain meter. In both cases though, I can't hear audio from the timeline, just from the source monitor.

This is slowing me down big time! Any clues yet?





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Participant ,
Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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...This has always happened to me (not just CC) and I've just learned to live with it. You'll be playing a timeline, and one of the audio tracks will drop out. Then after a few seconds it picks back up again. I thought this was just how Premiere was





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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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The audio was cutting out for me and so I quit After Effects running in the background and everything worked fine. Also another tip dont run Logic Pro in the background it will play everything back in Premiere much faster.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 29, 2013 Aug 29, 2013

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click Sequence at the top, and try RENDER IN TO OUT, or maybe just trying rendering the audio in to out.

far it's the ONLY way I've been able to hear audio without interruption.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2013 Oct 21, 2013

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I have the same problem, so does my friend. Can an adobe employee please chime in and explain to us why this isn't fixed yet? I pay $50 a month, I need an editing program that can handle something as basic as playing audio correctly.





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Oct 22, 2013 Oct 22, 2013

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I'm not an employee, but this may not be a bug, but a system issue for a few users.  It's certainly not a widely reported issue around here, and I have both GH2 and GH3 media as reported by one user, and it works just fine in both CS6 and CC.

So if you're waiting around for Adobe to do something, you may be in for a long wait.  It may be better to find out why it isn't working for you, when it is for most others.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 22, 2013 Oct 22, 2013

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This thread seems to be covering at least two distinctly different issues.

  1. audio drops out during playback. Scrubbing can fix it for one spot, but then it will just drop out somewhere else. Question: Does this happen even if you've allowed plenty of time for all the imported clips to be conformed?
  2. audio missing from the beginning and end of some imported clips (mostly from Panasonic GH3 cameras, apparently)

To keep the discussion clean, I recommend starting a new thread specific to the second issue (since the first was the original topic of this thread.) In that new thread, it would help our investigation if some of you who are having this problem  uploaded some short sample clips that exhibit the missing audio at the head and tail of the clip.





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2013 Oct 22, 2013

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Do you have any answers as to the main issue of this thread? I edit music videos and no matter what format the song is in, I can't play the whole video back without the audio constantly dropping out, then at some point coming back in if I let it keep playing.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 22, 2013 Oct 22, 2013

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I have not encountered this issue, but audio is not my area of concentration. I've called this thread to the attention of two colleagues who are much more skilled and knowledgeable in the audio domain.

My question re: allowing time for conforming to complete was a step toward troubleshooting this issue. A reply to that question would help.

Other useful info:

  • does the audio drop out when playing a single clip in the Source Monitor or only when playing a sequence in the Program Monitor?
  • does this happen with projects that were created in CC or only with projects initiated in CS6 (or earlier).
  • are the clips stored locally or on a network? If local, internal drive or external? (the O.P. specified that the content was stored on an XServe Network).
  • What are your system specs?
  • Are any system resource (RAM, CPU, ...) maxed out during playback?
  • Are you running 7.0 or 7.0.1?





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 22, 2013 Oct 22, 2013

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Yes I have allowed it to conform.

  • only when playing a sequence in the program monitor
  • happens with every project I create in CC, haven't imported any old projects from CS6
  • clips are stored locally on an internal drive
  • Early 2013 15" Macbook Pro (retina). 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, 16gb 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000 512MB, )SX 10.8.4
  • No
  • 7.0.1





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New Here ,
Oct 24, 2013 Oct 24, 2013

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I'm intrigued at the similarities in this string to my own problem - and would love to hear what any of you think about my audio-drop-out issue?  Thanks!! --Jacob http://forums.adobe.com/message/5785235#5785235





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 24, 2013 Oct 24, 2013

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This is a MAJOR issue for us as well. Almost to the point of seeking "other" editing solutions, primarily because we've had this issue now ever since switching to PrPro. We've had this issue with CS6 on a MacPro, MacBookPro, and now CC on brand new iMac and MBP.

We are REGULARLY not able to play an entire sequence without the audio dropping out, have to keep on pausing it and hitting play again.

We have plenty of RAM, fast drives, have tried setting Audio Preview scratch disks to different drives, deleted render files, re-rendered. I don't edit with clients sitting in the suite, but I simply can't imagine how another professional editor would explain this to a client! 

I was really hoping CC would solve this issue, but I'm sad to say I'm looking into alernate editing solutions strictly because of this issue. We have to be able to play a sequence without having to hit the spacebar 10 times. Other PrPro editor friends have said the same thing.

Adobe, I would love nothing more than for a solution to this - I'm rooting for you! But I've been editing for 16 years on different pro non-linear editing platforms and this is simply unacceptable.





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New Here ,
Apr 29, 2019 Apr 29, 2019

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Well it's 2019 and I am still having this issue!





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Explorer ,
Oct 24, 2013 Oct 24, 2013

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Pretty surprised this hasn't been resolved. At a local LACUG meeting, it seemed limited to Windows users but apparently not.

I can confirm I have fast enough drives , running Latest video card and motherboard drivers, all updates for CC, all projects and assets accessible locally . Audio from avchd and numerous different forms of audio (mp3, wav, aac).  Randomly drops audio during playback, occurs at different spots each time  and seem to be spontaneous in nature. Tried new projects and old projects Any attempts to narrow it down to a piece of hardware or software  return nothing identifiable as a cause. Only thing I see in common is adobe premiere cc.

Please advise

Message was edited by: JBowdach Correction : audio muxed w avchd, h264, and cineform video files.





