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For an unknown reason, the right & left arrow keys don't work anymore in Premiere. I can't jump one frame at a time, left or right. The up and down arrows keep working properly. I haven't changed anything in the key mapping or the settings in general.
I checked the forums, it seems other people encountered this problem. In most cases it gets solved by unchecking the "Display audio time units" so that we see proper video frame units. I checked and unchecked this setting, but nothing changed.
I checked that the arrow keys have a proper mapping (in case Adobe changed this setting in a recent upgrade), but everything seems fine there.
I did a complete Premiere reboot, no change.
Has anyone experienced the same problem lately? Any hint to fix it? Thanks!
PremierePro 23.2.0
MacBook Pro M1 2021
MacOS Ventura 13.0
Please try resetting preferences:
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Please try resetting preferences:
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It didn't solve it for me. Any otrher tricks to get this solve? Thanks
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Restart the computer?
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It solved the problem, thank you!!!
Curious about what may have happened. As explained in my post, I didn't change any setting. Any clue?
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Resetting preferences unfortunately didn't work for me. I've reinstalled the software and tried from a net new project. I also tried directly on the laptop (as opposed to using my Bluetooth keyboard) and nothing works. When using the right and left arrow, the playhead doesn't move and the "Graphics & Titles" menu blinks (I'm on a Macbook Pro, using the latest Ventura).
The fix that I found was to set my Keyboard Layout Presets to "Adobe Premiere Pro CS6" instead of "Adobe Premiere Pro default" in the "Keyboard Shortcuts..." menu. This is a downgrade in terms of keyboard functionnality, but for my use, it's something I can work with (at least much better then not being able to move frame-by-frame).
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I had the same problem. Resetting everything didn't work, and when using the right and left arrow, the playhead didn't move and the "Graphics & Titles" menu blinks.
I went to Premiere Pro/Keyboard shortcut. In the search bar, I looked for "Step back 1 frame", I dragged and dropped it on the drawing of the left arrow. I did the same with the right arrow but with "step forward 1 frame" and everything is back to normal
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this worked for me. Thx!
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Thank you for sharing this fix. It worked for me too. That said, why do we have to deal with such trouble? I have lost quite an amount of time with this issue that adds up to other issues with Premiere. The more I use it, the less reliable it seems.
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It worked for me. Thanks
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I have seen this issue twice in the last three months. This is what worked for me.
Ctrl+A, copy the content on the offending sequence, create a new sequence and paste content into this new sequence.
This is what has worked for me twice in the last three months.
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Easy fix! Worked for me. Thanks!
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Hello everyone,
I have the same issue with "Graphics & Titles" menu blinking when typing arrows keys.
I tried to restore the default preference settings, it doesn't worked,
I tried to create a new sequence, a new project, doesn't worked,
tried to force shortcuts "Step back 1 frame" and "Step forward 1 frame",
it worked, but then, when I use arrows in any custom panels, it goes back or forward ont timeline panel instead of goning left and right on the panel.
I have the same problem at home on a Mac mini m1 Os 14 (premiere pro 23 and 24) and at work on Windows 10 (PP 23 and 24)
Is this a kown issue ? Is there anything i can do ?
Thanks 🙂
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Same here.. my "Graphics & Titles" menu blinks I'm on a Space Black Sonoma, 14.3 (23D56)
Thanks for the CS6 option, at least I can work now..!
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I had the same problem and after doing several tests with Adobe technical support for 2.5 hours, the technician's solution was to change the left arrow and right arrow keyboard shortcut to "Step Back 1 Frame" and " Step Forward 1 Frame".
I don't understand why this shortcut has disappeared, I have been editing for 20 years and I have always used my arrows to go forward or back an image. Anyway, it works for me.
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Try unchecking the "Show Audio Time Units" in your panel settings.
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Yes, I think it's important to take a look at your sequence position and see if it's changing (and if it's in Audio Time Units). If it is, pressing the forward and back keys actually do work, but almost as an undetectable rate (which is good for certain cases in audio) that you won't notice it.
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Thanks man
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Just had this happen to me and luckily restarting Premiere fixed it. Really glad I didn't have to remap.
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same problem. seems to be this terrible app is terrible. keep trying to jam ai into it though im sure that will fix all the issues with this garbage
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Hey @chumlord,
Try pressing Shift at launch. Reset preferences and delete all the media cache. Let us know if it worked for you. Sorry for the trouble.