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Oct 25, 2013 Oct 25, 2013

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I see that sometimes myself.  Pausing and restarting playback works fine.  I seems to happen when I try and work too fast and the software just can't keep up.





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 25, 2013 Oct 25, 2013

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Does this happen regardless of the content in the sequence? For example, can you repro with:

  1. A single clip on a timeline
  2. A series of clips on the same track
  3. Clips of the same audio type (e.g., all stereo) layered on multiple tracks
  4. Clips of different types (e.g. mix of stereo, 5.1, & multichannel) layered on mult tracks.
  5. nested sequences and multicam sequences





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Oct 25, 2013 Oct 25, 2013

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Honestly, I don't consider this a show stopper, more of a very minor hassle, so I haven't done any investigation on the matter.

1. I don't edit with only one clip, so unknown.

2. Happens on occasion.

3. I have only stereo clips.

4. I have only stereo clips.

5. Nested yes.





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New Here ,
Dec 10, 2013 Dec 10, 2013

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This happens on nearly every project I start in Premiere Pro CC.

It's really frustating and makes editing very difficult. It is almost impossible to watch the flow of an edit.

I used Premiere CS6 and this never happened. In fact I got my entire office to switch from Final Cut 7 to premiere recently because CS6 was so great and chugged through footage without the hassle transcoding.  I very much want this issue resolved.

I am typically working with multiple layers of video and 1 layer of audio - footage straight out of Canon 5D Mark III

This even happens when you quote un quote "render audio" which doesnt make sense to me.

Happens when you render the enite video video with render all effects.

I work on a decked out mac book pro at my office

and a fairly decked out mac mini at my house (though i realize it is still a mac mini)

This happens both when running on an internal drive or firewire 800

I just watched my activity monitor - it seems to happen when the free ram goes to less than 100mb -

however the ram fluxuates a lot when playing back.

I am currently working on a projcet that is 2:30 long. The only applications open are premiere, safari and the activity monitor.

I just opened premiere and flushed the preferences by holding option and shif

Watched the video once entirly with no issue (it was rendered mostly from last time I was working) my free ram started at about 3 gigs available the first time I watched. When it was done playing I had about 1 gig available

I stated playing the video again and the ram went down again to nothing and audio stopped - audio levels die (even though there is audio there) - video played okay. pressing play immediatly to start it fixes it temporarily but then it cuts out again

I went back to the begining again and this time deleted my render files. playback on both A/V were very poor.

I dont know too much about computers but it seems to be a ram issue - this being said my mac mini which i am on right now has 8 gigs and my mac pro at work has 24. Both should be sufficient ram.

Thanks for your help and look forward to Adobe's fix for this issue. I hope it is as pressing for your team as it is for all of us.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2013 Dec 10, 2013

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Is there a way for us to at least get a discount until this is fixed? I mean this is absurd, this thread is 6 months old, and the problem much older than that, and it doesn't seem like Adobe is any closer to a fix. Meanwhile we're being charged $50/month for a program that doesn't function the way it's supposed to.

Adobe wanted so badly for us to switch over when Final Cut X ruined everything, and I did, but at this point I'm considering just biting the bullet and switching to FCPX because I NEED an editing program that can at least play sound properly. How can one efficiently cut a music video to the beat of the song if the song cuts out every 2 seconds?

So yeah, if you can give us a discount until this is fixed, that would be a step in the right direction.





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Participant ,
Dec 11, 2013 Dec 11, 2013

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This happens on every Premiere Pro CC project I've ever worked with. I don't remember it happening in CS6. It never happens in the project's infancy (trimming footage with no effects on a single track, there are never problems) but almost always starts popping up as soon as I begin layering audio and video and the project becomes more complex. Audio will drop out (I don't even get the meters) and then come back after a few seconds. At best it's disruptive to my editing flow, at worst it is infuriating when I'm trying to show a client or get feedback.

2x 2.3Ghz 6-Core Xeons, 16GB Ram, OSX 10.9 (happened in 10.8.3 too). Using a SoundBlaster X-fi USB device. Yes, it's a Hackintosh but I don't think that's the problem here from reading the thread.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 11, 2013 Dec 11, 2013

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I don't understand how any pro editor who regularly edits with client in the suite, can use Premiere. It's simply unacceptable to hit play on a sequence and not be able to have audio play consistently. I've been dealing with this since CS6. In talking with other friends who have switched, they also have the same problem. From all my testing, there's no rhyme or reason, no matter how much RAM, where scratch disks are set, number of video tracks, audio sampling rate, etc.

I'm also baffled that they haven't responded with anything, acknowledged that this is a major issue for so many.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 11, 2013 Dec 11, 2013

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I'm having the same issue as everyone else with the audio dropouts and I can't reliably replicate it each time. It seems random. Sometimes I even lose just one track of audio which is pretty strange. So suddenly the VO will drop out but for some reason the music still plays. Adobe's got the vid part worked out pretty well but I guess audio is too complex? Who knows. It is difficult to work with. I seem to have less of an issue when running it through my BM intensity card. But it still happens on occasion and I get another audio glitch instead. The audio randomly hiccups or stutters like you just squeezed off a burst from an AK-47. I love it cuz it wakes my clients up.

I do know for sure that we need to file a bug report the more of us that do it the better. They don't really pay much attention to the message boards.

I'm running latest PP CC on a 3,1 8-core mac pro. Gtx 570 2.5 gig. 16 gigs of ram.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2013 Dec 11, 2013

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Where can I report this as a bug... officially?





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Engaged ,
Dec 11, 2013 Dec 11, 2013

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